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suspectnumber961 01-05-2014 05:03 AM

The Pacific Ocean is being trashed....

In November, 2013, enormous amounts of Star Fish on the sea floor off the California coast have begun dissolving into mushy piles of white goo. During an ocean dive Thursday morning, November 7, 2013 off the coast of Santa Cruz, Pete Raimondi [UCSC ecology professor] watched two halves of a broken sea star ravaged by a “wasting syndrome” walk away from each other. Not long after, they would turn into mushy piles of goo, disintegrated by a disease that has so far perplexed scientists. It appears the syndrome is impacting as many as 10 sea star species up and down the West Coast, wiping out entire populations in certain areas. “They can go from great -- to pieces -- in 12 hours,” said Raimondi. The Pacific Ocean is in the middle of a cooling trend, so biologists are at a loss to explain the outbreak. Others, speaking to Turner Radio Network on condition of anonymity fearing retaliation from authorities, said the cause has already been identified: radiation poisoning. These biologists have been threatened with losing their jobs if they reveal this publicly.

On November 11, 2013 FOX NEWS reported that since June, researchers have seen the disease spread from as far as British Columbia, Canada, down through California and, within the past year, from Maine through New Jersey. The scientists tracking the disease find this simultaneous bi-coastal infection especially alarming. “There is no direct route to get from Providence to Seattle,” Gary Wessel, a molecular biologist at Brown University. However, when one considers the evaporation of radiation-contaminated water from the Pacific, being carried inland by weather systems, and the jet stream then carrying those weather systems to the east coast, the explanation becomes obvious.

On November 23, 2013, thousands of dead sea birds began washing up on the shores of Alaska. Many of the carcases were broken open and bleeding.


The toxic effects of radiation on sea life is getting so terrible it is actually causing sea creatures to flee the deep ocean and head toward the shores.On November 24, the New York Times reported: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them ... in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands ... then pelicans ... bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted. But it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents — more than 200 humpbacks ... and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy Orcas ... the water in every direction roiled with mammals. For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories ... never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long. Last month, so many anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor that the oxygen ran out, leading to a major die-off.

Marine researchers PUBLICLY say they are baffled about the reason for the anchovy explosion. PRIVATELY, they tell the Turner Radio Network the cause is Fukushima radiation but they've been told to keep quiet to avoid causing a public panic.


According to a November report by the U.S. Geological Survey: Alopecia (loss of fur) and skin lesions were recently observed in polar bears off the northern coast of Alaska. According to the Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network since the spring of 2012, a total of 23 polar bears from Barrow, Deadhorse and Kaktovik have been identified with variable degrees of hair loss/ thinning, inflamed and crusting skin, and oral lesions. The prevalence of these symptoms appears to be in about 28% of observed animals.The concurrent presence of hair loss in seals, walrus and polar bears has suggested a possible connection between the events. Biologists in Alaska have observed a high rate of non-viable eggs in nests of greater white-fronted geese. Northern fur seals and soil samples in Alaska are also showing unusual signs. In another study, the Alaska Science Center has documented surprisingly high mortality (20–30 percent) of adult female musk ox during mid- to late summer in northwestern Alaska.


A new study of the effects of tiny quantities of radioactive fallout from Fukushima on the health of babies born in California shows a significant excess of hypothyroidism caused by the radioactive contamination traveling 5,000 miles across the Pacific. The article will be published next week in the peer-reviewed journal Open Journal of Pediatrics. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare but serious condition normally affecting about one child in 2,000, and one that demands clinical intervention - the growth of children suffering from the condition is affected if they are left untreated. All babies born in California are monitored at birth for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels in blood, since high levels indicate hypothyroidism.

Could the US government possibly be planning for fallout, literally, from the Fukushima nuclear disaster? On 6 December, the Department of Health and Human Services posted a solicitation for vendor bids, with a response date of 23 December 2013, for 14 million potassium iodide tablets.


I now take an iodine supplement. Will be eating no tuna and reduced salmon out of the NE Pacific.

