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Cobb 11-11-2014 06:09 PM

Medical marijuana?
So, anyone with issues with back pain and inflammation have any success with this? I use to handle my back pain with OCs from my dad and anabolic steroids. My doctor will prescribe steroids for me, but that doesnt help all. I was giving tylenol 3# however it does more for my dental pain, than back. Ive joked about heading to CO to try pot legally to see if there is any merit.

I dont know why my doctors dont want to prescribe pills that work?

Can I really take a bus to CO and light up without getting arrested? Do I need to live there x number of days?

Just wondering.

darcane 11-11-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cobb (Post 454873)
So, anyone with issues with back pain and inflammation have any success with this? I use to handle my back pain with OCs from my dad and anabolic steroids. My doctor will prescribe steroids for me, but that doesnt help all. I was giving tylenol 3# however it does more for my dental pain, than back. Ive joked about heading to CO to try pot legally to see if there is any merit.

I dont know why my doctors dont want to prescribe pills that work?

Can I really take a bus to CO and light up without getting arrested? Do I need to live there x number of days?

Just wondering.

I live in Washington state where it is also legal. Both states you can legally toke up, even if you live out of state. Colorado even has a thriving tourism industry based around this.

It is, however, still illegal federally. To date, that issue has not been enforced in either state. There are also limitations on how much you can have and you can't use it in public, but that shouldn't be a problem for what you are proposing.

rmay635703 11-11-2014 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by darcane (Post 454883)
I live in Washington state where it is also legal. Both states you can legally toke up, even if you live out of state. Colorado even has a thriving tourism industry based around this.

It is, however, still illegal federally. To date, that issue has not been enforced in either state. There are also limitations on how much you can have and you can't use it in public, but that shouldn't be a problem for what you are proposing.

Doesn't answer if it actually works ()though I have heard it is more effective than morphine?

I thought about taking a side trip to drop my father off there when I was out west, he couldn't smoke due to asthma but perhaps a brownie or somesuch?

Anyway he is crippled up with severe backpain from having a broken back, shoulder, neck. He has a couple feet of steel in him and needs to exercise but can't because he gets crippled, falls down and is unable to move if he exerts too much.

Anyone know if it really is a decent painkiller or does it just make you not care that you have the pain like other drugs?


Cobb 11-11-2014 08:17 PM

Yeah, I want to take one of those tourist trips to either place by bus.

Ive had a range of drugs and stuff. Ironically some work, then what works fails afterwards. :confused: To date Oxycodone seems to work the best, but its the drug dr least want to prescribe.

I can take one, then do 6 hours yard work til it wears off, then it hurts to lift my legs off the ground and I shuffle like when I walk.

darcane 11-11-2014 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by rmay635703 (Post 454888)
Doesn't answer if it actually works ()though I have heard it is more effective than morphine?

I thought about taking a side trip to drop my father off there when I was out west, he couldn't smoke due to asthma but perhaps a brownie or somesuch?

Anyway he is crippled up with severe backpain from having a broken back, shoulder, neck. He has a couple feet of steel in him and needs to exercise but can't because he gets crippled, falls down and is unable to move if he exerts too much.

Anyone know if it really is a decent painkiller or does it just make you not care that you have the pain like other drugs?


I didn't answer that because I have never taken even a single toke of marijuana, so I don't have any first-hand info.

I know a lot of people who claim it is effective for reducing pain. And that it works well even when other pain medications are ineffective.

However, nearly all of those same people will balk at taking Marijuana-based medication that does not get you high (no THC) even though it is supposed to be as effective as a medicine...

rmay635703 11-11-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by darcane (Post 454890)
I didn't answer that because I have never taken even a single toke of marijuana, so I don't have any first-hand info.

I know a lot of people who claim it is effective for reducing pain. And that it works well even when other pain medications are ineffective.

However, nearly all of those same people will balk at taking Marijuana-based medication that does not get you high (no THC) even though it is supposed to be as effective as a medicine...

