This is an extended cab version, regular bed (6.5'). The 5 Liter engine is rated at 230 hp @4600 rpm.
It has at present (11/24) no modifications (so far) from stock.
It has 250,000 miles on it. It is in excellent mechanical condition, and had recent front end parts replacement (I won't list). it is kept oil undercoated.
Normal driving is generally rural, less than 20 mi/day on mountain roads, at between 35 and 45 mph. Long trips are infrequent. Stoplights and stop signs infrequent.
My subjective experience driving it this fall is that I am getting about 16 mpg in normal use. I drive fuel conservatively based on learned experience with a 2009 Subaru Outback which had a graphic MPG meter for feedback, and on the same routes.
Build Thread:
Current Mods:
Have just added OBDII Bluetooth Dongle, and added Torque App to phone.
Changed engine oil from 5W 30 non-synthetic to 5W-20 synthetic for winter.
Very preliminary daily driving runs are now hovering around 17.8 mpg.
Planned Mods:
mpg meter,
possibly removing eyebrow/sun shade and window rain guards, adding partial tonneau,
blocking grill,
adding wheel covers,
possible "sail" at back of cabin,
looking into possible PCM programming,
further improving driving habits where possible