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Xist 05-02-2022 10:51 PM

Personal question: How old is your computer?
Oh, you have more than one? Weirdo! :D

No, I am not insulting you right off the bat, I am currently using my desktop, but I prefer my laptop, which I have had for almost 16 months. It was cheaper than my desktop, but I just realized I brought that home on 5/21/2016!

Then there is the $300 laptop that I bought in October of 2017. I upgraded to an SSD, reinstalled Windows, and gave it to my nephew, but he couldn't game on it, so he gave it back.

It has 4 GB soldered to the motherboard.

Who has the most computers? :)

A friend has 2 desktops and a couple laptops for some reason. She keeps acting like that makes sense.

I sure wish that more of my computers lasted 6 years! :D

I have plugged my scratched Samsung Galaxy S20FE into my USB-C KVM and I used it with my 4k television, keyboard and mouse.

My sister works for Google and says that schools are stupid for buying $1,000 laptops when they can do everything they need with a $400 chromebook.

Lunacy skips and jumps in my family.

My phone would be $600 unlocked.

I wouldn't expect a $400 chromebook to keep up with my $600 phone, and I didn't use my phone as a computer for very long.

I missed a real computer! :)

wax87 05-02-2022 11:04 PM

SSD is next on my list

oil pan 4 05-03-2022 12:22 AM

My laptop was fairly dated when I bought it in 2015.
My current phone I think I bought in 2018, it was an obsolete model by 2014.

redpoint5 05-03-2022 12:44 AM

Don't really know how many computers and laptops I have, but I really only use 2 laptops, 1 tower, and 1 server.

Work laptop is 2 years old Dell business class. I'm on that the most. It stays on my desk connected to the port replicator and 3 displays.

This 10th gen Intel i5 laptop was $290 on Black Friday 2 years ago. Originally intended to use it as a Plex server and PVR for security cameras, but found it wasn't quite up to the tasks I wanted it to perform. Plenty fast enough for anything related to work or school or browsing. It's the only computer I've purchased in the last decade or so.

Dell tower has 2 Intel CPUs and 16 cores total. I've got it running Plex, RAID 1 data storage, and PVR for security cameras. It runs headless (no monitor, keyboard, or mouse). I remote into it as needed.

Dell R740 server has 24 cores and just mines Ethereum with a couple insane GPUs. It's a power hog, consuming 500 watts when mining, so I'm not sure how long I'll run it. Although I have solar electricity, last year I ended up paying a few bucks because my consumption exceeded production.

My previous laptop was a Lenovo x220 I bought in 2011 and it was fantastic. I used it daily at work and home for 6 years.

There's really no use in any of these lasting more than 5 years since technology will have moved on so much by then. It's all super cheap too, so no problem to replace stuff every 5 years. As long as one isn't gaming, computers are cheap. Even then, it's not too much to get a decent gaming rig.

Phase 05-03-2022 12:50 AM

Running a desktop built custom with rtx 3080 gpu and an intel i7 8 core processor iver clocked to 5.2ghz and 32gb of ram. Need to upgrade to 64gb of ram though. Everything is installed and ran off nvme Samsung SSD. 4K monitor and sound bar or senheisser headphones for some applications.

freebeard 05-03-2022 01:08 AM


Oh, you have more than one? Weirdo
All of them or just the ones I can reach from here?

The everyday machine is a $90 Raspberry Pi driving a mid-1990s Sony LCD TV. Next will be a Pi 400.

The M1 Mac Mini is the newest, but I don't trust it online. I made the mistake of installing antivirus software on it, and now I'm not sure if it uninstalled or not. Runs the newest Blender though.

The $75 iMac is still chugging along. The $25 G4 from Nextstep probably not.

I still use the Barnes & Noble Nook tablet to listen to music when I'm in the shed.

me and my metro 05-03-2022 01:10 AM

Hp laptop made last year on the network. Also a 12.9” iPad and all Apple phones at work. We are all MacBook pro and iPads and iPhones at home plus an old XP pc upgraded to Windows 10 only used for tax purposes.

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 05-03-2022 01:52 AM

I don't even kow how old my computer is, but maybe I should keep an eye for a replacement. I already got it second-hand, and once in a while there is some hardware malfunction. I also consider getting rid of Windows and switch to Linux.

ECO-AKJ 05-03-2022 08:56 AM

I'm still running one that I built in 2007, only had to replace the power supply once in it, it is used for web browsing on my 40" tv in my bedroom.

I built one Jan 2020 for my living room, it runs media on my 65" tv.

