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MetroMPG 12-12-2018 11:59 AM

It's EcoModder's 11th birthday! That means another great contest to win prizes!
1 Attachment(s)
Photo credit: R4vi

It's time to celebrate another year of a bunch of strange people who are STILL talking about fuel economy!

As usual, we're marking the occasion by giving away Birthday Loot!

To note the continuing decline of public interest in fuel economy (judging by forum traffic), we're celebrating this year by giving away what everybody REALLY wants and needs: a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado HD to commute to work in!!

Just kidding!!

On Monday, January 14th, we'll randomly draw for the prizes below, based on forum posts made between today and then. (So the more you post, the better your odds. Not that our hard-core members need any motivation.)

Here's the loot!
  • ONE ScanGauge II: (once again generously provided by Linear Logic) will be awarded at random to one member* who posts in any thread in the forum between 12:01 AM EST today (Dec. 12) and noon EST on Monday, Jan. 14th.
  • EcoModder decals: one member will receive a pair of decals.
* NOTE: Only members who joined before today can win. Winners must claim their prize within 10 days of the winners announcement (by contacting us via private message), or we reserve the right to draw another name in your place. We're not kidding - we've had to do this before.

Good news/bad news: forum participation generally tracks gasoline prices in the U.S., which means with low prices your odds of winning are near 11-year highs!

On that note, Happy Birthday and THANK YOU everyone for helping to make EcoModder both a community and a resource to be proud of.


A decade from now, what do you think will be your biggest automotive change?

redpoint5 12-12-2018 12:14 PM

Thanks for making this happen Darin!

My biggest change in the next decade will be driving almost exclusively EV. I'll probably have a used Leaf, Spark, or Bolt soon (year or 2), and I imagine in 10 years will have a used Model 3.

Maybe I'll have a wind turbine installed on my property. I'll have to get property first though.

I expect to have some sort of AV capability in a vehicle within the next decade. Would be nice to at least cover the highway portions of a trip autonomously while I sleep. Hopefully that would cut down on the amount of flying I do.

mpg_numbers_guy 12-12-2018 01:24 PM

Happy birthday Ecomodder!

A decade from now I hope to still be driving my Insight, but by then I hopefully will have a better understanding of its mechanics so I can do all the maintenance and repairs myself. Maybe a boattail by then, who knows. We'll see!

MetroMPG 12-12-2018 01:30 PM

I drove a bunch of different OEM EV's this year, Bolt, iMiev, Leaf. I really liked the Prius Prime my friend loaned me for a week. I'm not sure if there's one in my 10-year future, though, mostly because I don't drive a lot (~5k miles / 8k km this year), but when I do it's almost always a highway trip. We'll see what happens to used prices of the bigger battery options.

One thing I'm pretty sure the future holds: partly because I drive so little, I plan to still have my Firefly (Metro) in another 10 years (touch wood). At the rate I've been using it, it might have 50 or 60k kms on it in when it's 30 years old.

I'll almost certainly adopt a used Mirage at some point in the next 5 years.

talonts 12-12-2018 02:13 PM

I hope to have a last year Prius V by then. Because I doubt I can limp my 06 that long.

Shawn D. 12-12-2018 02:20 PM

Good stuff for my girlfriend's Prius!

Xist 12-12-2018 02:35 PM

I realize that you wrote "Change," but I read "Challenge," and I think that is the more interesting question.

I expect to find it challenging to keep my 2000 Civic on the road in 2028. I am confident that I will be well past the point where it is cheaper to keep, but cheaper-to-own vehicles will be more expensive to buy.

Gasoline Fumes 12-12-2018 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 585760)
A decade from now, what do you think will be your biggest automotive change?

The bottom 30% of the Nut Wagon will have been entirely replaced with canned expanding foam.

Frank Lee 12-12-2018 02:55 PM

Yeesh! Has it been that long already?

Vman455 12-12-2018 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 585760)
To note the continuing decline of public interest in fuel economy (judging by forum traffic), we're celebrating this year by giving away what everybody REALLY wants and needs: a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado HD to commute to work in!!

Ugh. Hard pass. In 10 years, I expect I will not be driving a full-size truck.

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