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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: MPGeo - 1993 Geo Metro Base
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 51.2 mpg (US), 4.6 L/100 km, 61.4 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 67.5 mpg (US), 3.5 L/100 km, 81.1 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 54.7 mpg (US), 4.3 L/100 km, 65.7 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 33 mpg (US) / 104.6% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 19
  • Average cost per gal/L: $2.10 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 11 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $13.43
  • Average distance cost: $0.04 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 135.62 gal (US), 513.4 L
  • Total distance traveled: 6936.8 mi. / 11163.7 km
  • Total cost: $147.78
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 74.6 gal. (US) / 282.4 L
  • Total saved: $156.66 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 365.1 mi. / 587.6 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2017-06-27 536.98 mi
864.19 km
7.954 gal (US)
6.62 gal (Imp)
30.11 L
268.05 kWh
67.51 mpg (US)
81.11 mpg (Imp)
3.48 L/100 km
1.48 gal (US)/100 mi
499.18 Wh/mi
My Most Aggressive ECO driving to date!

Avg Speed - 47.64
Max Speed - 71.33 (momentary-coasting)
2016-12-11 341.19 mi
549.09 km
7.269 gal (US)
6.05 gal (Imp)
27.52 L
244.97 kWh
($16.42 total for this fill)
46.94 mpg (US)
56.4 mpg (Imp)
5.01 L/100 km
2.13 gal (US)/100 mi
717.99 Wh/mi
2ND Tank Fully Non-Eco driving. 70-75 mph hwy speeds.

** Want to calculated savings on ECO driving vs Non-Eco vs Driving Times for both styles to see if it's really worth my time to drive so slow all the time ??? **

Avg Speed - 51.03
Max Speed - 85.00 (record top speed)
2016-12-07 360.02 mi
579.4 km
7.412 gal (US)
6.17 gal (Imp)
28.06 L
249.78 kWh
($16.3 total for this fill)
48.57 mpg (US)
58.35 mpg (Imp)
4.84 L/100 km
2.06 gal (US)/100 mi
693.79 Wh/mi
Wanted to see what a normal Non-Eco driving tank would look like for the next few tanks... given the aero mods and cold mornings. So this tank is completely 70-75 mph hwy speeds.

** Want to calculated savings on ECO driving vs Non-Eco vs Driving Times for both styles to see if it's really worth my time to drive so slow all the time ??? **

Avg Speed - 57.52
Max Speed - 80.17 (sustained)
2016-12-04 359.77 mi
578.99 km
6.883 gal (US)
5.73 gal (Imp)
26.05 L
231.96 kWh
($13.69 total for this fill)
52.27 mpg (US)
62.79 mpg (Imp)
4.5 L/100 km
1.91 gal (US)/100 mi
644.75 Wh/mi
Mixed High Speed Mornings / ECO driving on return trips

Avg Speed - 56.31
Max Speed - 79.43 (sustained)
2016-11-29 381.19 mi
613.47 km
7.156 gal (US)
5.96 gal (Imp)
27.09 L
241.16 kWh
($14.23 total for this fill)
53.27 mpg (US)
63.96 mpg (Imp)
4.42 L/100 km
1.88 gal (US)/100 mi
632.65 Wh/mi
Avg Speed - 49.24
Max Speed - 77.75 (sustained)
2016-11-24 451.13 mi
726.02 km
8.352 gal (US)
6.96 gal (Imp)
31.62 L
281.46 kWh
($16.78 total for this fill)
54.01 mpg (US)
64.82 mpg (Imp)
4.36 L/100 km
1.85 gal (US)/100 mi
623.9 Wh/mi
Normal ECO driving. Taking country roads when possible, mostly HWY @ 55-65 depending on traffic. Cold morning commutes, warmer return commutes. One late day in to work, so that was a 65-70 mph trip, but besides that one fairly ECO tank.

Avg Speed - 49.08
Max Speed - 72.94 (sustained)
2016-11-19 413.5 mi
665.46 km
7.092 gal (US)
5.91 gal (Imp)
26.85 L
239 kWh
($14.53 total for this fill)
58.31 mpg (US)
69.97 mpg (Imp)
4.03 L/100 km
1.72 gal (US)/100 mi
577.99 Wh/mi
Bit warmer mornings (mid 40's F - mid 50's F), with warmer afternoon return trips. Drove more miles at slower speeds (45-55) on country roads 1/4 of the commutes but only on return trips.

Best full tank to date!

Reset GPS in error before collecting data
2016-11-15 376.47 mi
605.87 km
7.253 gal (US)
6.04 gal (Imp)
27.46 L
244.43 kWh
($14.93 total for this fill)
51.91 mpg (US)
62.33 mpg (Imp)
4.53 L/100 km
1.93 gal (US)/100 mi
649.27 Wh/mi
Temperatures in the Mid 40's F on my morning commutes. One or two days of not so ECO-friendly speeds to make it to work in time.