No use gaming on the new machine, no broadband internet available.

freebeard 05-03-2022 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I also consider getting rid of Windows and switch to Linux.

The hardest part is picking a distribution. Have you looked at your choices?

Phase 05-03-2022 12:00 PM

Dang no wonder none of yiu guys are running cfd software for aero on your omputers ��

freebeard 05-03-2022 12:26 PM

Are you?

I've got everything I need except the ability program in Python. The M1 Mini can run Blender and it has incorporated OpenVDB. I'm convinced its physics engine could do CFD. It might be possible to do it in Geometry Nodes. What do you think?

Phase 05-03-2022 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 667355)
Are you?

I've got everything I need except the ability program in Python. The M1 Mini can run Blender and it has incorporated OpenVDB. I'm convinced its physics engine could do CFD. It might be possible to do it in Geometry Nodes. What do you think?

I don’t have the money to buy the cfd program and then it’s like another 80 bucks to even download a 3D model of the Ioniq

redpoint5 05-03-2022 12:55 PM

I'd be happy to run any calcs for people considering I have a 24 core server that's pretty much idle. It's also got a Tesla P100 GPU meant for compute and not for video output.

GPU Architecture NVIDIA Pascal
NVIDIA CUDA® Cores 3584
Double-Precision Performance 4.7 TeraFLOPS
Single-Precision Performance 9.3 TeraFLOPS
Half-Precision Performance 18.7 TeraFLOPS
GPU Memory 16GB CoWoS HBM2 at 732 GB/s or 12GB CoWoS HBM2 at 549 GB/s
System Interface PCIe Gen3
Max Power Consumption 250 W
Thermal Solution Passive
Form Factor PCIe Full Height/Length
Compute APIs CUDA, DirectCompute, OpenCL™, OpenACC

freebeard 05-03-2022 01:32 PM


I don’t have the money to buy the cfd program and then it’s like another 80 bucks to even download a 3D model of the Ioniq

I don't know what they mean by 'Minimum account required: Free with uploads' but there is a download button. There're 3,145,818 polygons in 3ds Max.

Blender is Free and Open Source. That is it's strength.

edit: So, I looked around a bit. Everything seems to be 2-3 years old and a lot has changed in that time, Open VDB and Geometry Nodes for starters.

This provides a pipeline Flexi>Paraview>Blender.


In this post, we are going to show you how to take post-processed data from a CFD solver and render them in Blender, allowing you to present your simulation results in a eye-catching way. We are using data produced by FLEXI and post-process them using ParaView, but the procedure is applicable to other toolchains as well. The focus is on how to use Blender to render already post-processed data, so there will be no step-by-step instructions on how to obtain the data – only a rough overview will be given in that regard.
So, does Paraview support OpenVDB? From 2021-09:
Quote: › t › build-paraview-with-openvdb › 7983
build paraview with openvdb - ParaView Support - ParaView
We're in the process of updating the ParaView superbuild to include the third party libraries needed for this. The other option is for you to build the third party libraries (e.g. OpenVDB, Blosc, OpenEXR, TBB, etc.) yourself and make sure that CMake finds them properly during the ParaView configuration process.
Paraview is Open Source:

IMHO the enabling technology is Geometry Node editing.

Quote: › manual › en › latest › modeling › geometry_nodes › index.html
Geometry Nodes — Blender Manual
Curve Spiral Node. Quadratic Bézier Node. Quadrilateral Node. Star Node. Geometry Nodes. Bounding Box Node. Convex Hull Node. Delete Geometry Node. Geometry Proximity Node.

Phase 05-03-2022 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 667362)

I don't know what they mean by 'Minimum account required: Free with uploads' but there is a download button. There're 3,145,818 polygons in 3ds Max.

Blender is Free and Open Source. That is it's strength.

it says either pay for the model or if you upload your own model, you can get a download

freebeard 05-03-2022 02:21 PM

It was just the only result on CG Trader. I'd start with DMI Car 3D Models but they don't have a category for Hyundai.

Note that I edited #15 nine minutes after you posted.

Xist 05-03-2022 08:35 PM

Ecomodders still ecomod?! Pics or it never happened! :D
Apparently my desktop has a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745. I don't know what that is, but I am not impressed.

I absolutely cannot find out how much RAM it has. Google just says "Up to 4GB." Windows doesn't give me any information beyond the name. None of the information Google shows appears in Settings.

Not even my various Nvidia programs tell me how much I have.

