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Owner: ElectricZX2
ElectricZX2: 1998 Ford ZX2 Cool Coupe
Displacement: 9 L
Fuel type: electric
Transmission: manual
Curb weight: 2475 lbs
Coefficient of drag: 0.33
Frontal area: 19.8 sq.ft.
Instrumentation: custom
Description: 1998 Escort ZX2:
-Impulse 9 DC motor
-Custom 43ah 135 volt lipo pack (can switch 15v 40ah lithium accessory battery into loop for more power/speed)
-1000amp openrevolt diy beta controller
-2 High efficiency 74 volt chargers
-Weight 2300 lbs (200 less than ice)
-27 mile range @ 80% DOD mixed driving.
-Power = 175hp, 190lb-ft
-Fast (much faster than original which was 0-60 in 7.5 seconds)
Build Thread:
Current Mods: -Started with lead acid batteries, forklift motor and controller at 96 volts (600wh/mile measured at wall with kilawatt meter or 56mpge)
-Removed a/c
-Blew up forklift controller and added curtis 1231c
-Replaced 800 pounds of lead with small 135v lipo pack that weighs 100 pounds and can supply 1500 amps (efficiency jumped to 300 wh/mile or 111 mpge over 500 miles mixed driving)
-Fried forklift motor running too many volts. Installed openrevolt beta controller and Impulse 9 motor. Added front grill block (efficiency currently 226 wh/mile at wall or 148 mpge over 300 plus miles of mixed city/highway (highway speed = 65 mph) not hypermileing.
-Have seen 195 wh/mile when hypermileing or 171 mpge.
-wh/mile out of the batteries is generally in the 160-200 range depending on environment

Planned Mods: Mirror delete (cameras)
Lower ground clearance
Full underbelly
Range Extender
Official Fuel Economy Ratings
EPA city 22 mpg(US)
EPA highway 31 mpg(US)
EPA combined 25 mpg(US)

Actual Fuel Economy Performance
Lifetime 140.91 mpg(US)
Last 3 tanks 140.91 mpg(US)
90 days 140.91 mpg(US)
View Fuel Log
Last updated: Sep 08, 2011

(Created: 2011-09-08 11:39:36 / Modified: 2011-09-09 11:39:56)

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