I always thought the THC was the painkiller?

Likewise when it comes to dealing with pain there is something to be said about both killing the pain and becoming ignorant of it. Many drug do one or the other. Fibromialgia drugs for example just make you ignorant and disconnected so you don't care about the pain.

Sounds like both bases are covered on maryjane, no idea how I would get my father out there though.

With a republican in the Governors office in wisconsin the likelyhood of medical mary jane is about as likely as a real reduction in taxes on the middle and lower classes (including fees).

Ah well.

redneck 11-11-2014 09:12 PM


The United States federal government holds a "medical patent" for all cannabinoids -- a patent which it has held since 2003.

Patent US6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - Google Patents

They hold a patent [on marijuana] in one hand, and in the other hand, same government says it has no medical applications.

Things that make you go "hmmm"... :rolleyes:


dirtydave 11-11-2014 09:20 PM

I enjoy it for my own self happiness and amusement. My grandmother uses it as a replacement for morphine. Works well for both of us#

rmay635703 11-11-2014 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by redneck (Post 454900)

The United States federal government holds a "medical patent" for all cannabinoids -- a patent which it has held since 2003.

Patent US6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - Google Patents

They hold a patent [on marijuana] in one hand, and in the other hand, same government says it has no medical applications.

Things that make you go "hmmm"... :rolleyes:


The government always walks a fine line on drugs, that patent is likely an excellent way to prevent demand for forming for the illegal substance.

In the case of maryjane damned if you do damned if you don't, addicts are a drain on society in both situations, the question is which is better and easier to deal with?

Likewise are addicts addicted to regulated substances that are many times more harmfull, better for society than the other kind of addicts?

Ah well.

ksa8907 11-11-2014 09:47 PM

I have 0 experience personally, but it has very good anti-inflammatory properties and can trigger the release of endorphins which will suppress pain. Together it makes for a great pain relief drug.

And while we're talking about using it as a medication, why do you think the feds are so resistant to using it as a cancer treatment? Because drug makers rake in big bucks pushing chemo. How about all those charity dollars for cancer research and financial assistance for treatment.

Its about the money. Period.

rmay635703 11-11-2014 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by ksa8907 (Post 454905)
Its about the money. Period.

I would never give money as charity to the most well funded entities in our country.

Likewise hemp was originally banned because of cotton growers in the 1930's that no longer exist today. The native americans grew hemp as their livehood as nothing else grew there, then big brother figured somebody might loose money on cotten, bam illegal.

The non-medical hemp is a great superfood and has hundreds of uses, we should have focused on getting that legal again as there is literally no reason not to.

ksa8907 11-11-2014 10:29 PM

Used to grow wild in some county's here in indiana. Probably still does in some places, but after years of spraying ditches and open fields with herbicides its pretty well wiped out.

darcane 11-12-2014 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by rmay635703 (Post 454897)
I always thought the THC was the painkiller?

Likewise when it comes to dealing with pain there is something to be said about both killing the pain and becoming ignorant of it. Many drug do one or the other. Fibromialgia drugs for example just make you ignorant and disconnected so you don't care about the pain.

Sounds like both bases are covered on maryjane, no idea how I would get my father out there though.

With a republican in the Governors office in wisconsin the likelyhood of medical mary jane is about as likely as a real reduction in taxes on the middle and lower classes (including fees).

Ah well.

THC is just one of a family of cannabinoids that are responsible for it's effectiveness. THC is solely responsible for the psychotropic effects.

Staunchly Republican Alaska just legalized marijuana for recreational use. It could still be done.

Xist 11-12-2014 05:28 AM

Somehow I see this thread going terribly wrong, but maybe you care less about politics when you use marijuana?

When I was Active Duty, my reputation for playing World of Warcraft was probably bigger than mine for integrity. I had a Platoon Sergeant tell me that he knew that I would never lie to him, so he asked me awkward questions that inspired ire in my platoon mates. I regularly had Soldiers tell me that I stayed up all night, every night playing.

