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hat_man 09-03-2017 08:30 PM

Curb weight list
I know we have a list on here Cd, but does anyone know if there is a list on here (or anywhere for that matter) for curb weights. Been surfing the net for about an hour with no real luck. Maybe it just doesn't exist.

oil pan 4 09-03-2017 08:41 PM

Individual vehicles you can look up, but I don't think I have come across a weight chart.

M_a_t_t 09-03-2017 10:26 PM

For my van, if you google "astro van weight" it comes up (3953-4591). Or you can go to the scrap yard and have it weighed. Otherwise, check the manual if you have it. My service manual says the weight of my motorcycle.

oil pan 4 09-03-2017 11:43 PM

The best way to know is get your vehicle weighed.

hat_man 09-04-2017 11:10 AM

It's for another project. Another electrician and I are thinking about doing a DIY electric conversion and are trying to pick a donor.

Stubby79 09-04-2017 12:03 PM

What's your criteria? Weight wise and everything else? (Safety, number of doors, number of seats, top speed, etc)

hat_man 09-04-2017 02:58 PM

Definitely lightweight.

Preferably 2-door, FE/RWD, American made would be nice but probably not realistic.

Right now we've narrowed it down to a Miata or a TR7. TR7's are hard to find but nice and sporty with a factory hardtop (coupe). The Miata's are convertible's with an aftermarket hardtop available. Chevy Vega's and Ford Pinto's fit but aren't very "cool" looking. Mustang's (even the Mustang II's) are surprisingly heavy for their size compared to the Miata's.

If it had to be a mid-engine/RWD maybe a Fiat x1/9 or a Fiero (even though they are a bit heavy) The Toyota MR2 (1st gen) is light and the 2nd gen are sporty but heavy, but neither leaves much working room and tolerances may be tight.

FE/FWD would be something like a Honda CRX (HF preferably) or Mazda MX3 but the same lack of working room and tolerances may apply.

Ecky 09-04-2017 05:20 PM

Weight is not going to significantly affect range. CdA is the important number on the highway.

1st gen Geo Metro hatch is popular because it's just under 1600lbs. Couldn't tell you the engine weight.

G1 Honda Insight is all aluminum, ~1850lbs with the hybrid system in-place, which weighs about 100lbs. The engine and transmission weight about 200lbs together, dry.

Stubby79 09-04-2017 05:42 PM

If you want FE/RWD, I'd go for the Miata. Early ones weigh about 2100lbs. Not a lot of room to work with, but it's doable. Not very aerodynamic, though.

Notchback Fieros start at about 2400lbs. GTs(Fastbacks) are ~2700lbs. You'd have room under the hood and in the engine bay for batteries. Parts are getting hard to come by.

MX3's are ~2400lbs for the 4 cylinder and a good 2500lbs for the V6. The earliest/lightest CRXs are a touch over 1500lbs, lighter than even a Geo Metro. The later version of the Metro hatch like I used starts around 1800lbs, the engine in which weighs about 120lbs.

No idea about the others.

Weight will affect acceleration. Or determine just how big of a motor you will need for the same level of performance.

gone-ot 09-04-2017 08:50 PM

Try looking at the "test" data the manufacturers send to EPA; should be available for older vehicles:

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