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Natalya 05-09-2021 01:55 PM

Cyber Attack --> Gas Price Increase?

Y'all heard anything about this? I remember noticing gas was above $2.50 here yesterday. Good thing I'm getting over 80 miles a gallon on my current tank...

Stubby79 05-09-2021 01:58 PM

It's about $6 Canadian ($5 US) here at the moment.

Even so, it's only costing me about $10 a week to drive to work and back. :D

rmay635703 05-09-2021 03:50 PM

Around here Gas has gone from $2.25 to $2.8X in the last couple months

freebeard 05-09-2021 04:51 PM


An Eastern European-based criminal gang known as DarkSide may be responsible, a US official and another person familiar with the matter indicated to the Washington Post.
WaPo Gaslighting much? :)

Motor fuel is experiencing similar rise to other commodities. Lumber is plus 250%.

Isaac Zachary 05-09-2021 06:02 PM

Am I bad for wanting fuel prices to increase to the point people would stop buying CUV's?

redneck 05-09-2021 07:49 PM




LingLongRaceTeam 05-09-2021 08:59 PM

Our fuel prices are like 110% taxes, as elections coming up they all agree to raise them even quicker as planned.
Because higher transportation costs for everything will save the planet.

Isaac Zachary 05-09-2021 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by redneck (Post 647770)





LingLongRaceTeam 05-09-2021 11:42 PM

People would switch to electric 3Ton-CUVs... I dont think that would be better...

A smaller CUV with a proper engine/transmission can be (almost) just as efficient as a full size sedan or compact station wagon. As they often use the same platforms higher ground clearance ist the biggest difference.

redpoint5 05-10-2021 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary (Post 647764)
Am I bad for wanting fuel prices to increase to the point people would stop buying CUV's?

Depends. If your delight is efficient use of resources, then no. If your delight is for humanity to struggle and diminish, with the poorest suffering the most, than yes.

Isaac Zachary 05-10-2021 03:26 AM

I read an article from Car and Driver that talked about when Mazda ditched the MAZDA6 Wagon (2007?) and how their CUV alternative at that time had less passenger space, less cargo space, less power, got worse fuel mileage and cost more. :confused:

My ideal vehicle would be as efficient as possible, while still being practical. I think an Aptera-like vehicle could be made practical.

Also, my buying decisions will have to conform to the popular opinion whether I like it or not. How long will I keep my current cars? 10, 20, 30 years from now, will the only thing I'll be able to buy is a CUV, new or used?

Autobahnschleicher 05-10-2021 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary (Post 647764)
Am I bad for wanting fuel prices to increase to the point people would stop buying CUV's?

Would be funny to see gasoiline at 5€/L here and 10-15$/gallon in the US for a while.
I don't realy need to drive much as I work from home, ride my bike most of the time and my motorcycle needs some 2L/100 km.

Would be funny to see what happens to all these trucks/SUVs over in the US:D

LingLongRaceTeam 05-10-2021 09:10 AM

If you just cant afford to drive to work anymore, you report sick and the end of the budget.

And if you would need a plumper etc. he will charge you for his transportation costs. Just as the food prices will also increase, they dont move by ghosthand to your shop

Autobahnschleicher 05-10-2021 11:00 AM

I said "for a while" for a reason.
And 5€/L or 10-15$/gallon wouldn't exactly be a death-sentence to people.
Driving would only get a little more expensive, especialy for oversized vehicles.
People would still get to work, but likely carpool more.

LingLongRaceTeam 05-10-2021 12:37 PM

Who defines what is "oversized"? If people think they need a truck or big SUV they may have their reasons for that. And they pay more for it.

If you start with that BS for whatever reason you end up like in socialism.
If the car size is so important, and the type?
Why have personal cars anyway?
Flying Pidgeon Bicycle enough to go to slave-wage work,.. want a car? get in line maggot, after 12 Years your Trabant twostroke will be ready, youre going to need that time so save up the money anyway... Dont like it? shut up or no potatoes in the winter.

Isaac Zachary 05-10-2021 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by LingLongRaceTeam (Post 647804)
Who defines what is "oversized"? If people think they need a truck or big SUV they may have their reasons for that. And they pay more for it.

If you start with that BS for whatever reason you end up like in socialism.
If the car size is so important, and the type?
Why have personal cars anyway?
Flying Pidgeon Bicycle enough to go to slave-wage work,.. want a car? get in line maggot, after 12 Years your Trabant twostroke will be ready, youre going to need that time so save up the money anyway... Dont like it? shut up or no potatoes in the winter.

They do have the right to buy whatever they want, but what about me? So I have the right to go buy whatever vehicle suits me, right? How about a new station wagon?... Oh wait, they don't sell those anymore in the USA because everyone else wants an SUV. So now my choices are dwindling unless I join the SUV band wagon.

The minivan will be the next vehicle to disappear. The choices are starting to become either an economy car or an SUV of some sort. Anything else will be offered in the luxury category only.