Really? I tried diligently to sleep eight hours every night. That was much easier before I deployed. I took Zzzquil and melatonin last night, went to bed at 10pm, and awoke at 2am. Dang it...

If I had a garage, I would probably ecomod when I cannot sleep at night, but I am not about to go out in the dark and make noise. If I cannot sleep, all that I usually want to do is play WoW, which I also did as much as I could while deployed.

It helped me forget where I was.

I really do not know where I am going with this, maybe I will remember, but I cannot help but think that I am writing like something is affecting my brain.

Lack of sleep. I have averaged five hours for the last week and a half. I am keeping a log.

Cobb 11-12-2014 08:29 PM

Yeah, I really dont understand how it works. Ive taken a lot of medication and either it works, makes me rather sleepy, no highness or in between. Ive also used a range of solvents, paints, chemicals, etc and never got the high effect either.

The way the body handles pain is kind of a mystery in itself at times and is more of a perception. Seems when things are going well the pain is less and when things are going bad, the pain is worse.

The reason my profile says bondage/sm for hobbies is that having a girl friend of complete strange from craigs list tie you up and play with your guy parts can give you a good escape from what ever hurts for a few hours. Sometimes you can over do it and make the pain worse. :eek:

Looks like either state is quite a drive, so I was going to take greyhound there and back. Wonder if AAA has any tour packages for first timers? :thumbup:

SoobieOut 11-13-2014 01:29 AM

Saw a TED talk on low tech methods of pain relief. Here's one method they talked about.

Low-tech pain relief | Mosaic

redpoint5 11-13-2014 03:07 AM

My L5/S1 disc is demolished and impinged the nerve that controls my right leg. I didn't have any insurance and urgent care would only give me a 3 day supply of hydrocodone. The pain became so bad that some nights I didn't sleep at all, for even a brief moment. I went from 190 pounds down to 160 pounds in 2 months because it hurt too bad to fix something to eat. There was one weekend where I didn't eat anything from Friday night until Monday morning.

My coworker saw my misery and gave me a bottle of codeine. He bought it over the counter in Canada. I'd take a half tab to get out of bed and shower, half a tab to go to sleep, and a half tab anytime during the day when the pain got too intense to listen to what people were saying; about 2.5 pills per day.

Not knowing if I'd ever get better and seeing myself waste away, I called my cousin and asked if marijuana would be effective at killing the pain. The same cousin that has wanted me to try marijuana for years told me that it wouldn't really help. I'd still feel the pain, I just wouldn't care.

The funny thing in all this excruciating pain was that I began dating a girl I had met before the injury. Since it hurt to do anything (even nothing), the only dates I would arrange would be to a hot tub. After about a month, she dumped me. Years later- this August, I ran into her at the Hood to Coast relay race. She smiled and said I'll always be Hot-tub Jon to her.

Anyhow, the inflammation subsided by itself after the 2 longest months of my life. I learned not to lift anything heavier than about 50 pounds, and that all of the advice I had been given was worthless. People said to try acupuncture, stretching, surgery, physical therapy, chiropractic, yoga, etc. I went to a chiropractor once and he told me the bad news is that my back is really messed up, but the good news is that 32 visits to his office would get me straightened out. Well, my back got better on its own during the same exact time-frame he said it would take to heal.

My advice- loose as much weight as you can while staying within the lower portion of "healthy" on the BMI scale. Then, keep active by walking or riding a bicycle. Lastly, visit Canada and stock up on bottles of Codeine, and take the absolute minimum dose to get through your day. You don't want an opiate addiction, and you certainly don't want the efficacy of the drug to wear out due to tolerance. Don't expect pain-free, just manageable pain.

Fat Charlie 11-13-2014 12:01 PM

Forget weed. I just got a medical hot tub. Mmmmm. :)

jamesqf 11-13-2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cobb (Post 454889)
I can take one, then do 6 hours yard work til it wears off, then it hurts to lift my legs off the ground and I shuffle like when I walk.

