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sprkthead2 05-06-2011 05:20 PM

New ScanGuage-e
Just got an email from cleanmpg about the new ScanGuage-e
New ScanGauge-e Leads CleanMPG EcoBoost Fuel Economy Challenge - CleanMPG Forums

"The New ScanGauge-e display.

Linear Logic makers of ScanGauge II, the easiest to use fuel economy feedback device today, announced the release of the all new ScanGauge-e. For the initial launch Linear Logic is sponsoring the CleanMPG Fuel Economy Adventure Challenge.

The EcoBoost Challenge will begin on April 30 in Los Angeles where a team of seven CleanMPG drivers and three guest journalists will set out on the cross country adventure. The ScanGauge-e will help the team attempt to achieve greater than 30mpg from the 22 mpg highway rated 2011 Ford F-150 with the 3.5L EcoBoost engine. This is Ford's most powerful (365 HP and 420 lb.-ft. of torque) and most fuel efficient truck engine ever built.

ScanGauge-e overview

Following in the footsteps of the award winning ScanGauge II, the all new ScanGauge-e features more than 18 built-in digital gauges in the standard or metric format. In addition to dual gauges, the ScanGauge-e provides real time fuel economy feedback that is displayed in a unique to the industry graphical format. The recently achieved fuel economy display period can be adjusted to show from approximately 10 seconds to 5 minutes.
Ron DeLong President of Linear Logic"

And it looks like you can daisy chain them together with a ethernet cable.

euromodder 05-06-2011 06:12 PM

Pic of the scangauge-e

Kodak 05-06-2011 06:18 PM

It has a clean look to it.

I'd like to see a FE display with a slightly larger screen though. It looks like the screen is almost the same width as the SGII (maybe a negligible amount bigger); and the text appears to be the same size.

sprkthead2 05-06-2011 06:33 PM

Wonder if we could get a special group buy rate like the ScanguageII on ecomodder.

gone-ot 05-07-2011 12:39 AM

...add my name to the list of "Curious George's" who'd like to know MORE!

...looks like Amazon has more info:

sprkthead2 05-07-2011 01:27 AM

More info:

New ScanGauge-e Leads CleanMPG EcoBoost Fuel Economy Challenge - CleanMPG Forums

RobertSmalls 05-07-2011 07:06 AM

It looks like half of a ScanGauge II. I don't see anything that would make me want to buy it over an UltraGauge or even a SGII.

SentraSE-R 05-07-2011 12:07 PM

^^^ I want 5 or 6 gauges displayed, not two.

bwilson4web 05-07-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Old Tele man (Post 236714)
...add my name to the list of "Curious George's" who'd like to know MORE!

...looks like Amazon has more info: ScanGaugeE Compact Multifunction Trip Computer with Customizable Real-Time Fuel Economy Digital Gauges: Automotive

Thanks for the info but it looks like I'll pass. There is nothing to indicate an ability to record and retrieve engineering data. Nor is there any suggestion of a computer interface to support upload of XGAUGE configurations. Since the official release is May 21, I'll reserve final judgement until then but the preliminary data does not impress.

Bob Wilson

Joenavy85 05-07-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 236762)
^^^ I want 5 or 6 gauges displayed, not two.

on my roadtrip this summer i'm getting a OBDII splitter so that i can run both my UltraGuage and my SGII, 10 Gauges displayed all at once:eek:

if it had data logging and XGauge configuration ability i might consider getting one to piggyback with my Ultragauge, but other than that, i'll pass

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