Avg Speed - 50.72
Max Speed - 77.26 (sustained)
2016-11-10 72.7 mi
117 km
1.185 gal (US)
0.99 gal (Imp)
4.49 L
39.93 kWh
($2.63 total for this fill)
61.35 mpg (US)
73.43 mpg (Imp)
3.84 L/100 km
1.63 gal (US)/100 mi
549.24 Wh/mi
OK, so once I filled up near my job with the 15"s on the previous tank, I put this mileage mainly coming back home. And decided to remove the 15" and place the 12's back on. This tank is almost a 1-way commute trip back home from work, but I was less concerned with FE since I noticed it was not really happening with 15"s so half way home I just decided to go with traffic, and at one point decided to see what the max speed I could reach would be with 15"s. Then once I got home from this trip I replaced tires back to 12"s and headed to gas station to reset my tank. These where the results from my short FE-wreckless driving... Go Figure!

Avg Speed - 51 mph
Max Speed - 80.79 mph (WOT - Level Ground)
2016-11-10 432.51 mi
696.06 km
7.835 gal (US)
6.52 gal (Imp)
29.66 L
264.04 kWh
($17.23 total for this fill)
55.2 mpg (US)
66.34 mpg (Imp)
4.26 L/100 km
1.81 gal (US)/100 mi
610.48 Wh/mi
Complete Tank w/ 165-80-15's. Speeds mostly around 55-60mph.

Avg. Speed - 50.10 mph
Max. Speed - 66.12 mph (down hill - engine off)
2016-11-06 116.5 mi
187.49 km
2.219 gal (US)
1.85 gal (Imp)
8.4 L
74.78 kWh
($5.1 total for this fill)
52.5 mpg (US)
62.97 mpg (Imp)
4.48 L/100 km
1.9 gal (US)/100 mi
641.89 Wh/mi
This mileage reflects only 3/4 of one day's commute to work. All driven based on RPM (2,500) instead of Speed.

The last 15-20 miles where driven as tests recording different RPM vs SPEED readings for 12"s & 15"s prior to tank fill-up to reset tank and start a full fresh tank w/ 15"s for more accurate measurement of 15" effects on FE.
2016-11-04 417.9 mi
672.54 km
7.595 gal (US)
6.32 gal (Imp)
28.75 L
255.95 kWh
($15.94 total for this fill)
55.02 mpg (US)
66.12 mpg (Imp)
4.27 L/100 km
1.82 gal (US)/100 mi
612.47 Wh/mi
Mostly Speeds of 55-60 or under.
Tach installed towards very end of tank.

50 Avg Speed
66 Max Speed (down hill - engine off)
2016-10-29 267.9 mi
431.14 km
5.456 gal (US)
4.54 gal (Imp)
20.65 L
183.87 kWh
49.1 mpg (US)
59.01 mpg (Imp)
4.79 L/100 km
2.04 gal (US)/100 mi
686.34 Wh/mi
Fixed Fuel Leak.

The leak was still present during these miles driven. But once fixed decided to top-off tank to start w/ more accurate MPG w/o fuel loss.
2016-10-26 384.58 mi
618.92 km
8.626 gal (US)
7.18 gal (Imp)
32.65 L
290.7 kWh
44.58 mpg (US)
53.56 mpg (Imp)
5.28 L/100 km
2.24 gal (US)/100 mi
755.89 Wh/mi

Late to work on way in two days in a row, fast driving to catch up (70+ mph)..
2016-10-22 439.44 mi
707.21 km
10.009 gal (US)
8.33 gal (Imp)
37.89 L
337.3 kWh
43.9 mpg (US)
52.75 mpg (Imp)
5.36 L/100 km
2.28 gal (US)/100 mi
767.57 Wh/mi
All Highway Driving
Cruising speeds of 60-65mph.

**Actually seen gas under the car after last tank fill-up, will keep and eye to see if I can spot the whys & whereabouts of this leak. **
2016-10-15 353.2 mi
568.42 km
8 gal (US)
6.66 gal (Imp)
30.28 L
269.6 kWh
44.15 mpg (US)
53.03 mpg (Imp)
5.33 L/100 km
2.27 gal (US)/100 mi
763.31 Wh/mi
All Highway Driving
Cruising speeds of 70-75mph.

**First Tank in which I noticed a gasoline smell **
Think I might have an external leak.
2016-10-12 417.22 mi
671.45 km
8.459 gal (US)
7.04 gal (Imp)
32.02 L
285.07 kWh
49.32 mpg (US)
59.26 mpg (Imp)
4.77 L/100 km
2.03 gal (US)/100 mi
683.26 Wh/mi
All Highway Driving.
Cruising Speeds of 55-60 mph.

I called myself "Eco-Driving" on this tank.
Cutting engine off, and coasting, bump-starting whenever possible, drafting if possible, driving at snail pace in to work... and still came out with less than previous tank.
2016-10-06 431.3 mi
694.11 km
8.547 gal (US)
7.12 gal (Imp)
32.35 L
288.03 kWh
50.46 mpg (US)
60.58 mpg (Imp)
4.66 L/100 km
1.98 gal (US)/100 mi
667.82 Wh/mi
All Highway Driving.
Cruising Speeds of 65-70+ mph.

GPS Tracked a 1-time Max Speed of 82.6 mph. (down-hill)
2016-10-03 383.33 mi
616.91 km
8.318 gal (US)
6.93 gal (Imp)
31.49 L
280.32 kWh
46.08 mpg (US)
55.31 mpg (Imp)
5.1 L/100 km
2.17 gal (US)/100 mi
731.28 Wh/mi
1st tank w/ fresh engine rebuild.
Rotella 15w/40 oil.
Many miles of stop-n-go, hard engine loading conditions for engine break-in.

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