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jedi_sol 10-11-2010 06:48 PM

Del Sol, Underbelly Pan
1/31/2012 Update on page 4, bellypan version 2.0

Xxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Black Coroplast for stealth


Work in Progress:

Filling up the gaps:

Driver side complete:

Next: passenger side, rear bumper

Otto 10-12-2010 12:06 AM

Black looks all macho and whatnot, but white reflects heat better. Makes obvious any drips, leaks, or burns/distortions, handy to know about. Also makes it easier to see what you're doing while crawling under the car.

Near heat sources, you might consider application of aluminum foil tape (like duct tape, but stronger, costs about the same at hardware store).

miket 10-12-2010 12:29 AM

White reflect sunlight better but does white coroplast reflect infrared better than black??

I think black might last longer in UV which isnt an issue below the car. If you wanted a material that last longer and looks better than coroplast buy alumalite. Alot of people make splitters and sometimes undertrays for their expensive sports cars out of that.

jedi_sol 10-12-2010 03:16 PM

Updates: Passenger side, rear bumper
Passenger side: unscrew taps holding on the side skirt, this allows you to slide the coroplast in between the side skirt and body.

There is also a small opening for the jack point where you can thread the coroplast up to hold it in place while you are screwing it in.

Closing the gaps on the rear bumper:

Finished Product, Rear bumper:

Mid-car, showing exhaust clearance:

View from the front:

Observations: did a preliminary quick run through my usual test spot, got 54.6mpgs (my previous run with current aero mods minus the belly pan 51mpg).

will do a few more runs to get a more accurate reading. Oh, and the road noise has decreased immensely!

dennyt 10-12-2010 05:02 PM

Nice work! Where'd you get the coroplast, what thickness, and what did it set you back?

euromodder 10-12-2010 05:28 PM

How did you fix the coroplast to the underside ?

I can see some tie-wraps - won't they tear into the coroplast when it vibrates during driving ?
Do the screws go into the metal , or into other plastic fittings ?

miket 10-12-2010 06:08 PM

Looks like plain 4mm coroplast to me.

Does 10mm coroplast come in colors other than white or is that just my local sign supply shop??

jedi_sol 10-12-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by dennyt (Post 198601)
Nice work! Where'd you get the coroplast, what thickness, and what did it set you back?

I got my coroplast from a local plastic's supplier called "Paragon Plastic." You can also google for coroplast or corex distributors to try to find a local distributor. Or you can also call your local sign shop and ask for the info of their suppliers as well. Since it is nearing election season 11/2/2010, some other users on here obtain signs from the local officials who won't use them anymore.

Coroplast is 4mm Thick

White cost's around $17ish per sheet, Black costs $20 per sheet...2 (4'x8') sheets = set me back $40

jedi_sol 10-12-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by euromodder (Post 198611)
How did you fix the coroplast to the underside ?

I can see some tie-wraps - won't they tear into the coroplast when it vibrates during driving ?
Do the screws go into the metal , or into other plastic fittings ?

I screwed the coroplast to the plastic, outside edges of the car such as the front bumper, both side skirts, and the rear bumper. Then for the "inwards" parts, yes i used Zip ties because I didn't want to make this a permanent installation. I've seen another red del sol from "CleanMPG" drill directly into the metal frame. So as far as durability, time will tell.

In terms of ripping, I was concerned about that, that's why I tried to make the hole from the zip tie closer towards the mass of the coroplast as possible (instead of near the edges where they could rip easier).

jedi_sol 10-12-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by miket (Post 198617)
Looks like plain 4mm coroplast to me.

Does 10mm coroplast come in colors other than white or is that just my local sign supply shop??

Yes, coroplast comes in all colors of the rainbow...literally. However, white is the cheapest. I found that my local distributor carries all of the colors, however, most sign shops just carry white.

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