The Japanese economy is is up to it's ears in debt currently...wait until the legal consequences of this pollution of the Pacific gets to the courts?

t vago 01-05-2014 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by suspectnumber961 (Post 405758)
...These biologists have been threatened with losing their jobs if they reveal this publicly.

On November 11, 2013 FOX NEWS reported that since June, researchers have seen the disease spread ...

Well, heck, there's the problem, right there! It was seen on FAUX NOISE!!! How true can this be?

gone-ot 01-05-2014 10:35 AM

Glow-in-the-Dark starfish? Should make them easiser to track in the dark ocean depths (wink,wink).

Giovanni LiCalsi 01-05-2014 11:33 AM

jamesqf 01-05-2014 01:29 PM

Could we move this to the Unicorn Corral?

California98Civic 01-05-2014 01:43 PM

The truth of this particular report notwithstanding--I don't know--living here in California means we're seeing more such reports all the time. I'm not certain how much to believe them. I have read that the leaking radiation into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima has continued unabated since the disaster, that its total leaked radiation dwarfs Chernobyl now, and that the earliest possible containment is in 2015 and that date might be optimistic. Here is an LA Times article with a link to a Woods Hole FAQ on the subject:
Is our seafood radioactive, or is it safe to eat? -

gone-ot 01-05-2014 02:24 PM

Facts are true, it's just the hysterical town crier that's worthy of a uni-corn plantation somewhere in the posterior.

suspectnumber961 01-07-2014 08:22 AM

Fixing it with duct tape?

In one of those cases in October 2012, Uechi was given a task to cover five or six storage tanks without lids in the “E” area close to H3 as it was raining, the Japanese paper reported. When he climbed to the top of the 10-meter-high tank Uechi found white adhesive tape covering an opening of about 30 centimeters. After using a blade to remove the tape he applied a sealing agent on the opening and fit a steel lid fastening it with bolts. According to instructions he was to use four bolts, though the lid had eight bolt holes.

According to the employee, his colleagues later told him that the use of adhesive tape was a usual practice to deal with the problem of sealing in radioactive water.

“I couldn’t believe that such slipshod work was being done, even if it was part of stopgap measures,” Uechi told The Asahi Shimbun.

Among other makeshift cost-cutting measures was the use of second-hand materials. Uechi also said that wire nets were used instead of reinforcing bars during the placement of concrete for storage tank foundations. In addition, waterproof sheets were applied along the joints inside flange-type cylindrical tanks to save on the sealing agent used to join metal sheets of the storage tanks. Rain and snow had washed away the anti-corrosive agent applied around clamping bolts, reducing the sealing effect, Uechi added. According to the Fukushima worker, many of the tanks were later found to be leaking contaminated water.

P-hack 01-07-2014 08:29 AM

dude, they even use tape on jet planes for a quick fix, no big deal. You could be grateful that they are putting effort into containment too.

Speed tape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

suspectnumber961 01-07-2014 08:31 AM

It's coming....
Previously unpublished map from gov’t scientists shows Fukushima plume already at Alaska coast (PHOTO)

suspectnumber961 01-07-2014 08:37 AM

How safe is it?
What Is The ACTUAL Risk for Pacific Coast Residents from Fukushima Radiation? Washington's Blog

Physicians for Social Responsibility notes:

According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual’s risk for the development of cancer.

“There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”

“Consuming food containing radionuclides is particularly dangerous. If an individual ingests or inhales a radioactive particle, it continues to irradiate the body as long as it remains radioactive and stays in the body,”said Alan H. Lockwood, MD, a member of the Board of Physicians for Social Responsibility.


Dr. Peter Karamoskos notes:

The most comprehensive study of nuclear workers by the IARC, involving 600,000 workers exposed to an average cumulative dose of 19mSv, showed a cancer risk consistent with that of the A-bomb survivors.

