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Cobb 10-25-2012 07:48 PM

Any diy voltage doublers for a hybrid phev kit?

Daox 10-25-2012 08:01 PM

I've looked around the net quite a bit. I have not been able to find a dc-dc anywhere near what you'd need for a car application. First off, nothing will bump your voltage up to the 144V+ that is needed to charge a car's pack. Second, they don't supply anywhere near the power that the enginer dc-dc converter does.

I'm sure you could contact any company that makes dc-dc converters and they could make you one, but you'd be paying a very high price for it.

Its sad to see enginer go out of business. He had a good idea, too bad he just had so many problems with it. The website doesn't say anything about going out of business. Where did you hear this info?

DIY is definitely possible, just start reading up about how to build your own dc-dc converter. The concept isn't complex, but it seems controlling everything makes things quite a bit more complicated. I have looked into this a little bit as well.

Ryland 10-25-2012 08:22 PM

what kind of specs do you need?
The easy option that I see is taking a cheap ($300) off the shelf 20amp inverter that has a 48v input, using a step up transformer to get you to the 144v needed or even tweaking it's voltage regulator to give you that 144v output then rectifying it.
otherwise I think some of the open source battery chargers that are large switching power supplies take a DC input and can give a wide range of outputs.

Cobb 10-25-2012 09:18 PM


Ryland 10-26-2012 02:25 AM

Bridge Rectifiers | Mouser

These guys are showing 25 amp, 200v bridge rectifiers with a 1.1v drop... at least I think I'm looking at the specs right, either way you would want a heat sink on it as well, maybe a small fan as well.

I would look more at the open source chargers and see if the design could be tweaked to work with a 48v DC input.

Cobb 10-28-2012 11:34 AM


Cobb 12-16-2012 08:49 PM


mort 12-17-2012 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cobb (Post 345794)
Purchased 3 of them and got them in the mail. Got an extension cord Ive cut up and am ready to wire it in use a light bulb as a load and see what the voltage is on the output side. Just trying to find the pin out. Its square shape with a notch cut out on one side and all connectors are in one orientation except one.

Soon as I figure it out I will apply power, watch what I touch and take readings. :thumbup:

I assume you've got it figured by now, but just in case - the odd oriented pin is the +. The diagonally opposite pin is -. The other diagonal pair is for AC. That is, this is a bridge of 4 diodes. Two share a common cathode at the odd pin (+). The two other diodes share a common anode at the - pin. The mixed anode-cathode connections are at the other 2 connectors.

Cobb 12-18-2012 07:14 AM


Daox 12-18-2012 08:19 AM

BTW, Enginer isn't out of business. However, it was sold to a new owner.

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