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Sporty Modder 05-13-2012 04:54 PM

Driving an '84 Celica instead of a Suburban - cut fuel use in half
Well I have done it. My Suburban gets between 12 +14 mpg best ever 14.5 mpg. I bought a 1984 Toyota Celica about a 6 weeks ago and have gotten it running pretty good now with three tanks through it now.

I got my best tank to date @just over 26 mpg almost double what my Sub gets.
I replaced the cat about half way through the tank, wow what a differance.
The car is still not running @100% but it is getting there. My goal is to get 30 mpg combined maybe 40 w 100% highway.

Neen 05-15-2012 05:29 PM

You have pics of the old Celica? Love me some vintage Japan cars! 40's may be tough as you are rocking the 22R engine (I believe) which is actually a pretty big 4. You would need to regear teh heck out of that thing to get RPMs way down and make it as streamline as possible.

Sporty Modder 05-15-2012 05:36 PM

Your right 22r motor a whole 105hp:D 135 lb tq though. 3.36 rear end, so its aready geared pretty high.
Here are some pics old li plate on rear.
It is very low. Notice the stock ford explorer behind the car.

I want to get a pic of it next to a prius.

rmay635703 05-15-2012 07:15 PM

Ah, its a manual, I would EOC the crap out of a car like that with a big motor. Makes my 2.2 look tiny!.

P&G is well worth a look, on something like that I would imagine a 100% improvement in FE in the 15-35mph coasting range.

I am uncertain but P&G may be possible in the 35-50mph area as well.

Otherwise the only tip I can offer is drive slow in top gear.

Not sure if this is even possible but the guy next door to me had a 1960's 6000lb carb'd 5.2ltr v8 Dodge utility truck running 18-20mpg highway. (it was significantly worse around town)

He had a 5sp stick and had leaned the carb until his exhaust pipe tips were white.

Maybe if you are carb'd you might be able to tune it a bit leaner. Many 4 banger carb'd cars lean toward rich most of the time so this could get you better FE by being near stoich more of the time.


Sporty Modder 05-15-2012 07:30 PM

It has Efi 1 st gen version with a 1 wire o2 sensor, i have been eoc and popping the clutch to restart. I just picked up a eletric fan to replace the worn out clutch fan.
Planning to visit my family near Boise over memorial day weekend. 4 passes to go over:D will report on 100% highway driving.

taco 05-15-2012 09:14 PM

i was bout ready to ask what carb u running but nevermind. mmt 81 4wd pickup has the 22r.

that is a nice celica. i really like the rims and flares.

Sporty Modder 05-15-2012 09:32 PM

Thankyou guys I am falling in love with this car. Its been suggested i remove the flares and sell the rims. I cant bring myself to do it plus I just bought new tires:D I plan on adding a rear supra spoiler or bonneville style i havent decided yet. I def dont want to ruin the look. Thankyou for looking, updates coming.

vrmilionzx 05-16-2012 11:44 AM

If you do decide to sell the rims - consider some Rota Slipstreams. That's what I'm likely going to look for. They're nice and light, and relatively cheap considering the weight savings. Also, you could have your new tires swapped onto there....

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 12:04 PM

I googled those very nice looking.
2problems though. Wrong bolt pattern, and wrong offset. My bolt pattern is 114.3 x 4 offset is -8. When I get new rims I will probbably get these in 15x 8.
XXR 002 Old School JDM
Or these
XXR Old School JDM

Neen 05-16-2012 12:09 PM

Do NOT sell the flares or the rims...these Celicas are beautiful cars and knowing that someone purposefully cannabalized one for an MPG would damn near kill me (kidding and dramatic)

I have never seen that gen celica where the headlights are hidden. Most of them came pointing skyward and then would rotate down when 'activated'...I like the look of yours.

You should look into replacing that front left turn signal and repainting/refinishing your grill pieces. It's a great looking car and with a bit of elbow grease will turn a lot of heads. Do a tune-up and make sure your timing chain guides are good and you'll have a car that'll last you well over 200K miles. I wouldn't expect record breaking MPG numbers but honestly, modern fuel-mizers don't have the 80's charm that your ride does. Keep it stock looking IMHO.

How's the interior? Red? Blue? Pics please!

