Forum: Open ReVolt: open source DC motor controller
06-24-2010, 03:32 AM
Replies: 7,381
Views: 2,542,589
Forum: Open ReVolt: open source DC motor controller
06-23-2010, 11:18 PM
Replies: 7,381
Views: 2,542,589
Welcome Exrdega!!
What kind of trouble have...
Welcome Exrdega!!
What kind of trouble have you been having with RTD Explorer? When I started designing it, I wanted it to be as simple as possible.
Is there any questions about it I can...
Forum: Open ReVolt: open source DC motor controller
01-26-2010, 11:38 AM
Replies: 7,381
Views: 2,542,589
Well, To let everybody know there is a new...
Well, To let everybody know there is a new version on RTD Explorer on the site now. If you run the versions you all have an update should pop up and it will update to the latest version. Version...