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-   -   No "9999 mpg" on ScanGauge coasting engine off (EOC). UPDATE: fixed; free SG re-flash (

MetroMPG 12-26-2008 09:16 PM

No "9999 mpg" on ScanGauge coasting engine off (EOC). UPDATE: fixed; free SG re-flash
UPDATE: a fix for this issue is now available. You can mail in your gauge to have it re-flashed with the new code. Read on, or jump to post #32 for details.


I plugged a ScanGauge (SG1) into my dad's 2006 Corolla automatic today, and noticed it does not read "9999" in the instant MPG when coasting up to a stop with the transmission in neutral and the engine off.

The engine was killed with the key, then switched back to "on" again.

The SG1 is set to "hybrid" fuel type to ensure it stays awake.

Instead of 9999, it showed me these instant figures (MPG US) at these speeds (km/h):


km/h    MPG(US)
55    340
52    320
50    300
45    270
40    240
35    210
30    170
25    160

Note: remember, these figures are shown with the engine OFF. I didn't check, but I suspect these would be numbers I'd see if I were coasting while idling.

Has anyone else seen this? I Googled but didn't turn up this specific issue with this car.

I haven't tried it with my SG2 because it's in my car at the Halifax airport.

The problem here is that the SG1 would be under-reporting trip/today/tank MPG if any engine off coasting is done.

cfg83 12-26-2008 09:45 PM

MetroMPG -

My EOC-MPG in my SW2 is always egg-zactly 10 times the MPH. But I am circa-1999 "GM" ECU/PCM, not Toyota 2006.

I think blackjackel will be able to comment on this because he has a 2005 Corolla LE. But I also know he was out of town for awhile, so he may not be able to comment until he gets back.

EDIT: Wait a minute, I didn't notice KM/h. Gotta do some calcs ...


cfg83 12-26-2008 09:58 PM

MetroMPG -

Important Note: I use an SG1.

I went here :

How do you convert kmh to mph? - Yahoo! Answers

And got these conversion factors :

MPH = kph * 0.6215
kph = MPH * 1.60934


KM/H        MPH        MPG
55          34.18        340 
52          32.32        320 
50          31.08        300 
45          27.97        270 
40          24.86        240 
35          21.75        210 
30          18.65        170 
25          15.54        160

From the above, the algorithm looks *very* similar to mine, aka 10 times the MPH.

To me this implies, lacking the needed inputs for calculating MPG, the SG1 "defaults" to a failsafe MPG algorithm.


cfg83 12-27-2008 05:15 AM

MetroMPG -

Question: When you EOC in the Corolla, what does the RPM parameter report? My SW2 reports 61 RPM, even though the engine is off. I think this is what the Saturn ECU/PCM reports.


groar 12-27-2008 08:00 AM

If MPG = 10 MPH then GPH = 0.1.

It seams to me a possibility that the ECU signal can't send a lowest value for GPH.

My lowest consumption in my scenic at a steady speed is 2.3L/100 at 70km/h, ie a 1.61L/h = 0.425GPH.
Since last oil change, my consumption while coasting in neutral at idle at 60km/h is 1.2L/100 ie a 0.72L/h = 0.19GPH.

The 61 could also be the lowest value for RPM.

Time to define an OBD3 ?


cfg83 12-27-2008 08:51 AM

groar -


Originally Posted by groar (Post 80384)
If MPG = 10 MPH then GPH = 0.1.

It seams to me a possibility that the ECU signal can't send a lowest value for GPH.

My lowest consumption in my scenic at a steady speed is 2.3L/100 at 70km/h, ie a 1.61L/h = 0.425GPH.
Since last oil change, my consumption while coasting in neutral at idle at 60km/h is 1.2L/100 ie a 0.72L/h = 0.19GPH.

The 61 could also be the lowest value for RPM.

Time to define an OBD3 ?


I think GPH is a value computed by the SG1. I do not think it originates from the ECU/PCM of the car.

I have seen 9999 MPG in a diesel Renault Megane sedan when I am in gear and I take my foot off the accelerator (in Brussels on business with my handy SG1).

My thinking is that the "61" is the "lower end noise" of the sensor in my car.


dcb 12-27-2008 09:34 AM

The .1 gpm is coming from the ECU, not the scangauge. There are plenty of cars that can coast @ 9999 IIRC. Is there anything in xgauge or other newer functionality that can allow you to add some custom display logic (i.e. if rpm < 100 then mympg=9999)?

Daox 12-27-2008 09:38 AM

My Matrix does the same thing. It will go to 9999 in deceleration fuel cutoff, but with the engine actually off it shows a very small fuel usage.

metroschultz 12-27-2008 10:04 AM

My wifes Avalon works like Daox' Matrix.
9999 in DFC mode, but rolling (albeit high) mileage with EOC.
I am sure it is something in the software from Toyota.

MetroMPG 12-27-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by metroschultz (Post 80400)
My wifes Avalon works like Daox' Matrix.
9999 in DFC mode, but rolling (albeit high) mileage with EOC.

I checked, and it's not even doing 9999 in DFCO. It showed between .2 - .5 gph, and seemed to change relative to engine RPM.

But it was reporting OPEN LP in DFCO and switching back over to CLSD LP when the RPM dropped low enough for fuel injection to resume.


Originally Posted by cfg83 (Post 80381)
Question: When you EOC in the Corolla, what does the RPM parameter report?

When I key off, it freezes at whatever RPM the engine was at, but drops to zero when I immediately key back on.


Originally Posted by groar (Post 80384)
If MPG = 10 MPH then GPH = 0.1.

You're right: it was reporting 0.1 gph with the engine off and the key on.


Originally Posted by dcb (Post 80391)
Is there anything in xgauge or other newer functionality that can allow you to add some custom display logic (i.e. if rpm < 100 then mympg=9999)?

Not sure - but this is a SG1.

I'm pretty sure Daox is using a SG2 though (no xgauge / add-a-gauge feature).

I do wonder if this has anything to do with the way the engine is stopped, ie. if it were a kill switch, would it handle it differently? Not really a big concern, since I don't drive this car often. But for others who do...

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