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sporty Modder (Post 307466)
Thankyou guys I am falling in love with this car. Its been suggested i remove the flares and sell the rims. I cant bring myself to do it plus I just bought new tires:D I plan on adding a rear supra spoiler or bonneville style i havent decided yet. I def dont want to ruin the look. Thankyou for looking, updates coming.

As I mentioned earlier. Keeping the flares for sure. I may put side skirts on it.

I DON'T WANT TO RUIN THE LOOK. :D A full belly pan may be in the works.
Thanks for the intrest guys.

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 12:27 PM

80-83 had the head lights you describe. 84-85 ,have this style. Previous owner said he just rebuilt the motor, I hope he did it right. Fried blue interior. Pics later.:D:D

Neen 05-16-2012 12:32 PM

Yeah I would say nix the skirts and do a belly pan if you are really itching to squeeze every mpg outta her without taking the sawzall to it. Maybe even rear window louvers?

A proper tune-up should easily get you into the 30s...hell my 22RE 85 4runner would return 24-25 mpg on the highway and that thing was as aerodynamic as Bob Ross.

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 01:00 PM

I wouldent mind putting this rear hatch on my car.
The link didnt work.86 Celica Supra hatch
But that is a ways off, after I get a job.
I am getting 26 mpg in town as it sits now, going to try for 30 around town 35 highway.

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 04:39 PM

This comes out ...
This goes in...

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 08:03 PM

I removed the ac condenser today -10 lbs, also removed -4lbs of rotating weight, bye bye clutch fan. Installed the electric fan today+5 lbs. Overall -9 lbs 4 of it rotating.
Also put the skid plate back on.

Sporty Modder 05-16-2012 08:25 PM

Pics of the torn up faded interior.

Varn 05-16-2012 09:04 PM

What has helped me the most is higher tire pressure, accelerating slower and driving slower. My Minivan has gotten in the 28 when on the highway Get that car in top gear as quick as possible, take a mile to accelerate to 55.
I have only had one toyota, a new 73 corolla 5 speed.

vrmilionzx 05-17-2012 12:06 PM

Nice job with the e-fan. I found that made a nice difference in both of my s-chassis cars. Revved easier, felt peppier....the trick is not to be fooled, and drive it harder as a result.

Neen 05-17-2012 12:34 PM

Oh man that car definetly looks better on the outside than the inside...bummer. Anyhow, I love e fans! What was the rating on the stock alt? The fan will draw about 10 amps on should be fine but you should double check the stock amp capacity. It's easier for a 80 amp alt to run at 40 amps than a 50 amp running at 40.

Sporty Modder 05-17-2012 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by vrmilionzx (Post 307762)
Nice job with the e-fan. I found that made a nice difference in both of my s-chassis cars. Revved easier, felt peppier....the trick is not to be fooled, and drive it harder as a result.

I am finding that exactly :D The advantage I have is, the car isn't running quite right. Any more than 20% throttle and the car bogs:mad:

Sporty Modder 05-17-2012 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Neen (Post 307766)
Oh man that car definetly looks better on the outside than the inside...bummer. Anyhow, I love e fans! What was the rating on the stock alt? The fan will draw about 10 amps on should be fine but you should double check the stock amp capacity. It's easier for a 80 amp alt to run at 40 amps than a 50 amp running at 40.

I am goimg to finish gutting the interior, so its ok for now.
From what I understand is these have weak alternators :( the plan is to replace w a Gm 90-100 amp in place of the ac compresor in the future.

vrmilionzx 05-17-2012 07:06 PM

Awww, don't lose the A/C....just get a bigger alternator. I'm sure you can find other toyota units that'll fit, with minor modifications. That way you don't lose A/C on those hot days. That's one creature comfort I refuse to sacrifice. Ironically, it's very rare that I actually use it, but when I do, it's like not using it, and having a PS pump on there :D (my justification to myself)

Sporty Modder 05-17-2012 07:23 PM

The compressor is frose up. Plus it doesnt get very hot here. Avg summer temp is 80°F, not like Sol Cal. For the few 100°days we get I can live with it.

rmay635703 05-17-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Sporty Modder (Post 307817)
I am finding that exactly :D The advantage I have is, the car isn't running quite right. Any more than 20% throttle and the car bogs:mad:

My subaru did that when the carb kept plugging up from sediment and rust coming out of the tank, might be a good idea to try and clean her out a bit.

Sporty Modder 05-18-2012 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by rmay635703 (Post 307870)
My subaru did that when the carb kept plugging up from sediment and rust coming out of the tank, might be a good idea to try and clean her out a bit.

