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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: Teal Force Two 90% - 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 SEL
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 102.7 mpg (US), 2.3 L/100 km, 123.3 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 102.7 mpg (US), 2.3 L/100 km, 123.3 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 105.2 mpg (US), 2.2 L/100 km, 126.4 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 118 mpg (US) / -13% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 13
  • Average cost per gal/L: $0.00 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 13 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $6.48
  • Average distance cost: $0.02 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 33.08 gal (US), 125.2 L
  • Total distance traveled: 3396.9 mi. / 5466.8 km
  • Total cost: $84.22
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: -4.3 gal. (US) / -16.3 L
  • Total saved: $0 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 261.3 mi. / 420.5 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2024-05-29 192.4 mi
309.64 km
56.5 kWh
1.677 gal (US)
1.396 gal (Imp)
6.348 L
($2.67 total for this fill)
293.66 Wh/mi
114.73 mpg (US)
137.82 mpg (Imp)
2.05 L/100 km
0.87 gal (US)/100 mi
#13. Had the car serviced today. There are 7,808 miles on the ODO.
2024-05-27 173 mi
278.42 km
47.29 kWh
1.403 gal (US)
1.168 gal (Imp)
5.311 L
($2.23 total for this fill)
273.35 Wh/mi
123.31 mpg (US)
148.12 mpg (Imp)
1.91 L/100 km
0.81 gal (US)/100 mi
#12. Lana needs to make a couple trips to town tomorrow. There are 7,616 miles on the ODO.
2024-05-23 385.9 mi
621.05 km
136.8 kWh
4.059 gal (US)
3.38 gal (Imp)
15.365 L
($11.29 total for this fill)
354.5 Wh/mi
95.07 mpg (US)
114.17 mpg (Imp)
2.47 L/100 km
1.05 gal (US)/100 mi
#11. Farmington, NM to Radium Springs, NM, There are 7,274 miles on the ODO.
2024-05-22 324.2 mi
521.75 km
86.1 kWh
2.555 gal (US)
2.128 gal (Imp)
9.672 L
($7.1 total for this fill)
265.58 Wh/mi
126.89 mpg (US)
152.35 mpg (Imp)
1.85 L/100 km
0.79 gal (US)/100 mi
#10 Vernal, UT to Farmington, NM. ODO reads 6,888 miles.
2024-05-21 285.8 mi
459.95 km
82.4 kWh
2.445 gal (US)
2.036 gal (Imp)
9.255 L
($6.8 total for this fill)
288.31 Wh/mi
116.89 mpg (US)
140.37 mpg (Imp)
2.01 L/100 km
0.86 gal (US)/100 mi
#8 Jackson, WY to Vernal, UT. ODO reads 6,514 miles.
2024-05-20 452.8 mi
728.71 km
155.6 kWh
4.617 gal (US)
3.844 gal (Imp)
17.477 L
($12.84 total for this fill)
343.64 Wh/mi
98.07 mpg (US)
117.79 mpg (Imp)
2.4 L/100 km
1.02 gal (US)/100 mi
#9 Billings, MT to Jackson, WY. ODO reads 6,228.
2024-05-19 341 mi
548.79 km
163 kWh
4.837 gal (US)
4.028 gal (Imp)
18.31 L
($13.45 total for this fill)
478.01 Wh/mi
70.5 mpg (US)
84.66 mpg (Imp)
3.34 L/100 km
1.42 gal (US)/100 mi
#7. Casper, WY to Billings MT and local driving. ODO reads 5,852
2024-05-16 405.3 mi
652.27 km
138.3 kWh
4.104 gal (US)
3.417 gal (Imp)
15.535 L
($11.41 total for this fill)
341.23 Wh/mi
98.76 mpg (US)
118.61 mpg (Imp)
2.38 L/100 km
1.01 gal (US)/100 mi
#6. Trinidad, CO, to Casper, WY. ODO reads 5,298
2024-05-15 371 mi
597.07 km
110.7 kWh
3.285 gal (US)
2.735 gal (Imp)
12.435 L
($9.13 total for this fill)
298.38 Wh/mi
112.94 mpg (US)
135.65 mpg (Imp)
2.08 L/100 km
0.89 gal (US)/100 mi
#5. Radium Springs, NM to Trinidad, CO. ODO reads 4,893.
2024-05-15 73.3 mi
117.96 km
20.86 kWh
0.619 gal (US)
0.515 gal (Imp)
2.343 L
($0.98 total for this fill)
284.58 Wh/mi
118.42 mpg (US)
142.33 mpg (Imp)
1.99 L/100 km
0.84 gal (US)/100 mi
#4. Yesterday's miles, charged to 100% as we are leaving for Montana. There are 4,521 miles on the ODO.
2024-05-13 186.3 mi
299.82 km
57.51 kWh
1.707 gal (US)
1.421 gal (Imp)
6.462 L
($3.51 total for this fill)
308.7 Wh/mi
109.14 mpg (US)
131.1 mpg (Imp)
2.16 L/100 km
0.92 gal (US)/100 mi
#3. Drove to El Paso to experience Full Self Driving in a Model Y and we got to do it. I left my phone there and we had to add another 60 miles to the car going back to get it. There are 4,448 miles on the ODO.
2024-05-13 87.4 mi
140.66 km
27.2 kWh
0.807 gal (US)
0.672 gal (Imp)
3.055 L
($1.28 total for this fill)
311.21 Wh/mi
108.3 mpg (US)
130.06 mpg (Imp)
2.17 L/100 km
0.92 gal (US)/100 mi
#2. Charged to 100% from 48% so mathematically only 32% of the battery capacity was charged to 80%. That was 27.2 kWh leaving 17 kWh to get 100%. The total charge was 44.22 kWh. The ODO reads 4,261 miles.
2024-05-09 118.5 mi
190.71 km
32.5 kWh
0.964 gal (US)
0.803 gal (Imp)
3.649 L
($1.53 total for this fill)
274.26 Wh/mi
122.93 mpg (US)
147.57 mpg (Imp)
1.91 L/100 km
0.81 gal (US)/100 mi
#1. First cycle test of a new EVSE set to 32 amps with the car on board charger set to 100%. The ODO reads 4,174 miles

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