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-   -   IF the price of the electronic scooter hoverboard down to $100 will you buy? (

yurias 01-15-2016 04:41 AM

IF the price of the electronic scooter hoverboard down to $100 will you buy?
If the price of the electronic scooter hoverboards down to $100 , will everybody buy one or need buy ?

These years electronic scooters hoverboard are becoming very popular. Both children and adults like them very much. We see people ride on the board everyday on the road. They ride it to work, ride to school, ride it home, ride all day indoors. Ride to the drinking machine, ride to the dining room, or eat on the board .... looks cool and convenient.

Only that the price to get a hoverboard is expensive, cost at least $300 for an unknown brand.

So this make me think , if the price of the electronic hoverboard drop to $100, will everybody buy one ? Will you buy of them , my friends ?

markweatherill 01-15-2016 04:47 AM

There are cheaper ways to set oneself on fire.

redneck 01-15-2016 06:58 AM




hamsterpower 01-15-2016 07:04 AM

No. I own a better solution. My bicycles.

user removed 01-15-2016 07:29 AM

China, the source of biohazardous particle board and toys for tots slathered in lead based paint for their amusement. Now we have one more device to fill the emergency rooms with serious injuries and little legal recourse.


Grant-53 01-15-2016 09:25 PM

I like electric motors but this is not for me.

yurias 01-18-2016 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by markweatherill (Post 504788)
There are cheaper ways to set oneself on fire.

I saw a bit on the video below. I guess the wheels get hot easily which is not suitable for long time ride.

yurias 01-18-2016 02:55 AM

What caused the fire ? Short circuit? Be careful when ride

RedDevil 01-18-2016 03:49 PM

I have read the cause is overheating the lithium ion batteries, which burst open and then start the fire. The overheating may result from overcharging, heavy use, blocked ventilation, bad cells or a combination of these factors.

Even if they would not catch fire I doubt many people on here would be interested. This seems a bit of a kids tool, and most of us are beyond that.
If I had a hoverboard I'd take it apart to use its contents for other projects; to revive a power drill with a dead battery, f.i.. I doubt I would even try it out once.

freebeard 01-19-2016 04:45 AM

yurias -- Welcome to Ecomodder. :)

These stories (the unboxing fire!) suggest it's battery chemistry. EVTV likes the EVTV Motor Verks Store: CALB CA180FI 180Ah LiFePo4 Cell, Lithium Battery Cells, CA180.

They should know, they've had a car-sized battery pack create a fireball in their shop (!). The newer, light lithium batteries provide their own Oxygen :eek: and require armor plating which negates the weight advantage (although not the cost). Which didn't help the Tesla in Norway.
I won't re-watch this 2 1/2 hours to see when it appears but a guy coats his hand with Firebane™ and passes a blowtorch over it.

Do you have a plan that will reduce costs by 67%. With the Baltic Dry Index in the tank, will ships even leave your ports?

yurias 01-19-2016 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by hamsterpower (Post 504792)
No. I own a better solution. My bicycles.

Bicycles are affordable. They are the most eco friendly tools and much more safer than electronic scooters.

yurias 01-19-2016 10:44 PM

Below are some of the upgraded version of electronic scooters. They are very hot on CES. It looks more likely to fall :-)))

Michael Moore 01-25-2016 10:31 PM

Why buy one of those things when you could have land speed recordbreaker replica shoes?


freebeard 01-26-2016 04:43 AM


Air-cooled rules.

yurias 01-26-2016 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Moore (Post 505705)
Why buy one of those things when you could have land speed recordbreaker replica shoes?


Who invented it?

Michael Moore 01-26-2016 10:56 PM

I'd guess someone at NSU or a marque enthusiast for them since it was modeled after the shell on one of the NSU land speed record-breakers.

redpoint5 01-27-2016 03:25 AM

I would get a hoverboard at $100 for sure. At $200 I'm on the fence and will probably wait. Might be good for my dad to get the mail, but he'd probably kill himself on it. Would need tires that work well on gravel.

freebeard 01-27-2016 03:37 AM

Now I want to see one with a wheel-to-track conversion. :thumbup:

Xist 01-27-2016 03:44 PM

Don't mind me...

redneck 02-09-2016 10:15 PM


Fire Sparked by Hoverboard Destroys Nashville Mansion, Authorities Say - ABC News


niky 02-09-2016 10:50 PM

I've just done the next-best thing... or the better thing.

I bought a folding kick-scooter.

Cost me $25, bought it secondhand from a photographer who's used it at dozens of F1 races.

In other words, I now own a scooter that's seen more of the world than I have. And it still rolls straight. Used it just last weekend when I had to shuttle cars back and forth for a photo shoot from a garage a kilometer a way. Quite a time saver. :D

yurias 02-11-2016 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by niky (Post 506933)
I've just done the next-best thing... or the better thing.

I bought a folding kick-scooter.

Cost me $25, bought it secondhand from a photographer who's used it at dozens of F1 races.

