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MetroMPG 12-14-2015 01:37 PM

Happy 8th to us! Get your birthday prizes! (ScanGauges, etc.)
1 Attachment(s)
(Original cake photo: Henry Burrows)

Well, it's happened again! You've wasted another perfectly good year hanging around EcoModder.

Or words to that effect. :)

That's right, EcoModder turns 8 this month (on Dec. 3rd to be exact).

Again, we're marking the milestone by giving away birthday loot.

On Christmas Eve, Dec 24th we'll draw prizes randomly based on forum posts made between today and the 24th. (So the more you post, the better your odds. Not that our hard-core members need any motivation.)

Birthday Party Prizes
  • ScanGauge II: (again generously provided by Linear Logic) will be awarded at random to one member* who posts in any thread in the forum between 12:01 AM EST today (Dec. 14) and noon EST on Dec. 24th.
  • EcoModder decals: one additional randomly chosen member who posts in the forum in the same time period will receive a pair of decals.
* ... only members who joined before today can win.

So, Happy Birthday to us!

And as always, a sincere thanks to everyone -- members and moderators alike -- who make EcoModder worth visiting.

KJSatz 12-14-2015 02:02 PM

Well I haven't posted in a LOOOOONG time, but this little contest brought me out of the woodwork! :turtle:

RedDevil 12-14-2015 02:11 PM

Whoops, I'm in ! :eek::thumbup:

If only I had a free spot for that scangauge...
Nah, not my car ;)

Happy birthday EM!

RPM 12-14-2015 02:24 PM

Congratulations EC! 8 years?! Time really does fly, doesn't it? ;)

ocnorb 12-14-2015 02:41 PM

In it to win it.

user removed 12-14-2015 02:42 PM

Happy B'Day everyone. Scan gauge would be neat.


Dachshund 12-14-2015 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by KJSatz (Post 502038)
Well I haven't posted in a LOOOOONG time, but this little contest brought me out of the woodwork! :turtle:

Ditto��. So long, this is my first post. ��

MacWord 12-14-2015 02:59 PM

Okay...I'll post
A post for the SG...but love to read the forum when I can.

conehead433 12-14-2015 03:13 PM

Thanks, would love to win a Scan Gauge.

neptunesrevenge 12-14-2015 03:33 PM

Your birthday and you give gifts. Cool.

UFO 12-14-2015 03:38 PM

Can't think of anything to spam up the thread except Happy Birthday!

Frank Lee 12-14-2015 03:46 PM

The older you get the faster the time goes by. :/

mjspiess 12-14-2015 03:53 PM

Cool idea. Count me in!

bnmorgan 12-14-2015 04:05 PM

I thought I was the only one that gave stuff away on my birthday........nice to know there are more patients in the asylum.

xavi 12-14-2015 04:46 PM

Happy Birthday!
Count me in to win a SG!! :)

Happy birthday to all of us, we are Ecomodder.
But a special thank you to forum administrators that have a lot of their time spent here... keeping it working for all of us! :thumbup:

ChewChewTrain 12-14-2015 04:50 PM

ONLY 8 years old?
HA! My NEWEST car is nearly twice your age, kiddo!

remy1701 12-14-2015 06:10 PM

The world has been an even better place for the past eight years. Here's hoping the present goes to a good home. :P

rdefayette 12-14-2015 06:24 PM

Is 8 in Ecomedder years kinda like 1 in people years? Happy birthday to "us". :)

IRingTwyce 12-14-2015 06:36 PM

I mostly lurk, but free stuff is enough to drive me out of the woodwork! Happy B-day!

Hex 12-14-2015 06:48 PM

Happy anniversary to the forum. I have much appreciation for those continuing to keep this forum running for all us fuel sipping connoisseurs.

ChewChewTrain 12-14-2015 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by IRingTwyce (Post 502097)
I mostly lurk, but free stuff is enough to drive me out of the woodwork! Happy B-day!

I see your post and raise you another! :)

xBox 12-14-2015 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by KJSatz (Post 502038)
Well I haven't posted in a LOOOOONG time, but this little contest brought me out of the woodwork! :turtle:

+1. I really should spend some more time in this corner of the web, though. Seems like a nice neighborhood :)

100MPGUS 12-14-2015 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Old Mechanic (Post 502048)
Happy B'Day everyone. Scan gauge would be neat.


yes, yes it would since BOTH of mine are broken! :mad: :thumbup:

jim65wagon 12-14-2015 07:52 PM

so even though I haven't been on here much at all, just one post in one thread gives me a chance to win? Coolio!

freebeard 12-14-2015 07:59 PM

Are you counting only posts in this thread, or posts anywhere in the sub-fora?

tanjulio 12-14-2015 08:32 PM

Happy 8.
I guess you guys have great gifts because of all the fuel costs we all saved.

humanoid 12-14-2015 09:40 PM

In for the win!

KayDat 12-14-2015 09:57 PM

Happy birthday, and here's to more fuel saved!

MetroMPG 12-14-2015 10:06 PM

freebeard: posts in any thread count as ballots in the draw.

Not just this one.

CrazyLee 12-14-2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by RedDevil (Post 502041)
Whoops, I'm in ! :eek::thumbup:

If only I had a free spot for that scangauge...
Nah, not my car ;)

Happy birthday EM!

I guess you caught a crazy ham radio addict! I'm waiting for the whole thing to short out! :thumbup:

The Scangage II sounds good too. :)

pgfpro 12-14-2015 11:27 PM

Happy B-Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all the people that make Ecomodder one great forum!!!!!!!!!!!

me and my metro 12-14-2015 11:42 PM

Happy day, have been here for a while. Spent 7 years driving a Metro so I spent considerable time at GMF. But I have moved on to something with way too much power and heated leather. :D

hfbmw 12-15-2015 05:49 AM

Yep I am in on this contest. Fuel mileage suffers in the winter on the BMW motorcycle. Drops down to 35 mpgs. I was thinking of wrapping the front of the engine with shrink wrap to get the engine warm enough. As the temperatures cool the engine is never warm like in the summer. I also have to ride it at least 10 miles to get the oil hot enough so the sprague clutch will be ready for the next time I want to ride between the snowbanks! the sprague clutch has 2 gears. One inside and the other outer gear to the crankshaft. If the oil doesn't get warm enough then the inner gear gets stuck and will not wrap around the starter gear. Anyway Merry Christmas!

Lincoln 12-15-2015 06:14 AM

Happy B'day. My wife would love the SG.

Xist 12-15-2015 07:51 AM

Happy birthday! Thanks to everyone who actually works on projects! :)

Honda Insight 12-15-2015 08:32 AM

Happy Birthday and count me in, guys :D Thanks!

kafer65 12-15-2015 09:08 AM

Look Honey! Its not new but its only eight years old and a good value I might add:thumbup:

statichead2k 12-15-2015 09:27 AM

I already have a scan gauge but it would make a great present for my brother!

greenplat0 12-15-2015 10:07 AM

did some one say free scan gauge? lol
Happy anniversary! birthday! what-evah! keep up the awesome! Take it to the limit! Hey san diego, stay classy!:thumbup:

AlaricD 12-15-2015 10:07 AM

I already have a ScanGauge II, but having another would always be nice!

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