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redneck 09-10-2022 06:01 PM

Fusion Power

Apparently Lockheed Martin have been working on Fusion Power research and development for the past 60 years.

It’s probably safe to say that it’s not just “a pie in the sky concept” anymore. But a real and understood technology being deployed.

Remember the newest branch of the military is called Space Force.

My guess is that this is heavily involved in that endeavor.

The article and video are from 8 years ago.

Lockheed Martin Pursuing Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Concept


PALMDALE, Calif., Oct. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) Skunk Works® team is working on a new compact fusion reactor (CFR) that can be developed and deployed in as little as ten years. Currently, there are several patents pending that cover their approach.
While fusion itself is not new, the Skunk Works has built on more than 60 years of fusion research and investment to develop an approach that offers a significant reduction in size compared to mainstream efforts.
"Our compact fusion concept combines several alternative magnetic confinement approaches, taking the best parts of each, and offers a 90 percent size reduction over previous concepts," said Tom McGuire, compact fusion lead for the Skunk Works' Revolutionary Technology Programs. "The smaller size will allow us to design, build and test the CFR in less than a year."
After completing several of these design-build-test cycles, the team anticipates being able to produce a prototype in five years. As they gain confidence and progress technically with each experiment, they will also be searching for partners to help further the technology.
This video explains the compact fusion reactor concept and the impacts it could have on the world.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 113,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2013 were $45.4 billion.

Maybe this is where all that free magic power for the future is going to come from…




freebeard 09-10-2022 09:54 PM

Whatever is is that keeps the UFOs UAPs up in the air, I doubt it's fusion.

freebeard 09-10-2022 11:14 PM

Talk about your confirmation-biasing algorithm!

I drop a comment here and immediately Google/Youtube want me to see this:

He's EXPOSING the most suppressed UFO and Alien evidence of all time | Redacted Conversation

OTOH, at 47:00 the audio is garbled [but subtitles still work], then at 47:08 the video is scrambled to obscure his conclusion.They do wrap it up after 50:00.

redneck 12-12-2022 10:06 AM

US set to announce major fusion energy breakthrough: report




oil pan 4 12-12-2022 02:53 PM

We already have nearly unlimited fission power.
I'm sure the green party will take money from the fossil or fissile fuel energy sector and come up with BS reasons why not to build fusion plants. Just like they did to block fission power builds in the 1980s. Then promoted coal as "the safer alternative".
The greens sold us out and betrayed us once, they'll probably do it again.

freebeard 12-12-2022 06:01 PM

Second time, it's on us.

''...won't get fooled again." -- G W Bush

Piotrsko 12-13-2022 09:42 AM

Article says they exceeded the laser beam excitation energy input into the target. The 300 Megajoule the lasers need to fire is a different story. Maybe in another "ten" years.........

oil pan 4 12-13-2022 10:47 AM

From the first time man controlled a fission reaction to the production of commercial fission electricity was about 10 years. So the very best case scenario we go from controlled fusion reactions to commercial power in about 10 years.

freebeard 12-13-2022 01:01 PM

The clock started seven decades ago.


“Fusion research has been going on since the early 50s, and this is the first time in the laboratory that fusion has ever produced more energy than it consumed,” says Campbell.

The experiment safely qualifies as ignition, a benchmark measure for fusion reactions that focuses on how much energy went into the target compared to how much energy was released. However, while the fusion reactions may have produced more than 3 megajoules of energy — more than was delivered to the target — NIF’s 192 lasers consumed 322 megajoules of energy in the process.

“It’s a big milestone, but NIF is not a fusion-energy device,” says Dave Hammer, a nuclear engineer at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Why are these results significant?
At one level, it’s about proving what is possible, and on that front many scientists have hailed the result as a milestone in fusion science. But the results carry particular significance at NIF: the facility was designed to help nuclear-weapons scientists to study the intense heat and pressures that occur inside thermonuclear explosions, and that is possible only if the facility produces high-yield fusion reactions.

.... Bodner says the big question now is what the Department of Energy will do next: double down on weapons research at NIF or pivot to a laser programme that is specifically geared toward fusion-energy research.

oil pan 4 12-13-2022 02:20 PM

Taking 40 years to get to the break even point is not encouraging. I don't think the hard research started till about the 1980s.
Then if the plan is to boil water to make power then your break even point starts at more like 160%.
This ain't looking good.
Probably get a cool sublight engine out of all the research.

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