Autobahnschleicher 05-10-2021 12:49 PM

Oh, I forgot.
A single occupant absolutely needs a 2 ton vehicle to go to work.

redpoint5 05-10-2021 12:58 PM

My 0.6L motorcycle weighs under 500 lbs and gets worse fuel economy than my 1.8L 1.5-ton Prius.

Larger vehicles don't necessarily have to be inefficient, and vice versa. The RAV4 Prime supposedly achieves 40 MPG while having 300 horsepower on tap.

Isaac Zachary 05-10-2021 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by redpoint5 (Post 647807)
My 0.6L motorcycle weighs under 500 lbs and gets worse fuel economy than my 1.8L 1.5-ton Prius.

Larger vehicles don't necessarily have to be inefficient, and vice versa. The RAV4 Prime supposedly achieves 40 MPG while having 300 horsepower on tap.

The RAV4 also has less leg room, 4-star overall NHTSA crash-test rating, barely makes the IIHS's Top Safety Picks list (only with certain options) and with the same engine configuration gets less fuel mileage than the Camry, even though it's only about 50 to 70lbs heavier than the Camry.

The Camry, on the other hand, has more leg room, a perfect NHTSA crash-test rating, is on the Top Safety Picks Plus list, and, when paired with the same engine, gets better fuel mileage than the RAV4.

What the RAV4 has going for it is higher ground clearance and double the cargo capacity and that they made a Prime version of it. The RAV4 may have more head room, but after being in the rear of a few and in the rear of several Camrys, I'd take the Camry any day for better leg room.

redpoint5 05-10-2021 02:15 PM

Every design has its advantages and disadvantages.

I'm 6'2" and never had headroom clearance issues except for a 1998 Camry with moonroof, and it was minor. Usually I can simply lower the seat height.

My preference is better handling than ground clearance in most cases, but I'd like at least 1 vehicle capable of crawling up rarely traveled logging roads.

In my view, the gen III Prius was close to the ideal in utility and efficiency. I can fit a ton of stuff in it, with great effort travel some pretty gnarly logging roads, it handles fine, it's comfortable enough... it does everything pretty well.

Vwbeamer 05-10-2021 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Autobahnschleicher (Post 647785)
Would be funny to see gasoiline at 5€/L here and 10-15$/gallon in the US for a while.
I don't realy need to drive much as I work from home, ride my bike most of the time and my motorcycle needs some 2L/100 km.

Would be funny to see what happens to all these trucks/SUVs over in the US:D

It would only affect the southeast. We still have gas, just have to truck it, opposed to pumping it in a pipeline. the cost is much greater trucking it.

Trivia, the pipe line passes within a mile of house.

The pipe line pumps both diesel and gas. when they switch from one to another, the fuels mix and you get what is called mixed fuel. There is a gas turbine power station near me that uses the fuel to make electrical power.

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 05-10-2021 07:38 PM

All that talk regarding oversized vehicles remind me the day I stopped at a gas station nearby to get me some coffee and a snack for my dog, then I started to talk with a guy who worked at the convenience store of that gas station about how even cars classified here as a compact became oversized somehow. The guy pointed out a majority of the vehicles he would see on a daily basis often carried only the driver and no more than one passenger. On a sidenote, the SUV craze is also quite strong in my country, even though sometimes a small car may perform better on mild off-road conditions than an overwhelming majority of the new SUVs.


Originally Posted by Autobahnschleicher (Post 647785)
Would be funny to see what happens to all these trucks/SUVs over in the US:D

Many would be quite sad to find out I'm not Mexican while I try to dissuade them from asking me to help them smuggle non-certified Diesel engines for them to swap into their rides :turtle:

LingLongRaceTeam 05-11-2021 08:37 AM


A single occupant absolutely needs a 2 ton vehicle to go to work.
Yeah, but maybe he gave his children before a lift to school, and need a bigger car for occasional traveling, transports or activities on the weekend?
So, a second car which is "socialy right" to drive alone? Maybe a third one?


On a sidenote, the SUV craze is also quite strong in my country, even though sometimes a small car may perform better on mild off-road conditions than an overwhelming majority of the new SUVs.
Well people want these cars, I also own something like a "SUV" (38 MPG) which would be considered small by US standards.

But what type of cars would people actually need if there would be only one option?

Something of the size of an Corola, Jetta etc. - Station Wagon option.
Front wheel Drive,
a little longer wheelbase and the ability to move the backseats to be actually used by 4 Adults.
Optimum would be an adaptable suspension, and torque on demand all wheel drive.
Economic Engine with 6 gear stickshift or a light 8-Speed Automatic.

Versatile enough to be used for almost all demands, and able to get a real good mileage of 45mpg and better. The technology exists.

Pretty Close to it might be a design like the lada vesta, or new Renault Logan, with a engine like the 1.6 Skyactive Mazda, toyota 8-Speed from the camry, or the 1.5 Diesel from Peugeot that would be already pretty amazing.

ksa8907 05-11-2021 09:20 AM

You're never going to force people to buy a car they don't want.