In other words, I now own a scooter that's seen more of the world than I have. And it still rolls straight. Used it just last weekend when I had to shuttle cars back and forth for a photo shoot from a garage a kilometer a way. Quite a time saver. :D

Hello niky, can I see your folding kick-scooter ? can you share a photo ?

niky 02-12-2016 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by yurias (Post 506989)
Hello niky, can I see your folding kick-scooter ? can you share a photo ?

Haven't uploaded my camera pics yet, but it's this one:

Granted, there are much better scoots out there, but none I can get for what little I paid for this one.

Thinking of looking for one with 12" wheels and a suspension, and giving this to my kid, down the line. But for now, it is an amusing way to shuttle around.

freebeard 02-12-2016 01:27 PM

Fingie 02-12-2016 01:43 PM

In euros Its 88e. Because inflation of the euro, i'd buy one instantly.

A decent bike is 150e in finland

Xist 02-12-2016 04:25 PM

niky 02-13-2016 09:15 AM
Wall-E was pretty prophetic... :p

The justification for the high price doesn't make all that much sense considering how much more sophisticated the electronics in a hoverboard are.

What's so difficult about combining a hundred dollar kick scooter and a two hundred dollar hoverboard... chucking out all the electronics and gyros needed to make that thing self-balancing and replacing them with active battery cooling... and calling it a day? :D

RedDevil 02-19-2016 10:43 AM

Governments are throwing the book at hoverboards...
U.S. government declares hoverboards unsafe
Apparently they need certification to be legitimate, and none have been certified yet.

In Holland hoverboards are classified as mopeds, which means they must have a type certification, license plate, a seat and handlebars, etc.
As current hoverboards don't have those they are illegal on the street. But they can also not be used on the sidewalk (as they are mopeds) so they can only be used in areas closed to the public...

The Segway is officially a moped too: it has no seat, but was classified and certified as a 'special' moped. The chance that hoverboards can go that route is slim though.

freebeard 04-20-2016 01:30 PM

Okay, now I'm on board:

Sitting Attachment for Electric Hoverboard - $69

Note the pictures where it's towing a trailer with a kayak, and the one where the bikini model is sitting on a cooler instead of the lawn chair.


Benefits of Hoverboard Cart:

HoverCooler Sit-On Attachment For Hoverboard. Ride cooler in style!Simple to set up: The Hoverboard Cart is a light aluminum frame which fits easily in the trunk of the car. When you want to use it, simply attach it to the bar in the center of your hoverboard with the specially adapted clamp - and then choose what you would like to go on top of your unique mini-vehicle.

Comfortable: Attach your favorite beach chair to the platform, relax, and drive! Perhaps you prefer a fishing chair, a bicycle seat, a box with a cushion, or something else? Any box or seat that can stand on a flat surface and is strong enough to support your weight can be installed on the Hoverboard Cart. Attach a cooler box and ride it to the beach!

Easy to drive: Navigate the hoverboard using only your feet; it can even reverse. The Hoverboard Cart can be used on or off-road, and can ride over grass, gravel, and packed sand.

Practical: The Hoverboard Cart is ideal for a cooler box that is strong enough to sit on. Use the Hoverboard Cart to tow a wheeled cart and then transport bags, boxes, groceries, or a paddle board, or use it to transport heavy or awkward tools. The Hoverboard Cart is strong enough to pull a kayak down to the beach.

No need to carry your hoverboard ever again: Use the Hoverboard Cart to transport your hoverboard back home or back to the car when the charge has gone.

Safer than a hoverboard: No more falling off when the hoverboard hits a crack or bump in the pavement - and sitting is far safer than standing.

RedDevil 02-25-2017 04:42 AM

Proud new owner of an all-electric vehicle!
Yes, much to my surprise I suddenly own an EV! :rolleyes:
Seats: none
Max speed: 9 mph
Street legal: no
Range: what?
Weight: 11.5 kg
Carrying capacity: 20 to 120 kg
Make: 'Denver'
Price: €199 at the door.

It has one big thing going for it. It is red. :D

My mother-in-law asked if we would like a hoverboard for the kids.
She would pay for it so we can buy it, bring it to her covertly when on visit and she could give it to the kids.
If only she was allowed to try it out too.

We quickly decided that we would not go along. My inlaws need the money harder than we do, it is quite dangerous especially with my motorically and mentally clumsy kids (they are both very intelligent, don't get me wrong, I love them immensely).
A pedagogical quagmire (but secretly technologically engaging ;))...

So my wife told her it was off. Then she sent us the money. :eek:
We gave in to her stubborn determination and bought one that had good reviews:

I tried it out already. Yes it works.
It is quite heavy, also feels very solid.
It takes some getting used to, seems overreactive. I had to cross some mental bridge to actually get moving at more than a snails pace.
It needs a closed off area as it is not road legal, nor allowed on any terrain open to the road even if it is private property. It also needs to be free of any obstacles as it will keep pushing agains any obstruction.

