Corner scoops / air guides are fitted to just about all European cab-over-engine trucks.
my observation on these is that they are near the sides of the grill only wich makes me think they're there either get more air into the grill or less at speed when you might want the air to go round them. i think the primary goal is cooling however, given the overall lack of attention to aero on these trucks with square corners sticking into the airflow everywhere.
that said i wouldn't just dismiss the bmw setup as just marketing, it's usually little details that cause little changes in drag. in fact the new ford fiesta over at the parking lot at work has two open side scoops that lead into the bumper and i think there's some vents in the front fender too. could be the same thing.
when looking at the bmw efficient dynamics concept there's something interesting too

the car seems to have some sort of scoops on the front and this picutes shows theres actual clean ducts to the wheel wells and not radiators or whatever
seems like the same thing going on there