You don't see the cause-effect relationship there? I don't have major back problems, but if I go out and do six straight hours of yard work, then my back & shoulders will ache, and I'll be shuffling around the next day.

Same with overdoing ANY physical activity I'm not in shape for. If I try to ski all day the first time it snows, I'll be crippled up for the next 2-3 days. If I ride the horse 10 miles or so the first time we're out in the spring, we'll both be crippled up, but after a few weeks of gradually increasing activity, that same ride is a pleasant afternoon out for both of us.

jcp123 11-13-2014 01:25 PM

I have strong feelings on this subject, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable talking about it in such a public way.

Don't forget about the NSA - they won't forget about you!!

Xist 11-13-2014 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Charlie (Post 455141)
Forget weed. I just got a medical hot tub. Mmmmm. :)

Be sure to hire some nurses to supervise your treatment.

chumly 11-13-2014 02:06 PM

Just talk to some high school or college student, they usually have the best stuff anyway.Keeping weed illegal never kept it away from them for the last 40-50 years. When Co. made it legal the use dropped among teenagers by taking away the forbidden fruit aspect. Different strains have different effects, some are good for pain and some are better for other effects.

Cobb 11-13-2014 05:57 PM

Id agree with the pain later that day or the next if that was my daily regiment. Thats an example of the miracles of the medication. Normally it hurts to get out of bed or lift my feet off the floor. :eek:

Medical hot tub? I think when I was in high school I recall a stainless steel tub that was filled with ice the foot ball players would use. Ive often thought about filling the tall commercial garbage can with water and ice and take a dip off the porch into it on my hot sweaty days.

Ive tried a TENS unit. Ive wondered if a good charge from a stun gun of the effected area would do any good? Hard to find someone you trust to do that and doing it yourself is rather difficult. :D


Originally Posted by jamesqf (Post 455154)
You don't see the cause-effect relationship there? I don't have major back problems, but if I go out and do six straight hours of yard work, then my back & shoulders will ache, and I'll be shuffling around the next day.

Same with overdoing ANY physical activity I'm not in shape for. If I try to ski all day the first time it snows, I'll be crippled up for the next 2-3 days. If I ride the horse 10 miles or so the first time we're out in the spring, we'll both be crippled up, but after a few weeks of gradually increasing activity, that same ride is a pleasant afternoon out for both of us.

Xist 11-13-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Cobb (Post 455192)
Ive tried a TENS unit. Ive wondered if a good charge from a stun gun of the effected area would do any good? Hard to find someone you trust to do that and doing it yourself is rather difficult. :D

Dad had a TENS unit. I did not care for it, but I did not have a bad head, while he had a bad back.

Hey, do electrocutions affect memory? I am not positive that he applied it directly to my forehead...

I like puppies...

Cobb, if I could, I would fly to where you are to test your theory, but only if we could get it on video.

I once heard a farmer talking about farmers' wives using cattle prods for electrolysis. I saw ads for Electronic Muscle Stimulator units and it kind of makes sense that it could work, but that seems too easy. Dad says that he never developed muscle in the affected areas.

Warning: Cursing and suggested violence:

Fat for the win!

Cd 11-13-2014 08:24 PM

I never thought I would be reading about this topic on a car forum.
The topic made me laugh actually.
But ...
I have extreme anxiety, agoraphobia, OCD, depression, etc. etc.

It has completely destroyed my life, and I have no one to blame but myself.
But I can't just 'snap out of it' like people think.

I could care less about getting 'high', since I even avoid alcohol. I don't drink. which is totally legal and actually encouraged.

I'd want to know if pot will help with anxiety. I would actually prefer it in a pill form and without the 'high' since I like to feel as though I am in control of what is going on around me.

I have tried talk therapy, hypnosis, as well as paxil, zoloft, and three or four others.

