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Creeper 04-05-2011 07:51 PM

CAI vs WAI (documented un basis test)
Ok since my search for CAI vs WAI revealed 2500+hits and after checking 350 of them that were relevent to my search came up with nothing. I am at a bit of a cross road, has any company or anyone done a comparetive test of both a CAI and WAI on similar vehicles? I am not refering to all of our results as it seems to be a split between the two but has a professional test team in controlled situation attempted this with various vehicle over a period of time.

gone-ot 04-05-2011 09:48 PM

CAI = HP increase goal
WAI = FE increase goal

Creeper 04-06-2011 12:06 AM

My personal experiance contridicts that statement. I ran a Warm air on my car and it ran like **** flat out horrible and my tank useage went from 400-450 all the way to 350 at best. With the Cold air I am getting 600+ without heading into WOT (Wide Open Thottle). Hence why I am looking for documented testing from an unbasis outside source.

Ryland 04-06-2011 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Creeper (Post 230034)
My personal experiance contridicts that statement. I ran a Warm air on my car and it ran like **** flat out horrible

What was your air intake temp? and what were you using to track your fuel use?
From what I've read, once you get your intake air over about 110-120F you start to see negative results, that is why a thermostatically controlled warm air intake is best.

Creeper 04-06-2011 08:59 PM

Not sure of the temp acoring to guys on the Suzuki forums we all have that problem. Our exhaust manifold is right by the air intake and I mean the intake is right next to the manifolds conection to the engine. That and the engine get extremly hot only takes 5min to warm up at -15C let along on a hot summer day.

Second not where did you get the figure from?

I tracked the fule use with my trip meter and wright down each tank I used to run the tank dry just to make sure what I was getting. Best I got in the city before my intake was 475 full to empty with the addition 10L I was able to squeeze in.

mcrews 04-06-2011 09:49 PM

you really cant run mpg like that......
Read the posts on a-b-a testing.
Cause what your saying is that every mile, and every trip, and every hour yor drive are exactly the same.

A guy on another forum said he got 'an average of 1.2mpg better over 3 tanks of gas"

Where is the base test????
Trip computers are great. I installed one in 1979 on my 1966 mustang.
But if you are going to talk about how something changes the results, you have to show a 'controlled test'
how do we know the swift forum didnt decide to go to hot air at the start of the winter gas?????

you said "tank dry just to make sure what I was getting"

i call bs on your whole post. DRY??????? you mean you literally run uot of gas, how do you manage to always be near a gas pump when you run "DRY".

vskid3 04-07-2011 01:13 AM

My WAI seems to help my car, but I haven't been able to do anything remotely like A-B-A testing. With my partial grille block keeps my intake temp at about 110F at freeway speeds with the temp about 60F outside. Seems to have added a couple MPGs, but I did it at about the same time as the grille block, so part of that may be from aerodynamics.

JeepNmpg2 04-07-2011 02:33 AM

I run a CAI on my Cherokee and intake temps are consistantly about 40° F above ambient air tempreture. It's about perfect when it's 80-85° and crap when it's 10°.

FastPlastic made an interesting mod to his stock airbox to pull heat off of the manifold (I may have to go this route in the winter months or find a way to support my filter without the shroud).

Hope this helps!

Creeper 04-07-2011 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by mcrews (Post 230202)
you really cant run mpg like that......
Read the posts on a-b-a testing.
Cause what your saying is that every mile, and every trip, and every hour yor drive are exactly the same.

A guy on another forum said he got 'an average of 1.2mpg better over 3 tanks of gas"

Where is the base test????
Trip computers are great. I installed one in 1979 on my 1966 mustang.
But if you are going to talk about how something changes the results, you have to show a 'controlled test'
how do we know the swift forum didnt decide to go to hot air at the start of the winter gas?????

you said "tank dry just to make sure what I was getting"

i call bs on your whole post. DRY??????? you mean you literally run uot of gas, how do you manage to always be near a gas pump when you run "DRY".

I kept a 10L gas tank in the car when i was doing this lets say it was a bad time in my life I also wrote down every tank useage over the course of a month I knew from empty that I put in 10L and when i filled up how many L I put in subtracted the standard 53.5L that the car can take lets say I got 60L in i.e I put 50-51L in the car. I knew that 9.5L was the extra gas pumped in meaning that I burned through on aveage 2-5L between fill ups. I'm not here to start a fight just looking for information. Test info thats all.

Creeper 04-07-2011 04:40 PM

I will also put this up before my Cruiser was a show car I did run a WAI and noticed a mpg gain on that hence why I am surprised it dose not work for my Optra. Hence why I am asking. I have seen results on both I am not pro to either. I just am looking for some detailed un basis info on both.

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