Children are much more vulnerable to radiation than adults. American physician Brian Moench writes:

The idea that a threshold exists or there is a safe level of radiation for human exposure began unraveling in the 1950s when research showed one pelvic x-ray in a pregnant woman could double the rate of childhood leukemia in an exposed baby. Furthermore, the risk was ten times higher if it occurred in the first three months of pregnancy than near the end. This became the stepping-stone to the understanding that the timing of exposure was even more critical than the dose. The earlier in embryonic development it occurred, the greater the risk.

A new medical concept has emerged, increasingly supported by the latest research, called “fetal origins of disease,” that centers on the evidence that a multitude of chronic diseases, including cancer, often have their origins in the first few weeks after conception by environmental insults disturbing normal embryonic development. It is now established medical advice that pregnant women should avoid any exposure to x-rays, medicines or chemicals when not absolutely necessary, no matter how small the dose, especially in the first three months.

“Epigenetics” is a term integral to fetal origins of disease, referring to chemical attachments to genes that turn them on or off inappropriately and have impacts functionally similar to broken genetic bonds. Epigenetic changes can be caused by unimaginably small doses – parts per trillion – be it chemicals, air pollution, cigarette smoke or radiation. Furthermore, these epigenetic changes can occur within minutes after exposure and may be passed on to subsequent generations.

The Endocrine Society, 14,000 researchers and medical specialists in more than 100 countries, warned that “even infinitesimally low levels of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, indeed, any level of exposure at all, may cause endocrine or reproductive abnormalities, particularly if exposure occurs during a critical developmental window. Surprisingly, low doses may even exert more potent effects than higher doses.” If hormone-mimicking chemicals at any level are not safe for a fetus, then the concept is likely to be equally true of the even more intensely toxic radioactive elements drifting over from Japan, some of which may also act as endocrine disruptors.

Many epidemiologic studies show that extremely low doses of radiation increase the incidence of childhood cancers, low birth-weight babies, premature births, infant mortality, birth defects and even diminished intelligence. Just two abdominal x-rays delivered to a male can slightly increase the chance of his future children developing leukemia. By damaging proteins anywhere in a living cell, radiation can accelerate the aging process and diminish the function of any organ. Cells can repair themselves, but the rapidly growing cells in a fetus may divide before repair can occur, negating the body’s defense mechanism and replicating the damage.

Comforting statements about the safety of low radiation are not even accurate for adults. Small increases in risk per individual have immense consequences in the aggregate. When low risk is accepted for billions of people, there will still be millions of victims. New research on risks of x-rays illustrate the point.

Radiation from CT coronary scans is considered low, but, statistically, it causes cancer in one of every 270 40-year-old women who receive the scan. Twenty year olds will have double that rate. Annually, 29,000 cancers are caused by the 70 million CT scans done in the US. Common, low-dose dental x-rays more than double the rate of thyroid cancer. Those exposed to repeated dental x-rays have an even higher risk of thyroid cancer.

suspectnumber961 01-07-2014 08:41 AM

It's dying?
Study: Dead sea creatures cover 98 percent of ocean floor off California coast; up from 1 percent before Fukushima

At an ocean research station known as Station M, located 145 miles out to sea between the Californian cities of Santa Barbara and Monterey, Huffard and her colleague Ken Smith observed a sharp uptick in the amount of dead sea life drifting to the ocean floor. The masses of dead sea plankton, jellyfish, feces and other oceanic matter that typically only cover about 1 percent of the ocean floor were found to now be covering about 98 percent of it -- and multiple other stations located throughout the Pacific have since reported similar figures.

"In March 2012, less than one percent of the seafloor beneath Station M was covered in dead sea salps," writes Carrie Arnold for National Geographic. "By July 1, more than 98 percent of it was covered in the decomposing organisms. ... The major increase in activity of deep-sea life in 2011 and 2012 weren't limit to Station M, though: Other ocean-research stations reported similar data."

P-hack 01-07-2014 08:46 AM

most . alarmist . "news" . source . ever

P-hack 01-07-2014 08:50 AM

you aren't really doing a good job with causality here, stuff has been dying on the east coast since before march 2011. Maybe if you tried to connect the dots better instead of simply freaking out in a panic...

jamesqf 01-07-2014 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by suspectnumber961 (Post 406027)
Physicians for Social Responsibility notes:

According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual’s risk for the development of cancer.