Some made me 'happier' at times, but not a one did anything for my anxieties.

As idiotic as it seems, some of my anxiety is from the fact that I worry about what is in the legal medicines, and so I quit them. This is why I would prefer something natural.

I want my life back ( now that it's nearly over - i'm in my fourties )
I want to go out to social events. I want friends. I want to go to college without the usual fears, and I want to be rid of my driving anxiety especially.

But most of all I want to find someone that loves me, and sitting in my apartment on ecomodder is not going to solve that.

As far as the NSA monitors, go ahead and monitor me ! I guarantee to bore anyone to sleep with the data they glean from me.
They would probably put me on a suspicious list, since " The guy never even leaves his apartment or watches TV like a normal person. He must be doing something suspicious ."

I also have several fused vertebrae in my spine and am half deaf, yet I work as a stocker for Lowes lifting things all day.

( I live across the street and walk there every morning )

I think this goes to show how that mental handicaps are a lot harder to overcome than physical ones.

Cd 11-13-2014 08:28 PM

I have a TENS unit. It helps my scoliosis pain, but I worry about what effect it is having on the rest of my body - like my heart !

Cobb 11-13-2014 08:44 PM

Thanks, yeah the taser thing should be done while Im face down on the floor with some towels under my mid section. :D

Im not sure the TENS puts out enough power deep enough to effect your brizzle, just your muscles. Yes, I have one, it doesnt go high or loud enough and sucks through 9 volt batteries. Maybe a cow prod is the next logical step?

Thats how I feel Cd. I just care that it works. One of the medications I was taking is used to treat arthritis in dogs, but will kill cats. :eek: Many of these drugs seem to have worse side effects than cures. Other cases they dont seem to know, so they list the typical laundry list of possible side effects to CYA incase you get hurt from them.

Ive always thought Im part autistic as I am more interested in cars, motors and stuff than girls or social situations. Growing up I made it a point to read the encyclopedia we got from Food Lion, then the cd rom version at high school. :eek:

Yeah, Im glad I have a ramp to my home and parking spot where I work. Just 12 feet and Im in the car, home or job site.

Cd 11-13-2014 09:12 PM

I obsess over strange things. I would always go for the specification information on things I was interested in. The more specs the better. I still remember the wingspan (to the inch) of my favorite plane from childhood, the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second ,the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy in light years , the exact speed of mach one -659 point 78 miles per hour etc, yet have a terrible time remembering simple things such as something my boss tells me. I will even repeat it back, walk away and forget it thirty seconds later. My mind is always racing thinking about complete nonsense.
I always look for the drag coefficient when reading about cars. I spend hours and hours in the aerodynamics section of this site.
I have had in the past several of the same magazine pictures Aerohead posts on this site.
Sometimes I will even sit out in the rain watching cars drive by so i can see what size wake they form with the mist kicked up behind them.
My dad has a similar trait. He has studied religion... religiously every day since the age of 18 or so, yet was surprised when i told him the Buddha died of food poising, because he is so focused on one thing and one thing only that he is interested in.

Cobb 11-13-2014 09:53 PM

I thought it was 186,282? Now through wire electrons travel up to 75% of the speed of light or in best case 139,711.5 mph. :eek:


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 455228)
the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second

jamesqf 11-13-2014 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 455228)
...the exact speed of mach one -659 point 78 miles per hour...

Except that it's usually not :-) Mach number is the ratio of speed to the speed of sound in a material. The speed of sound in air varies depending on temperature, humidity, & pressure. At standard sea level, it's 761.2 mph.


...yet have a terrible time remembering simple things such as something my boss tells me. I will even repeat it back, walk away and forget it thirty seconds later.
I don't think that's unusual. I remember almost everything I read, but the spoken word tends not to be moved out of short-term memory, So it annoys me no end when I go to the doctor, for instance, and the doctor (or more often the nurse) spends several minutes talking about e.g. when I'm supposed to take the pills, and it's gone before I'm out the door.

dirtydave 11-13-2014 11:33 PM

Woah woah woah WOAH This thread is about weed.

