Hi My name is Tom,I grew up in Calif,i'm for now in Florida.spent most of my adult life working in a new car dealer.I'm interesting in Streamlining motorcycles,from design to testing.The advantages are enormouse,both in MPG and increased range in electric's as well as speed.I'm thinking in and outside the box as to what works and doesn't work..Light weight materials,tube chassis,monoque chassis,training wheels as well as gyro's to keep the bike up right at a stop,no putting your feet down[see Lit motors]Gyro's could eliminate the effect of side winds,a big factor with streamlining on a motorcycle.I want the future now.Safety is one of the reasons some don't ride motorcycles,but they can be very safe when you have a carbon,kevlar body around you.so thats why i'm here,to hear your ideas and to share my idea's.The time is now,we all have to do things better,i just hope America is one of the leaders.