That's right, as "evidence" cite an unsupported statement from an advocacy group whose funding and continued depends on the successful use of scare tactics. So tell me, do you believe the Koch brothers when they tell you that fossil fuels don't cause global warming?

Cobb 01-07-2014 09:06 PM

Amazing you can get this much news. You know there is a media black out regarding this, right? I hear all work has ceased and plums of white steam/smoke can be seen from the site. :eek:

gone-ot 01-07-2014 09:58 PM

...shades of movie "THE CHINA SYNDROME"...only in Japan!

Giovanni LiCalsi 01-07-2014 10:35 PM

This tells us how powerful the greedy rat ******* nuclear industry is! :mad:

suspectnumber961 01-08-2014 05:53 AM

Doan you worry bout it....capische?
Officials reject concerns over 500 percent radiation increase on California beach ? RT USA

Health officials in California are now telling residents not to worry after a video uploaded to the internet last month seemed to show high levels of radiation at a Pacific Coast beach.

The video, “Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco,” has been viewed nearly half-a-million times since being uploaded to YouTube on Christmas Eve, and its contents have caused concern among residents who fear that nuclear waste from the March 2011 disaster in Japan may be arriving on their side of the Pacific Ocean.

Throughout the course of the seven-minute-long clip, a man tests out his Geiger counter radiation detector while walking through Pacifica State Beach outside of San Francisco. At times, the monitor on the machine seems to show radiation of 150 counts-per-minute, or the equivalent of around five times what is typically found in that type of environment.


Some factoids....

The top 10% in income in the US own 80% of US stocks.

So they own most of the corporate world.

The media is controlled by the corps (and the top 10%) due to consolidations.

They also control the political process...just ask the Supremes.

They control most parts or sectors of the economy...and they do not want the herd animals panicked....except when they want a war. Just ask George. not feed the animals? So they are eating food laced with heavy metals...pesticides...herbicides...GMOs...radiatio n...these should just be considered to be spices....and the cheap fats and sugar and wheat and factory raised protein also help dumb down the population so they can be more easily controlled.

Plus...we have the prisons for the recalcitrant.

So if your leaders say it is OK...then damn's OK! :thumbup:

Note: The IGC will be recalling me soon....they say the situation on Earth is becoming unstable. I really hate to go...but you know the IGC. :rolleyes:

P-hack 01-08-2014 06:57 AM

I do hope you get recalled soon Fukushima Emergency

suspectnumber961 01-08-2014 07:23 AM

We have a saying on my home planet...."bite me". :D

P-hack 01-08-2014 07:42 AM

Maybe you should focus on your own planet for a while.

Thenorm 01-08-2014 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by suspectnumber961 (Post 405758)
These biologists have been threatened with losing their jobs if they reveal this publicly.

any time the "proof" is people who would only speak anonymously. i stop listening. Any real scientist would be applauded for releasing results either good or bad.


“There is no direct route to get from Providence to Seattle,” Gary Wessel, a molecular biologist at Brown University. However, when one considers the evaporation of radiation-contaminated water from the Pacific, being carried inland by weather systems, and the jet stream then carrying those weather systems to the east coast, the explanation becomes obvious.
no direct method, like riding in the bilge of a ship that crosses the Panama canal?


Marine researchers PUBLICLY say they are baffled about the reason for the anchovy explosion. PRIVATELY, they tell the Turner Radio Network the cause is Fukushima radiation but they've been told to keep quiet to avoid causing a public panic.
again, proof is anonymous. /shakes head



... skin lesions were recently observed in polar bears off the northern coast of Alaska...

