Quatrevelo Velomobile for sale
This is brand new I only test rode it for 6 mi max. My plans have changed. This is an 11-speed with separate set of gears for climbing. This is about the only brand that's a four-wheeler instead of three which makes it less tippy for flying down hills and around curves. Carbon fiber body.I also ordered the convertible type tail piece for people that want more open air. All these are built in Europe with expensive shipping brokerage and custom fees. I can possibly provide enclosed delivery to the lower 48 states. 14,000 or best reasonable offer. This is brand new no scratches on body! Never seen rain! I'm having a terrible time trying to load pictures. If someone is interested we can go outside and I can easily text pictures to anybody interested. This is a bright yellow with racing hood, tunnel cover dual mirrors. I chose the metallic yellow which is a $200 extra. It comes with white reflective accents on the sides. I'm sorry I'm struggling with the pictures. If you simply Google the brand name you will easily see images. I have it on Facebook and my local area in Southwest Washington with all the pictures. I hope this helps.
06 Chev MonteC JG#24tribute car 30mpg 00 Honda Insight 63MPG 98 Buick Park Ave3.8 33MPG 89 Toyota Corolla wag 60MPG so far 81 VW Rabbit diesel pu 50MPG+ 80 Mercedes 240D stick 30-ish 90 vette 6-speed,29ish 07 Honda ST1300 55MPG 83 Honda 650 GL 64MPG 19 Suzuki dr200 88MPG23 HondaGrom?+Tow K10D Sub 26mpg NEVER,NEVER GIVE UP!
SLOW DOWN AND SMOOTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by larrybuck; Yesterday at 06:10 PM..
Reason: Adding texts so people can find pictures