If gas gets too expensive for their lifted 4x4 truck then the consumers wants will change.

In any case, folks will always buy what they want.

Example: for our family, having plenty of space and creature comforts was important and we made purchases accordingly. Honestly, fuel economy is near the end of the list of importance.

Piotrsko 05-11-2021 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Vwbeamer (Post 647812)
It would only affect the southeast. We still have gas, just have to truck it, opposed to pumping it in a pipeline. the cost is much greater trucking it.

Trivia, the pipe line passes within a mile of house.

The pipe line pumps both diesel and gas. when they switch from one to another, the fuels mix and you get what is called mixed fuel. There is a gas turbine power station near me that uses the fuel to make electrical power.

Don't they run a pig between the different batches? All the ones down in BAKERSFIELD did.

redpoint5 05-11-2021 10:29 AM

I'll reiterate that usually people don't make purchasing decisions based on rational criteria, and even some of their irrational criteria can somewhat be considered rational.

If people were rational, advertising would only exist to inform, but you'll notice most advertisements contain zero facts about the product, but instead play a catchy tune, have good looking people using the product, and convey some "you deserve" message.

A man deciding to purchase a truck he doesn't need can improve his appeal to women. Even though he might not consciously come to that conclusion, the subconscious can just make us think a truck is just cool. So long as women find men who drive trucks more attractive, they will be sold for reasons other than utility. There's hardly a woman on earth that would rate a photo of a man sitting in a Prius as attractive as a photo of him sitting in a truck.

Piotrsko 05-11-2021 10:32 AM

Haven't met my wife? She's a firm believer that the bigger the truck the less endowed you are.

redpoint5 05-11-2021 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Piotrsko (Post 647862)
Haven't met my wife? She's a firm believer that the bigger the truck the less endowed you are.

I'm sure she says that, but you only say what you're conscious of. There's also the fact that the exception doesn't disprove the rule.

Is a well dressed man "compensating"? How about one that works out? If a man speaks confidently, is he compensating? Are firemen compensating?

Men make thousands of decisions either consciously or subconsciously that are meant to boost their status and image, and hence appear more attractive to women. I doubt a genital study would reveal anything with regards to truck buyers. I do have my suspicions about AntiFa members though :P

Natalya 05-11-2021 11:37 AM

Holy fu˘king hell y'all turned what was supposed to be a fuel price discussion into dick-size speculation.

Stubby79 05-11-2021 11:50 AM

Isn't that how most conversations go?

redpoint5 05-11-2021 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Natalya (Post 647868)
Holy fu˘king hell y'all turned what was supposed to be a fuel price discussion into dick-size speculation.

So, what's your guess?

LingLongRaceTeam 05-11-2021 12:46 PM


a fuel price discussion into dick-size speculation.
Does fuel price matter?

Vwbeamer 05-11-2021 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Piotrsko (Post 647856)
Don't they run a pig between the different batches? All the ones down in BAKERSFIELD did.

I don't work there, but it was discribed to me as a jelly like fluid between the different fuels, I'm guessing there is still some mixing of the fuels.

All this info is second hand from a friend that works at the co-gen plant.

Vwbeamer 05-11-2021 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Piotrsko (Post 647862)
Haven't met my wife? She's a firm believer that the bigger the truck the less endowed you are.

My wife and me pulled up behind a jacked up 4WD truck, loud as heck, complete with truck nuts. I asked he how big she thought that guys junk was. She look over at me and held her thumb and index finger about half an inch apart.

LingLongRaceTeam 05-11-2021 02:14 PM

Sitting in your Toyota Tacoma SR Double Cab 4WD Pickup Truck?

Isaac Zachary 05-11-2021 03:41 PM

I don't think the majority of SUV/pickup owners are trying to make up for something. They've just been mislead by the current fad.

If people were trying to stand out then we wouldn't have such a large percentage of vehicles that are grey with no mods or accessories.

freebeard 05-11-2021 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Don't they run a pig between the different batches?

James Bond movie says yes.

Timcast IRL have Max and Stacey on today! They're saying that the Darkside hacker group said "My bad!" and they won't accept any ransom money. So, all normal again, right? Right?

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 05-11-2021 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Natalya (Post 647868)
Holy fu˘king hell y'all turned what was supposed to be a fuel price discussion into dick-size speculation.

That's the most usual approach taken as an attempt to ridicule Americans and anybody else who have their motivations to like trucks.

LingLongRaceTeam 05-11-2021 07:28 PM

But driving a VW Lupo also didn't increase my dicksize.

Vwbeamer 05-11-2021 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by LingLongRaceTeam (Post 647877)
Sitting in your Toyota Tacoma SR Double Cab 4WD Pickup Truck?

4 cylinders
I have two kids, so l need a crew cab
Most importantly, my truck nuts are chrome plated
That makes all the difference.

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