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gascort 07-21-2008 12:21 AM

Eco-Encounters: Staring on the road, Tales from the pump
This is an idea stolen from the tdiclub forums, and it might be interesting to hear some people's stories of the outside world's encounters with ecomodders.

I've gotten some weird looks in my car so far. The best were before I painted my coroplast campaign signs that I made into my front air dam. I was at a stoplight and I noticed a woman looking puzzled toward me. :confused: I didn't realize until later that she was trying to read the cut up and combined campaign signs across the front of my car.

While driving, I don't notice or pay attention to what other people are doing in their cars. My wife, however, enjoys watching others and telling me that they're staring at the car. Apparently I've had people laugh at the car on two separate occasions (that she's seen). I bet they thought I was a "tuner" and not an ecomodder. Once I get some big numbers advertising my MPGs like others on here have, I think the looks may change...

What stories do you have? ;)

justpassntime 07-21-2008 01:15 AM

I've had a few occasions where passing cars slowed down to look at my wheel skirts, what made it kind of funny was one was a Pruis and the other a Hybrid Civic.

I even had a few people ask what the wheel skirts were for. I told them how much I was saving on my car. Then they asked "how do you change a tire?" With a puzzled look I said "don't need to I have airless tires". They said "Oh" and walked away, I bet they felt like idiots later.

I had one guy that asked where I got them. I suppose he wanted some. He sounded disappointed when I told him I made them.

I also have a license plate frame that says $700 Car 32.5 AVG MPG on it. I am sure I get unnoticed looks for that. I just think it's funny that I have less than $800 total in my 87 Accord with 230k and I get the mileage I do and I am not paying any car payments.

atomicradish 07-21-2008 01:30 AM

So far... none! I'm glad too.

When I start advertising my mileage I will look forward to the gawkers, but I hope they don't stare at my car because they think it looks tacky.

Arminius 07-21-2008 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by justpassntime (Post 45935)
I just think it's funny that I have less than $800 total in my 87 Accord with 230k and I get the mileage I do and I am not paying any car payments.

Exactly. :thumbup:

gascort 07-21-2008 09:23 AM

I like your license plate frame... time for a Mastercard commercial!

Old car: $500
Repairs: $150
Modifications: $50
Getting 34city/50hwy: PRICELESS

Doofus McFancypants 07-21-2008 12:27 PM

I have been watching the other drivers when stopped at a light.
When it turns green and i start my car up - they start looking around to see who it was.

As I am looking at them i think they figure i am going the same thing.."Did someone just start there car? what is going on"

On one ocasion i actually DID hear someone start up when the light went green and Gosh darn it - I did the same thing. Wanted to see if it was one of You guys hanging around in Marietta GA.

millenniumtree 07-21-2008 12:46 PM

I too heard someone start their car at a red/green light!! It was especially interesting because I was at a big stop light on a 55mph main road - some place you wouldn't expect normal people to shut off their engines.

Last week, I put a sign in the rear window that says "53 MPG". My driving is too much highway and not enough in-town to get any questions. That, and I only go to the gas station once every THREE WEEKS!! Maybe I should stop for a soda every day to get the word out. But that would kill my mileage. :P

azraelswrd 07-21-2008 01:23 PM

Isn't that a great feeling? Gasing up only once a month.... man... I'll miss it once I go back to my real work for the university. I'll be back to gassing twice a month. :(

TheDon 07-21-2008 02:05 PM

I had the honor of being made fun of by a prius owner.

I put my mpg on my window with the paint stuff (27 was my last reading) and he's like.."diesels not worth it now, loser."

I just laugh it off and as he goes inside to buy a drink I let the air out of two of his tires... a hole

MazdaMatt 07-21-2008 02:10 PM


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