.....Biologists in Alaska have observed a high rate of non-viable eggs in nests of greater white-fronted geese. Northern fur seals and soil samples in Alaska are also showing unusual signs. In another study, the Alaska Science Center has documented surprisingly high mortality (20–30 percent) of adult female musk ox during mid- to late summer in northwestern Alaska....
unusual signs, does not prove anything. speculation is the worst.

i remember there was some fish that were bleeding out their gills, blamed on the radiation, until it was learned it was a simple virus.
So, I predict that all of these issues have logical, scientificly proven causes.


I now take an iodine supplement. Will be eating no tuna and reduced salmon out of the NE Pacific.
good, more fish for me. i also hope people leave the coast. more room for me. maybe it will drive down Vancouver housing prices, so I can actually afford something bigger.

suspectnumber961 01-09-2014 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by P-hack (Post 406154)
Maybe you should focus on your own planet for a while.

Canada's former Defense Minister goes public with shocking claim: 'Aliens are real and walk among us'

"We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures, and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick, and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we're playing around with these exotic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, which have such devastating effects both on Earth and other areas in the Cosmos."

The Cosmos, by the way, is interconnected, Hellyer charged; the four species of extraterrestrials that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years - and the others that exist within the Cosmos - are interconnected with humans. If we harm ourselves or destroy the planet, he maintains, we will upset some sort of galactic ecosystem.


Basically...we want your planet...and your women. are trashing your planet...and your women are way too fat. You humans need to shape to speak...and soon.

Cause...what would you do if we aliens weren't keeping you in line? I think we all know that downhill path.

The Inter Galactic Council knows...the NSA et al are cub scouts compared to us.

Frank Lee 01-09-2014 10:45 AM

Mankind acts like tenants, not owners. As a former landlord, I can tell you that renters who have some pride and respect for their surroundings are the exception, not the rule. The rule is to take take take, destroy, abuse, and exploit as much as possible. Yep. Tenants.

Giovanni LiCalsi 01-09-2014 11:34 AM

Earth is becoming more overpopulated every year but we humans seem to be limiting the amount of available sea life that could sustain human existence.
Global corporations are soulless and do not care about preserving the ecology of earth.

Frank Lee 01-09-2014 11:41 AM

Corporations are people! :p

Giovanni LiCalsi 01-09-2014 11:51 AM

Thanks to supreme court justice Scalia!

niky 01-09-2014 12:33 PM

In the end, that's what they really are. The collective greed, hopes and ambition of tens or hundreds or thousands of investors, stockholders and owners who care *mostly* about the bottom line.

Getting those investors to accept lower returns or marginal returns from more eco-friendly investments in exchange for securing the future of the great-grandchildren they refuse to have? Good luck.

P-hack 01-09-2014 12:57 PM

No, that is only part of the "problem". People are greedy about reproduction, hence the population problem. Great, you had kids, why is that anyone elses problem, oh yah, cuz there are limited resources.

jamesqf 01-09-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Giovanni LiCalsi (Post 406364)
Global corporations are soulless and do not care about preserving the ecology of earth.

Yes, corporations are soulless, and don't care about anything but making profits. But guess what? They don't make profits unless you choose to buy the stuff they make.

t vago 01-09-2014 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by niky (Post 406378)
Getting those investors to accept lower returns or marginal returns from more eco-friendly investments in exchange for securing the future of the great-grandchildren they refuse to have? Good luck.

Yah, because an all-powerful, totalitarian government would do SO much better at protecting the environment than them evil, greedy capitalists that people here are so quick to vilify.

Cobb 01-09-2014 07:24 PM

Japan plans nuclear reactor meltdown to help prevent another Fukushima disaster - World News

Inside the ‘No-Go Zone’: Searching for Answers at Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant - ABC News

Giovanni LiCalsi 01-09-2014 08:40 PM

We are all doomed to Hell! President Eisenhower warned us about the military madness.
I'm hoping that the extraterrestrials will let me hitch a ride out of this Hell Hole!

Re: Depleted Uranium is the Pride of Civilisation - YouTube

Cobb 01-09-2014 09:43 PM

I take it from the responses the eco thing most practice is just for their own benefit and not the environment?