Thanks I am going to see if i can just drain the tank with the plug. It just kills me to waste any gas.
Is there a way to strain it and put it back in. Or should I drive the car till its on empty?

Sporty Modder 05-19-2012 06:19 PM

Comparison between my Celica and a local Prius.

Sporty Modder 05-19-2012 08:42 PM

Finished my upper grill block.

Sporty Modder 05-19-2012 08:52 PM

Made an aluminum block off plate for the pass side mirror.

Marc F. 05-19-2012 10:46 PM

I pulled the clutch fan off of "Tank". It was slightly more FE but the engine rev'ed smoother and quicker. I had to watch my foot that I didnt use the increase in avalible power.

I agree with rmay, crap from the tank may be part of your problem. A good carb rebuild with a proper soaking in cleaner to remove all the build up in the small passages might be required also. A full tuneup and you should be in good shape.

I love those body styles.

Sporty Modder 05-19-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Marc F. (Post 308122)
I pulled the clutch fan off of "Tank". It was slightly more FE but the engine rev'ed smoother and quicker. I had to watch my foot that I didnt use the increase in avalible power.

I agree with rmay, crap from the tank may be part of your problem. A good carb rebuild with a proper soaking in cleaner to remove all the build up in the small passages might be required also. A full tuneup and you should be in good shape.

I love those body styles.

Thanks I will be cleaning the tank soon. The car has Fi. It seems like a fuel meetering problem to me. A friend who is a pro mech is going to take a look at it tomorow. I have replaced the cap, rotor, wires, plugs, fuel filter, vac lines. Everything I have done has improved the way the car runs:). I dont want to just throw parts at it, I want to diagnose and fix the problem.

Marc F. 05-19-2012 11:32 PM

As soon as I saw your reply I thought "oh yeah, he said it was a first gen efi..." lol its late and my brain needs the carb soak! :D

Sporty Modder 05-19-2012 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Marc F. (Post 308128)
As soon as I saw your reply I thought "oh yeah, he said it was a first gen efi..." lol its late and my brain needs the carb soak! :D

:D it happens. It is hard to believe it has efi being an 84. The car was pretty cutting edge for its day, Efi, Irs, 225 tires, 14x7" wheels, overhead cam, Rack and Pinion steering, 4wheel disk brakes, anyway pretty awsome.

Btw Sometimes my brain needs a carb soak to.

Sporty Modder 05-20-2012 07:24 PM

28°btdc could cause alot of the problems I am having. It is now set @11, and the dizzy is off a tooth.

Sporty Modder 05-21-2012 10:28 AM

I noticed that after removing the ac condensor the car is running a bit cooler, without the fan it cools down @25-30 mph instead of 35-40 mph. The condensor was acting like a large radiator block. Also the radiator cap is bad.

Sporty Modder 05-22-2012 02:14 AM

Discovered this on Sunday. Signal wires from the dizzy to the ignitor coil.
This is how i fixed them. I folowed the plug and butt connected the wires together.

Neen 05-22-2012 11:04 AM

Well that will certainly affect your timing advance ;) How's she running now?

Sporty Modder 05-22-2012 11:52 AM

She is running pretty good now, still has a bog with the throttle, calling it 95% right now.
Changing the plugs and wires(again)today to Ngk, w premium wires. I have Autolights in there now.

vrmilionzx 05-22-2012 02:29 PM

Probably a silly question, but are you gapping the plugs according to oem spec for the car? Also, are you doing fancy shmancy iridium, or just normal plugs? Some cars don't like iridium, and gap will affect how well it ignites.
When it bogs, is it running rich (like, really "bogging") or does it just lose power? You could also be blowing out the spark if your plugs aren't properly gapped. they're likely fine, but I thought I'd ask. Great find on those wires!

Sporty Modder 05-22-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by vrmilionzx (Post 308499)
Probably a silly question, but are you gapping the plugs according to oem spec for the car? Also, are you doing fancy shmancy iridium, or just normal plugs? Some cars don't like iridium, and gap will affect how well it ignites.
When it bogs, is it running rich (like, really "bogging") or does it just lose power? You could also be blowing out the spark if your plugs aren't properly gapped. they're likely fine, but I thought I'd ask. Great find on those wires!

Thankyou for the question. Yes I am gapping them @factory spec @.32in.

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