Winter beater/college commuter, 12mpg muscle car was just beating me up too badly on gas. Lookin' cool does jack squat if I don't have the money to get anywhere.
Build Thread:
Current Mods:
Interior gutted except for drivers seat, which is now a lighter plastic race style seat. Have an old Toyota pickup bucket that I throw in for a passenger seat on the weekend.
Free flowing exhaust and slight tweaks to the factory intake to smooth air flow.
Planned Mods:
Fix the burned exhaust valves so I have decent compression, more power will mean less matted to the floor driving, and that the mixture going in will actually burn instead of slipping past the valve.
H&R Lowering springs, dual purpose mod as it gets me down out of the wind that much more, and makes it more fun for me to drive
Chassis bracing-More for the fun to drive than anything, but hey, keeping my momentum up in the corners instead of speeding up then slowing down has to help economy, right?