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mjboks 12-03-2009 10:15 AM

Aerocap for a Tacoma Pickup?
4 Attachment(s)
Okay, I've lurked around this forum a bit and found a handful of aerocap or aerolid including Bondo amazing aerolid, sepp's Nissan Aerocap (both versions), electricmans dakato aerocap along with akashic concept on his 1st gen tacoma and even the production version of aero canopies style they offer in Europe.

So I've reviewed many of the aero discussions about the optimal kamm back angle to avoid the dreaded seperation. Originally I was thinking of designing an aerocap with the magically 11-12 degree angle just for simplicity but then began reading the threads about the streamline template. Take a look at the image and let me know if I did that right and what do you think. When I overlay a 12 degree with a small transition curved area, it almost matches the template perfectly.

cighon 12-03-2009 12:41 PM

I also have been looking around for a cap to my '10 Nissan Frontier. Great start.

ldjessee00 12-03-2009 02:54 PM

Going to go with a clear section to see through?

How about side windows/cargo compartments?

Do you have any other use requirements, like it needs to be able to come apart and stowaway while carrying larger cargo that will not fit underneath?

mjboks 12-03-2009 03:17 PM

I thought about the see through issue but the location that is most important is right at the bend above the tailgate. I'm pretty good with just side mirrors but might like that rear viability of tailgaters. I might have to think about that some more.

Side cargo windows also would be nice. I found a dealer on ebay that makes custom picture windows for campers. I figure at least one from the cab to see back and then maybe a couple small side ones.

Hopefully it can be light enough so I can disconnect and lift it off with two people. I would say 95 percent of the time I can get away with a roof rack and storing gear underneath. I was thinking a hitch rack for bike transport would take the place of bikes in the bed. I think that'd be more aero.

I think the hardest part is lining up the aerocap with the back of the cab. The Tacoma has quite the contour on the sides and back. However, i want to keep this simple without any complex curves.

ccrider 12-05-2009 02:27 PM

i am glad i found this forum. i have a 2002 tacoma 2.4 4 cylinder 2wd 5 speed regular cab that i am collecting the wood to make a aero cap for shortly. i am currently getting just above 30 mpg. i have been figuring the back angle also and if i make the angle 11 degrees there will be only a 9' drop from the cab to the tail gate. the cab is about 21" so the verticle will be 12". but the caps i am seeing on this forum like the nissan and the ford f150 ones are 5" to nothing verticle at the tailgate. i am trying to figure how high i should make the back?

my truck is in pretty rough shape so i dont mind if it isnt the prettiest thing. i am planning on making it out of wood because of the trade i am in. i am figuring i can make it out of 2 sheets (39lbs) of plywood and 8 8' 2x2's (my guess 40lbs). so i am thinking it will weigh around 80lbs. i am not thinking of making it so i can see through it. if it bothers me i will install a back up camera mounted on the licence plate that can be bought at auto part stores. i am going to make the back panel above the tail gate removable so i can take a few screws out and i will have the height of the tail gate plus maybe about 10" to get in the bed. i also want to be able to remove the cap easily so i am going to try and mount it with some cap clamps from the inside.

aerohead 12-05-2009 02:46 PM

That IS the way to use the template.
I did a more comprehensive thread with "aerodynamic streamline template" which has a better "minimum" criteria for attached flow if you want to do a search for that.

ccrider 12-06-2009 04:08 PM


ccrider 12-06-2009 04:09 PM

ok how do i post pics?

MadisonMPG 12-06-2009 05:18 PM

Variety of options.

Simplest being

ccrider 12-06-2009 08:24 PM

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