Let's stay on topic here!

blaze it up.

In Maryland anything under 10 grams is only a $100 fine. Get caught with those pills without a script you are facing serious time.

The side effects of weed are happy, sleepy, hungry.
What's the side effects of those pills? Death possibly? Probably.

Be safe yall. And come couch surf if you want the doors open!

Xist 11-14-2014 12:25 AM

I watched a recent Weird Al video on YouTube and it suggested a playlist that had some long video of some guy that acted like I knew who he was talking about all of the great things that he had done with some show called "Equals Three," which I was supposed to know, also, but he was quitting. The next time that I saw Equals Three I watched, just some guy talking about popular videos, cursing, and throwing dolls at the wall. With one video, he talked about the guy being on marijuana, and said he should not try to match stereotypes, and he listed three things that people are supposed to do while high on weed, which apparently the guy in the clip did.

I walked to my favorite Mexican restaurant and when I was leaving, a man and a woman walked in. The woman was wearing a Jamaican-style knit cap and had a t-shirt with a giant marijuana leaf on the front. He asked what she wanted and she said "One of everything, man."

Fat Charlie 11-14-2014 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by jcp123 (Post 455156)
I have strong feelings on this subject, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable talking about it in such a public way.

Don't forget about the NSA - they won't forget about you!!

They already know. In case they weren't actively watching us because of all the militia talk in the past, I've gone ahead and reported all of us.

If you're really concerned about coming to their attention and want to keep a low profile, here's a handy list of tips:
You May Already Be an FBI Terror Suspect: 85 Things Not to Do

Cd 11-14-2014 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Charlie (Post 455281)
They already know. In case they weren't actively watching us because of all the militia talk in the past, I've gone ahead and reported all of us.

If you're really concerned about coming to their attention and want to keep a low profile, here's a handy list of tips:
You May Already Be an FBI Terror Suspect: 85 Things Not to Do

I'm guessing that link is a trigger itself ! :D
Just as FaceBook is like 1984 - everyone fills out their own profile for Big Brother.

When I was younger, I though it was a crazy idea that somehow your every move and action would be known by someone. The impossibility of it all was laughable. As if the government or some other organization could hire enough people to track every person in the US.... but here we are today with everyone willingly inputting the data into the collective mind of the internet.
Its called FaceBook and Twitter.

A guy i work with gets so annoyed with this twits tweets to him ( who cares that you just walked into the mall or whatever ) that he swore to me he would tweet back to her to let her know he was taking a dump.

Oh, and about the earlier thing i mentioned about the speed of sound and such, yes i realize that mach one fluctuates with altitude and other variables, but the point i was making was that this was the number that i read as a kid and i remember it to this day, yet cant remember five minutes ago if i get in anxiety under stress.

And finally to get back onto the original topic, here we go :

But seriously, i thought we were talking about MEDICAL problems related to this subject ( of which anxiety and back pain certainly are ! )

jamesqf 11-14-2014 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cd (Post 455394)
... but here we are today with everyone willingly inputting the data into the collective mind of the internet.
Its called FaceBook and Twitter.

Not quite everyone, you know. I see no point in participating in either: there's nothing much I want the world to know about me, and I have no worthwhile thoughts that could be compressed to the length of a Twitter message.

Cobb 11-14-2014 10:17 PM

Anyhoo, pain is usually from 1 of 3 enzymes, cox 1, cox 2 or cox 3. Most drugs block certain cox. Arthritis is usually cox 2, other pains are cox 1 and 3. The hard drugs do better at all 3 or cox 3:confused:. The lighter drugs do cox 1. This is my loose understanding of it. :confused:

Then the bodys muscle/nervous system can remember pain and sometimes make a chronic pain situation and echo pain signals when there is in fact currently no pain at that point. Thats where the TENS or other electrical stimulation help. Thats why Id like to get tasered in that part of my back. :eek:

Ironically when I am sick or have an injury I can better manage the pain on my own. I had broken my foot a few years ago. I would brace myself and purposely twist it to make it hurt like a mutha. Within 3-5 seconds Id feel this wave of heat throughout my body, a rush and other pains vanish.

freebeard 11-16-2014 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Charlie

Originally Posted by jcp123
I have strong feelings on this subject, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable talking about it in such a public way.

