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robchalmers 05-11-2011 03:50 AM

My Summer Challenge 2011
Summer Challenge 2011

Its about time for my semi-annual self challenge, its something I normally do on the tedious drive to the family vacation to keep my self awake. Last year it was to drive from Warrington to the French Atlantic coast via Dover and Calais (1460miles) on less than 4 full tanks of fuel in the family Megane Scenic people carrier (1.4l gas) loaded to the gills with Kiddy / holiday stuff. I managed it, just even though we were cruising at 130kph on the French side and roughly 70mph (officer) in the UK I still had 1/3 of a tank (4 UK Gallons) left

This year I’m changing the stakes a bit. I’m going to the 24hr of Le Mans. So my challenge is to do the 1170miles on two tanks of in the Polo

Polo life average (at the time of print) 49mpg
Polo Tank size 11.5 gallons
Distance 1170
Required MPG 50.89

Now that might not seem the hardest thing ever. Here are the challenge points

1. The most I’ve ever got out of one tank in the polo is 571miles each leg is 585miles

2. Practically all of the driving is at freeway speeds, which = high revs, something a basic 4-squirt-per-turn mechanical diesel injection fuel system isn’t the most efficient thing for. My commute is 1/3rd back roads where the speed is a down in the 50’s

3. The car will be loaded to the roof with camping gear, BBQ, chairs, beer etc. Normally its empty and single occupant

4. No matter what time you try and go through Rouen, there is normally a huge tailback.

5. The French AutoRoute system is a Peage system with tolls every no and again. So I’ll have to accelerate all that mass each time

6. Call me chicken but I really don’t want to run out of diesel in France in a German car on the weekend where there is a HUGE French-German motorsport rivalry (Audi vs. Peugeot @ Le Mans)

7. 11.5 gallons is down to the fuel in the pipes – not something diesels or diesel pumps like

euromodder 05-11-2011 07:00 AM


2. Practically all of the driving is at freeway speeds, which = high revs, something a basic 4-squirt-per-turn mechanical diesel injection fuel system isn’t the most efficient thing for.
Drive slower !
110 kph / 69 mph will save a lot compared to 130 kph (French PSL)
100 kph / 62.5 mph will save even more.


6. Call me chicken but I really don’t want to run out of diesel in France in a German car on the weekend where there is a HUGE French-German motorsport rivalry (Audi vs. Peugeot @ Le Mans)
It's gotten a lot better in recent years, with more automated pumps accepting debet / credit cards. Haven't had any problem at all getting fuel for the M/C, back in 2007.
Shouldn't be a problem on the motorway, though you'll pay premium prices there.

robchalmers 05-11-2011 07:15 AM

in the UK, I normally run at 2750rpm = 68 mph, but from Dover I'm in convoy with friends who tend to run a bit quicker . one of them got pulled by the Police the other year on the Perifique (sp) doing 130mph, not 130 kph and told the nice policeman he we just obeying the signed limit. he got a 200 euro fine :D

might be a chance to apply some tank tape aero mods and cover them in Le Mans stickers and claim its just part of the banter!

Piwoslaw 05-11-2011 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by robchalmers (Post 237465)
5. The French AutoRoute system is a Peage system with tolls every no and again. So I’ll have to accelerate all that mass each time

Accelerate after pulling out of one toll, kill engine, coast right into next toll:cool:


Originally Posted by robchalmers (Post 237478)
might be a chance to apply some tank tape aero mods and cover them in Le Mans stickers and claim its just part of the banter!

" This boattail brought to you by Le Mans!"

groar 05-11-2011 08:36 AM

First of all, have fun :cool:

You will have so much idling near Le Mans when arriving and leaving... I'll think about you :p

Get a full jerrycan into the trunk, it will not handicap you. Do you have a manual pump under the hood in case of running out of diesel ?

On the way back you should slow down, your friends and you should be able to come back home without any help ;)

Your friend is a lot lucky to not be French. At 200km/h = 130mph (in fact as soon as PSL+50km/h 31mph) I would have the car immediately confiscated and I would have been in prison all week-end long...


JohnS 05-11-2011 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by robchalmers (Post 237465)
3. The car will be loaded to the roof with camping gear, BBQ, chairs, beer etc. Normally its empty and single occupant

1. Sleep without tent/camping equipment. (Take coroplast belly pan off car, lay on ground, sleep on that).

2. Live off cold sandwiches for the weekend. (No need for BBQ).

3. Chairs? Sit on that same coroplast that you slept on the night before!

4. Buy beer at Le Mans instead of hauling it from home. Consume all beer bought at Le Mans so that you don't have to haul it back to home.

Look at all the weight you'll shave off your trip, not to mention the aero! ;)

Seriously though, have a good time at the track. Hope you achieve your Summer Challenge 2011 goal!


robchalmers 05-11-2011 10:24 AM

Good point about the beer, french beer is better and cheaper!!!

hmmm what aeromods can I do.....

groar 05-15-2011 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by groar (Post 237484)
Your friend is a lot lucky to not be French. At 200km/h = 130mph (in fact as soon as PSL+50km/h 31mph) I would have the car immediately confiscated and I would have been in prison all week-end long...

Law will change very soon in France. @50km/h (31mph) over PSL you get
  • a 3750€ (5250$) ticket, instead of 300€
  • and 3 month prison
This is added to the the car confiscation, the 6 lost points on the driving license (out of 12) and its temporary cancellation of 6 months.

The same with others problems such as phoning while driving which goes from 2 points & 35€ to 3 points & 135€.

By now a stranger will have only the ticket, but France is working with all European countries to be able to apply prison and points/license cancellation too.


320touring 05-16-2011 08:16 AM

Come on Rob..Assuming you have a satnav and a moblie phone, you should be able to catch them up if they zoom off..

And I'd maybe suggest trying the Dreaded P& G (engine on!)

Guid luck

robchalmers 05-20-2011 03:29 AM

No Sat - but I know(jinx) how to get there.....

techniques employed will be:

*Coasting in traffic / upto tolls (eONc)
*Liberal doses of drafting
*Low upshifts away from tolls
*Cruise RPM to be 2750 (110kph)

Going to think of some subtle duct tape based aero - the Grille block will be back but there maybe more!

suggestions please - but don't forget the car will be parked in a busy campsite during the weekend and maybe subject to beer related sabaotage, so nothing too extreme

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