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justpassntime 06-27-2008 12:42 AM

Hydrogen Generator Questions Answered Here
Before you go and waste money on a system that doesn't work check one out you can build yourself. Check these links out:
YouTube - EletrikRide's Channel

Watch his stuff on youtube it worth it.

The guy (Eletrik) that makes the smacks booster is also on the watercar and hydroxy forums in yahoo groups nearly every night to answer questions.

His plans are all free all you have to do is go to the hardware store and spend about $50. He also builds and sells them too. But he is not out to make money only to provide a service.

Note: this system is a booster it is not intended as a sole fuel source.

SVOboy 06-27-2008 12:47 AM

After watching that I feel like I'm more likely to be smacked than learn anything, ;)

ttoyoda 06-27-2008 08:54 AM


After watching that I feel like I'm more likely to be smacked than learn anything,

I hear what you are saying, but on the other hand, anything that creates increased interest in anything to do with science and technology is a GOOD thing. Given a choice, I would prefer "Smack TV" to be broadcast to any kids watching TV instead of whatever whiny victim-fest or slasher-flick is on nowdays. Like that "Read a Book" video on youtube. The tone might be coarse, but the message is essential.

justpassntime 06-28-2008 12:34 AM

I forgot that the one video is a response to one person in particular that basically said he was ripping people off and he didn't know what he was doing. The Smack U and Rally Results contain a lot of info for any one interested in doing a hydrogen booster.

trikkonceptz 06-28-2008 11:28 AM

Well either way his series of videos do a good job of explaining what he builds. I just wish I could get my hands on one in order to put it to a full tank test and see what results we get ...

apgrok1 06-30-2008 09:24 AM

There is a debate on whether one should use a smack booster that keeps the Hydrogen and Oxygen gases together or a standard elecrolysis device that separates the gases. In the latter, only the hydrogen would enter into the engine. It all has to do with the amount of oxygen present in the combustion chamber. On one hand, extra oxygen would be good for the burn in the chamber, but the O2 sensor thinks the engine is running lean and will try to add more fuel. This dictates the use of an electronic device to fool the ECU. On the other hand, hydrogen alone uses more of the oxygen in the chamber, and the ECU will think the engine is running rich and will lean out the mixture. I have yet to see anyone try both methods to see which one is better.

justpassntime 07-01-2008 01:13 AM

Don't mess with O2 sensor...

Originally Posted by apgrok1 (Post 39699)
There is a debate on whether one should use a smack booster that keeps the Hydrogen and Oxygen gases together or a standard elecrolysis device that separates the gases. In the latter, only the hydrogen would enter into the engine. It all has to do with the amount of oxygen present in the combustion chamber. On one hand, extra oxygen would be good for the burn in the chamber, but the O2 sensor thinks the engine is running lean and will try to add more fuel. This dictates the use of an electronic device to fool the ECU. On the other hand, hydrogen alone uses more of the oxygen in the chamber, and the ECU will think the engine is running rich and will lean out the mixture. I have yet to see anyone try both methods to see which one is better.

The only sensor that needs to be messed with is the atmospheric or barometric pressure sensor it depends on what manufacturer decides to call it. This sensor tells the ECU what altitude you are driving and either leans or enriches the fuel mixture. Higher altitude leaner and lower richer. Put a 25k potentiometer switch on it and turn it down til the idle begins to lower. Don't go much farther or you may burn pistons and valves. You will also be able to tell if you went to far because your engine will run hotter.

Bullockracing 07-01-2008 12:58 PM

All the Brown's gas systems do is increase the ambient air quality with free oxygen and hydrogen molecules. This has the effect of altering the combustion, and the O2 sensors detect this. In most cars, this is in concert with the loop of sensors that includes the Mass Air Flow sensor, which tells the computer how much air is passing into the motor. The MAF can be recalibrated to compensate for the added fuel (H) and air (O) and the car will run more efficiently. The side effect is that if the HHO system isn't running properly, the computer is forced to compensate, again becoming less efficient by thinking that the HHO system is still operating and adjusting the A/F ratio. An effective way to eliminate this issue is to replace the entire computer with a wide-band system that can recognize and adjust for large variances in A/F ratio. Not cheap, but doable.

apgrok1 07-01-2008 01:52 PM

So, is there any production Wide band ECU's? What about the Flex fuel vehicles?

ttward2 02-12-2011 02:05 AM

do not compress hydroxy very dangerous

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