Don't forget about the NSA - they won't forget about you!!

They already know. In case they weren't actively watching us because of all the militia talk in the past, I've gone ahead and reported all of us.

Well, thank you so much for that. (As if they need your help)

I may or may not have more to say when the clear light of dawn breaks over another West Coast state on 20150701.

Cd 11-16-2014 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by dirtydave (Post 455254)
Woah woah woah WOAH This thread is about weed.

Let's stay on topic here!

The side effects of weed are happy, sleepy, hungry.
What's the side effects of those pills? Death possibly? Probably.

Going by what little I know of it, pot has the side effect of making you 'spaced out'.

Besides anxiety and depression, I also have a huge problem with concentration ( Sound like ADD ? )
I would think that medical marijuana would make this even worse though.

I was just looking at 'study drugs' like Rittilin or this other one i cant think of adderol or something like that. A girl at work takes them and says they are habit forming and can mess you up.
I read that the long term effects of these study drugs is also not known.

How habit forming is the legal marijuana ? As i mentioned previous, i couldn't give a crap about the 'high' and just want to be rid of my anxiety. ( And would prefer it without the high )

Is legal pot messed with ( can you get side effects from it like a factory drug )

This is a really taboo topic for a car forum. I'm sure Darin would be in agreement there ! Where else should i take these questions ?

I'm part of a Social anxiety forum. I'll start posting there. My anxiety gets worse and worse each year. I hope the topic is not taboo there too. ( I haven't posted there in about two years. )

Back to the back problems, have you guys tried those machines that let you hang upside down to decompress the back ? The majority of my back problems are in my neck ( fused and twisted vertebrae ) and i have shrunk over an inch in the last few years.
So to extend my bones out there i would have to hang myself :D

Edit : O.K. end of topic for me - I'm moving over to a forum on Social Anxiety.
From what I have read, some strains of pot can be good for anxiety, while others actually make it worse. I doubt insurance covers it anyways. Good luck guys and let get back to talking about ecomodding !

Edit : As promised, i'm not posting in this thread again, but sidestepping it a bit to add that i recently found my old meds. They are called Sertriline, and i'm thinking of going back on them.
The depression is really hitting me hard lately.
You know what really sucks is to realize that you have been so afraid of living life that you end up keeping yourself from living life.
You wake up one day and realize that the things you planned to do when you began to live life are no longer possible because you are now old.
You blew your chance at life and now its too late.
I'm my worst enemy and i have been keeping myself a captive of my own mind.
Will i get back on the meds ? Most likely not.
I'm just waiting to die.

Cobb 11-16-2014 06:36 PM

Thanks, Ill look into the tourist weed trips. I dont want to knowing or unknowingly do anything illegal. Ill still search out pain therapy again or another doctor.

Cd, most people dont put much thought into social situations. Some leave what happens to chance, others over think it.

I once had what I thought was a great girl friend, smart, funny. One day we had an epiphany. She said something really profounding. She said if we had kids they would be too smart and would end up killing themselves. :eek:

freebeard 11-17-2014 04:44 PM

Cd -- My folks had a backswing. I tried it a few times and found that putting all your weight on the tops of your ankles is uncomfortable.

What I use is a I can use it standing up against a wall (with a vertical furring strip to keep it centered). I can use it on everything—upper, lower and middle back—except the upper neck.

Cobb -- Profounding? Profoundly sad that someone would wish that on hypothetical others. Also, read your Thoreau on civil disobedience, maybe "Resistance To Civil Government.

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