Of course I read the manual first, which says it cannot be used by children or the elderly; tough luck, mother-in-law! :rolleyes:
It can also not be stored when fully charged (fire risk), be used within an hour of charging (fire risk), be stored in proximity to anything that can burn (fire risk), be used intensively (fire risk), be used without full skating protection or likewise, you name it.

We'll try it out tomorrow or Monday, weather permitting. It can only be used when dry.

My verdict so far: it is nothing but a toy.
You cannot use it for transportation; even worse, it needs to be carried everywhere and it is quite heavy.

RedDevil 02-28-2017 03:23 PM

Kicking myself for giving in
The weather finally cleared enough to give the hoverboard a try.

I was first, knee and wrist protection on and go!
I managed to make it turn, move back and forth and in circles.

Then my mother-in-law tried.
She never managed to get both legs on it.
When it moved back at her with one foot on it, she did not take her foot off but slowly turned away from it, gently dropping to the tarmac as if casually sitting down. She moved away from me and I could not stop her fall.
No problem, she just wanted to get up and try again.

But she couldn't. Too much pain.
We finally got her up but she could not use her right leg anymore.
I got the car and brought her to the doctor. She could not get out of the car, so the doctor examined her in the car, then sent us to the hospital.
She has broken her hip :(

That's it for this hoverboard...

Daox 02-28-2017 04:13 PM

I've had a similar experience with the hoverboard I tried. My brother in law got one for Christmas. It was a fun toy, but certainly capable of injuring you very quickly. However, once you get the hang of it is quite fun. Practical? No haha.

ProDigit 02-28-2017 05:35 PM

Want something that's even harder?

Check out this:

looks so easy, when they show you.

RedDevil 03-02-2017 02:41 PM

It took a day before my mother-in-law could get her hip-op but then she got the best surgeon in the house.
24 hours later again she was released from the hospital, full metal ball and cup in he hip, because of her otherwise excellent health condition. That was a record for (hundreds of) hipops by this hospital.
She walks using crutches now and describes her pain as 3 on a scale of 1 to 10...!
Still using mild painkillers though - she has the operations wounds still there to heal properly of course.

She is not keen on trying the hoverboard again in a hurry. :rolleyes:

RedDevil 03-07-2017 06:03 AM

We returned the hoverboard for a refund.

PM. We ticked the box on the refund apply form that said "The appliance was unfit for the age of the intended user" :D

redpoint5 03-07-2017 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by RedDevil (Post 535007)
It is quite dangerous especially with my motorically and mentally clumsy kids.

Kids can take a fall, unlike the elderly. The only way for kids to improve their motor skills is to test them, especially on something that is fun.

I've got fantastic balance, mostly due to running river rocks as fast as I could when I was a kid. It taught me to look 3 steps ahead, and to recalculate on the fly when a rock shifted. Sure, I could have broken something, but I was a kid and would have recovered quickly.

My sister is 28 years old and still doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. She never got comfortable with the idea of falling in the process of learning. She's terrible at all things requiring motor coordination, including driving.

I don't know how much motor coordination is genetically encoded, but I'm pretty sure everyone can improve it with practice.

Hersbird 03-07-2017 01:11 PM

I've seen cartoons or scify movies with a flying platform hardly bigger than a garbage can lid. Then in whips around in circles at high speed with amazing acceleration and deceleration. Think about it, would be comfortable standing on a perfectly stable 200 foot high rock pillar with a 24" platform on it? Now fly it around. I don't think so. The propulsion device needs to be affixed to your body's core, like a jet pack or a seat. Even a handglider is really attached to your core and steered with you arms. It's one thing to ride on something like a surfboard, skis, or skateboard, but when that thing brakes, accelerates, and turns, being at one end of all your weight seems like a bad idea.

redpoint5 03-07-2017 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hersbird (Post 535548)
I've seen cartoons or scify movies with a flying platform hardly bigger than a garbage can lid. Then in whips around in circles at high speed with amazing acceleration and deceleration. Think about it, would be comfortable standing on a perfectly stable 200 foot high rock pillar with a 24" platform on it? Now fly it around. I don't think so. The propulsion device needs to be affixed to your body's core, like a jet pack or a seat. Even a handglider is really attached to your core and steered with you arms. It's one thing to ride on something like a surfboard, skis, or skateboard, but when that thing brakes, accelerates, and turns, being at one end of all your weight seems like a bad idea.

I'd be comfortable standing on a 24" rock pillar 200 ft high, but that's because I've done it enough times.

Strapping a motorized device to the core of a person adds cost and complexity. It's much more cost effective to have the person adapt to the handling characteristics of the hoverboard. I know I wouldn't pay more for a device that doesn't go any faster, have more maneuverability, or takes less skill to operate.

...and this video shows that a high degree of stability can be achieved by merely placing the propulsion at the foot of the object. Example starts at 4:00, but the whole video is neat.

freebeard 03-07-2017 05:05 PM

I feel more comfortable if it was shaped like a skate/surfboard, to allow a for-and-aft stance.

The 'surfboard' could be a dirigible made of 'vacuum foam'.

freebeard 07-14-2017 02:41 PM



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