There is a reason air pumps were installed and removed from vehicles, the solution to pollution is not dilution. The benefits are very short term and short lived.

Im just glad my real location is on the east coast, mid atlantic and inland. :thumbup:

niky 01-10-2014 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by t vago (Post 406394)
Yah, because an all-powerful, totalitarian government would do SO much better at protecting the environment than them evil, greedy capitalists that people here are so quick to vilify.

Never said any different. Rule of thumb for large organizations... lowest common denominator behaviour... :D


Originally Posted by P-hack (Post 406382)
No, that is only part of the "problem". People are greedy about reproduction, hence the population problem. Great, you had kids, why is that anyone elses problem, oh yah, cuz there are limited resources.

Funny thing... there are some studies that suggest humans, like rats, reproduce more in crowded, resource poor conditions.

Which basically means we're doomed. Not unless we find a way to edumacate all those people...

P-hack 01-10-2014 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by niky (Post 406480)
Funny thing... there are some studies that suggest humans, like rats, reproduce more in crowded, resource poor conditions.

Which basically means we're doomed. Not unless we find a way to edumacate all those people...

No argument, and to look at the other side of the coin, we see income inequality as "those greedy rich people" while the ranks of the poor have been swelling reproductively, at a rate double everyone else at the lowest end.

in the us there are way more households making less than $10k/year (mostly white FWIW) so I would say, yah it stands to reason at the 50,000 foot level.

poor people, in the us anyway do breed a lot faster, and now there are a lot more of them, skewing the stats about wealth inequality. Now the pope wants a war on poverty after telling everyone that they will go to hell if they use contraceptives?!?

suspectnumber961 01-10-2014 07:28 AM

My personal response to it all is to find the things I can do to insulate myself somewhat from the mess ahead. I try to improve my diet and avoid stress....take whatever defensive measures possible. Find relatively positive things to do. Avoid's a mess and a sickness.

Those that will suffer the most are the youngest...who by the time they are old enough to be able to do something about things...will have been indoctrinated and abused to a point of no return.

Paul Craig Roberts: 2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse

In America today people with power are no longer accountable. This means citizens have become subjects, an indication of social collapse.

P-hack 01-10-2014 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by suspectnumber961 (Post 406506)
Those that will suffer the most are the youngest...

It is hard to give birth to a 50 yr old.

suspectnumber961 01-10-2014 07:57 AM

Nuclear expert admits Fukushima reactors melted into the ground, contaminating hundreds of tons of groundwater daily

Fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster from two and a half years ago continues to silently impact health and safety around the world. After explosions in four of the six reactors, three melted down into the ground, and there is no way to simply plug the dam.

The effects of this unprecedented disaster continue to play out in slow motion. But of course, what isn't seen remains little talked about in the media or among the public.

Recent accounts reveal that Japanese officials continue to refuse to publicly acknowledge the extent of the problem and are actively covering up the truth to hold together the appearance that everything is normal, and that all is well.


Meanwhile, a nuclear expert spotlighted the volume of radioactive materials - on the order of 300 tons of water per day - that continues to flow out from the melted down reactor cores at the power plant into the Pacific Ocean day in and day out, with no hope of slowing down, continually increasing global exposure since 2011.

The president and co-founder of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Gordon Edwards, discussed the extent of the continued contamination during a radio interview with The Green Majority on 89.5 FM in Toronto on December 6, 2013. Edwards holds a Ph.D. in mathematics and has served as a nuclear consultant and testified as a nuclear expert in Canadian courts.

Shockingly, Edwards stated, "There are about 300 tons of contaminated water every day going into the Pacific Ocean underground. That's because the cores of the reactors have melted into the ground, and now the groundwater is flowing underneath the reactors and it's washing that radioactive material out into the Pacific Ocean at the rate of 300 tons per day."


The real question to me is how much radiation is being accumulated in Pacific ocean fish? Radiation and other pollutants tend to concentrate more in animal flesh vs plants. Same for land animals. When humans consume meat...the pollutants are even more concentrated.

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