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-   -   Double kilotank: 2,009.6 mi on one 35 gal tank ('07 Dodge Ram 2500 quad cab) (

Diesel_Dave 06-27-2013 01:04 PM

Double kilotank: 2,009.6 mi on one 35 gal tank ('07 Dodge Ram 2500 quad cab)
I filled up this morning and this tank was far far my best ever. A double kilotank--over 2,000 miles on one tank of fuel (2,009.6 to be exact):

Here's the summary:

Start date: May 3, 2013
End date: Jun 27, 2013
Distance: 2,009.6 miles
Fuel used: 35.000 gallons
Total time (key-on): 79 hours, 29 minutes
Total time (engine-on): 18 hours, 32 minutes
Average ambient temperature: 70.2 deg F
Average in-cab mileage display: 59.38 mpg
Actual measured mileage: 57.42 mpg
Calculated average speed (from key on time): 25.3 mph

I've detailed a lot of my mods up until last summer is this thread:

Since last summer, I've made the following mods:
-Change to synthetic transmission fluid
-Front belly pan
-Engine compartment insulation
-Fog lamp hole block
-Kill switch
-Corrected odometer
-Disconnected intake grid heater
-Various shifting/driving mods
-Schaeffer's Diesel Treat 2000 additive
-9 inch side skirts

This was really my first tank of the summer since things really warmed up. That helped a lot (20 deg F higher average temperature than last tank). Many of the mods I made listed above, I did during the winter, so my numbers didn't start to come up until things started to warm up this spring. When I saw my numbers coming up towards the end of last tank, I decided to really turn up the focus on this tank. I ran the whole thing with as much focus on my driving as I could manage--no HVA/C at all, windows all up except driver's side slightly cracked when hot, radio off. My inital goal was to get a >50 mpg tank, but in the end I did even better.

In addition to my normal daily log spreadsheet, I also started using some logging software to monitor what the engine & truck were doing. So if anybody wants to dispute things, I've got log files saved for all but about 20 of the miles--I lost a couple due to some connectivity issues.

As I was coming towards the end of the tank, I didn't think I was going to be able to make it to 2,000 mi. I ran completely on empty for the last 100 miles, carrying a 1 gal jerry can with me in case I ran out. In the end, I didn't need it and I made it all the way to the fuel station. To add a cherry on top, I had a $1/gal discount waiting for me a the fuel station. I also beat my personal best commute record this morning with 68.9 mpg on the overhead display. I had plenty of reason to smile:

The official world record for farthest distance on a tank is 1,645.1 miles, which I've beaten 3 times now. I now set my sights on the unofficial world record of 2,254.4 miles: The Insight Marathon 2006 -- World Record 2,254.4 miles on one tank of fuel - CleanMPG Forums

Thanks to all my fellow Ecomodders for all the tips and inspiration!

Lastly, I'd like to dedicate this tank to my dog Diesel (yes, that was his real name) who died unexpectedly on Monday:

PressEnter[] 06-27-2013 01:47 PM

That is amazing. Congrats and good luck going for the new record!

Pawtuckett 06-27-2013 01:56 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss, Dave.

Congrats on your achievement!!

MetroMPG 06-27-2013 02:22 PM

Well, if that's not impressive, I don't know what is!

And - sorry to hear about your dog, Dave.

(Update: I added your truck description to the thread title to post this on the home page.)

redneck 06-27-2013 02:42 PM


Totally awesome... :thumbup:


Sorry to hear about your dog.


Fastskiguy 06-27-2013 05:43 PM

What a beautiful dog and a great companion I'm sure. I'm a veterinarian and they are a tough breed to get to old age, that's for sure. Still, they are fantastic with their family and it's hard to lose them. You can tell from the picture he was a happy guy, I'm sure you gave him a wonderful home :)


user removed 06-27-2013 06:15 PM

Almost 60 MPG is a very large and heavy truck. This clearly demonstrates the principles I wish every driver was practicing. Gas would be less than $2.50 a gallon.


elhigh 06-27-2013 08:06 PM

Man, that's an up and down day. Big ups on your mileage achievement.

Sorry to hear about your friend.

slowmover 06-27-2013 10:55 PM

DD, are you using the MB-spec DELO 50 in that G56 trans?

slowmover 06-27-2013 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Old Mechanic (Post 378131)
Almost 60 MPG is a very large and heavy truck. This clearly demonstrates the principles I wish every driver was practicing. Gas would be less than $2.50 a gallon.


The largest reported averages for a Cummins-powered 1T Dodge truck are also 4WD & auto trans spec. And a tire with some offroad traction. Thus, 15-mpg. Or, 525-miles/tank.

At $4/gl diesel, DD is "paying" $1/gl in comparison to that average.


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