This is my bicycle, I'm putting this up here because I want to try an experiment. I'm going to use the generally excepted number of 31000 calories per gallon of gas to figure out how much "gas" I burn using my bicycle when I commute and seeing what kind of equivalent gas millage I'm getting by using by bicycle to commute around town rather then my car.
The average I'm using to do the math are as follows.
I found that most people on blogs and what not are burning about 33 calories per mile at a 15mph speed average (which is what I usually do when commuting). which means you burn about 8 calories per minute (4 minutes in a 15mph mile). So what I am doing is just finding how long I road for and multiplying that by 8 to get the calories I burned and then dividing it by 31000 to get the equivalent gallons I used of "gas".
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Something to monitor how many calories I burn in real time so I can make this more accurate.