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Frank Lee 08-04-2017 09:31 PM

Lower "forever" oil prices?
Shell Prepares for 'Lower Forever' Oil Prices

Didn't see that coming! I figured as light sweet crude supplies dwindled prices would keep rising.

niky 08-10-2017 03:48 AM

Thanks to peak demand, we will now never reach peak oil.

The global market just can't afford it.

Natalya 08-14-2017 12:12 AM

It's amazing how fast things change.

redpoint5 08-14-2017 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by niky (Post 547069)
Thanks to peak demand, we will now never reach peak oil.

The global market just can't afford it.

Peak oil was always going to be a result of economics, not simply supply "running out". Peak oil is the same thing as peak demand for oil.

As energy alternatives are advanced, "expensive" oil will not be able to compete.

Baltothewolf 08-14-2017 04:17 AM

Would be nice if gas would fall to 2$ a gallon here in Cali. Then I could drive my 4Runner a lot more.

redpoint5 08-14-2017 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Baltothewolf (Post 547366)
Would be nice if gas would fall to 2$ a gallon here in Cali. Then I could drive my 4Runner a lot more.

If Tony Seba is correct (video posted in lounge), then demand for gasoline will soon peak. After that, the price will drop as other energy sources become more preferred.

sendler 08-14-2017 06:10 AM

Then we can finally phase in a big carbon tax to pay for the transition to EV's and renewables.

freebeard 08-17-2017 05:00 AM

Ummm, whom does this tax get paid to?

Why would we have to pay for a transition that is propelled by lowered costs?

JockoT 08-17-2017 05:31 AM

I know that here in the UK, as soon as the government starts to lose revenue with a drop off in fuel duty (currently a huge part of the petrol and diesel price), they will add a tax to electricity used for powering vehicles.

sendler 08-17-2017 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 547613)
Ummm, whom does this tax get paid to?

Why would we have to pay for a transition that is propelled by lowered costs?

It is not cheaper to buy an electric car than a regular car. People are still buying 18mpg pick up trucks all day long. More than ever. The market will not encourage people to buy a Prius or an electric car. Gas is $2.30/ gallon in the USA. Oil is cheap because of advanced technology in recovery methods. The only thing that will force selfish people with their head in the sand to push forward into a 50 mpg or better car is a carbon tax. It is easy to impliment at the fuel pump and most other countries in Europe already do. But it really should be done as the carbon leaves the ground in all forms to put solar/ wind/ nuclear into a true cost advantage over cheap gas and coal.
Ummm, whom do you usually pay taxes too?

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