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roflwaffle 12-10-2007 05:10 AM

How much do y'all pay for trash pickup?
Per ton if possible. Out here the cost seems to be at least $185/tonne, and on average is likely much higher. Seems those crafty Swiss have found a way to use that trash constructively all for less than what most likely pay. So we can possibly decrease the environmental impact of waste while using it constructively at less than what we're paying for it now, especially with interest free government loans. :thumbup:

elhigh 01-22-2008 10:45 PM

In E. TN, in my little town, it's about $13/mo flat rate, but that also bundles in dedicated recycling pickup, which most municipalities in this area do not offer.

Gone4 01-22-2008 10:54 PM

We don't pay in my home city. You buy the containers, which are just incidental, pretty cheap, so the truck can pick them up with the automated arm. We also have free recycling in separated bins.

Peakster 01-22-2008 11:22 PM

Home property taxes covers ours (which can run from $600 a year for a house in the ghetto - all the way up to a whopping $14,000+ a year for the latest-built mansions in Regina). It's unclear as to what percentage of city spending goes towards waste management, but 48.2% of the property tax goes directly to city services.

An interesting note about my city: it was recently revealed that even though we have community receptacles for recycling glass, it turned out that the city was just tossing it all out in the landfill (they said it cost more money to recycle it). It made a lot of people angry as they took the effort, thinking they were doing good for environment, when in fact they could've just tossed it in the garbage and it would've ended up in the same place anyway.

trebuchet03 01-23-2008 10:58 AM


An interesting note about my city: it was recently revealed that even though we have community receptacles for recycling glass, it turned out that the city was just tossing it all out in the landfill (they said it cost more money to recycle it). It made a lot of people angry as they took the effort, thinking they were doing good for environment, when in fact they could've just tossed it in the garbage and it would've ended up in the same place anyway.
Heh... My county does something similar - and they still do... We have recycling pickup - but if there isn't enough trash for the incinerator/power plant, it all goes to the incinerator and eventually to the dump. The city calls it "recycling" because it's used to generate electricity :/

Oh... and trash pickup, for me, is VIA taxes too... We used to live in a city that did it by the bag - you had to buy special trash bags.

bennelson 01-26-2008 12:26 AM

Our garbage rate just got bumped up.

It is billed by 4 month blocks and now comes to right around $20 a month!

Last year spring, we started seriously composting. Our garbage now comes to about one 13 gallon garbage bag of trash and about the same amount of recyclables per week.

For as little trash as we create, and how much it costs, I am considering what the other options might be.

turbo1 01-27-2008 03:45 PM

$3 a bag- as low as $2 if you bring it to the transfer station. I recycle what I can. I put trash in small grocery store bag- and I step on it-a few times. I won a trash compactor-I drove 3 hours to get it [ebay] anyhow I put a jug in it- it closed and made noise- I never got ip open. I left it behind when I moved.

bennelson 01-28-2009 02:17 PM

Garbage bill went up again!

I just came to Ecomodder to post about it. Doing a search for "garbage", I found this old post and that I was complaining about the same thing almost exactly one year ago!

We pay in advance for garbage pickup, every four months. My current bill is $94.51 for Jan to the end of April.

That includes a $9.88 for "Fuel/Enviromental Fees", which I think means they are just charging us for how expensive gas was last summer!

That's over $23 a month! Seeing as how we compost, we make about one 13 gallon bag of garbage a week. We do go through a fair amount of recyclables - can's, bottles, junk mail, etc.

Has anyone intentionally "car-pooled" their trash with a neighbor, taken it to an alternative location, etc, to save on the cost?

(No, I am NOT advocating "dumping", which is illegal)

Just looking for practical, out-of-the-box ideas for saving some money.

Almost $25 a month for one trash-can seems like a lot!

Ryland 01-28-2009 04:04 PM

We pay a land fill fee and a recycling fee that comes with our water bill 4 times a year it's around comes out to about $2 per month for recycling and just under $3 per month for land fill, I think if we wanted it picked up it would cost us around $12-15 per month, but at one bag of trash per month it just seems like to much to pay when you can drop it off at the solid waste transfer station.

roflwaffle 01-28-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by bennelson (Post 85551)
Just looking for practical, out-of-the-box ideas for saving some money.

Build an air-tight trailer and take it to the dump for ~$10-20 every six months.

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