I haven't tried playing World of Warcraft on here since I bought the laptop, except one time I tried to check something in-game while I was talking to someone on Zoom and Nvidia reallocated all of my system resources to the game, but Zoom stopped working, so I quit the game.

While I put 32 GB in here and the laptop only has 16, the laptop does everything much faster, so when I have the time to play, I play on my laptop.

I occasionally Gimp on here, but of course it is faster on the laptop.

It looks like I can get a RTX 3050 for around $350 and allegedly it would be almost six times as fast as my desktop GPU.

Allegedly it is also faster than the AMD Ryzen™ 7 4700U in my laptop!

The difference is all CPU?

I really don't want to spend $350 unnecessarily right now! :)

freebeard 05-03-2022 09:11 PM


I absolutely cannot find out how much RAM it has.
Yur funny. :) Why don't you ask it? IDK the Windows Terminal, but on a free OS it's "cat /proc/meminfo" [without the quotes].

redpoint5 05-04-2022 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Xist (Post 667387)
Apparently my desktop has a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745. I don't know what that is, but I am not impressed.

I really don't want to spend $350 unnecessarily right now! :)

Looks... old. Plays old games extremely well though.

I expect GPUs to be peanuts once crypto mining finally goes T-up. Certainly wouldn't buy one now at inflated prices.

Xist 05-04-2022 04:07 PM

I wish there were something like the Crucial Advisor for video cards.

When I tried to figure out how much I have everything either told me to follow the same steps or told me to ensure that a new video card is compatible before I upgrade. To to that, ensure it is compatible and boom! I found out whether it is compatible!

freebeard 05-04-2022 04:34 PM

Did you find out how much RAM?


I wish there were something like the Crucial Advisor for video cards.
I don't know anything about Crucial Advisor, but I'd start with Tom's hardware:

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 05-04-2022 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 667344)
The hardest part is picking a distribution. Have you looked at your choices?

An uncle of mine says Ubuntu was the best, yet I'm also considering other distributions. I would be interested to try Puppy Linux too, as it's a lightweight distribution and often pointed out as somewhat user-friendly enough for someone more familiar with Windows XP. I enjoyed Windows XP back in the day...

ksa8907 05-04-2022 09:12 PM

Xist, run dxdiag and it will list out the details of the video card.

I bought my desktop used 5 years ago for $200, build date is 9/4/2013. Dell Optiplex 9020, i5 4570, 16gb ram, and I added a ssd for the boot drive. The computer works great

Xist 05-04-2022 11:58 PM

I don't understand the apple cult:
1 Attachment(s)
This is the first apple device that I have ever bought and I have been looking at this screen for at least 2 hours:

Over 4 years ago my boss gave me my work iPad and said "This is your iPad," but 2 years ago they had us send in our devices for a "system upgrade." However, it returned without any of my communication apps, apps I didn't want were there, I cannot change anything, and it took a while to get my communication apps.
The lock screen and background are a garish logo for the company that has given me just enough work over the past 4 years that I can make ends meet--at least when I have a second job.

Apparently none of my coworkers has been able to download any apps for months.

That is nonsense. Much of the office staff are therapists. I don't have any idea if they work in the office on top of whatever caseload they may have, but they very well may have hundreds of under-employed therapists.

The app nazi quits or gets fired.
Boss tries to find a replacement and when requests pile up he e-mails everyone "Hey, we need someone to approve app requests. Is anyone available 20 hours a week for that?"
[Receives hundreds of responses]

I use my iPad with clients that don't have their own or if they are unable to use theirs, but I cannot add buttons to Lamp, which is sufficiently problematic that I just spent $280 for a jumbo child's plaything just so I can actually use my communication device to properly communicate.
It is newer and larger, so hopefully I can install Chase, and Mom can use it without a magnifying glass, which makes my brain scream.
She insists that zooming in "Doesn't work," but she says that whenever she doesn't want to use something.
Personal accounts can use Lamp on up to 10 devices.
What kind of family would need 10 devices with Lamp?!
My plan is to let Mom use the Chase app and look up the heights of Hallmark actors on the jumbo child's plaything and use hers for work, adding words to the app as necessary.
If the jumbo child's plaything ever finishes setting up!

Xist 05-05-2022 12:50 AM

We have a winner! :D
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ksa8907 (Post 667460)
Xist, run dxdiag and it will list out the details of the video card.


I have 32GB system RAM, 20GB shared, 4GB dedicated, and 16GB shared?

My video card is using system memory?

Hey guys, remember Task Manager? :)

It shows 32GB RAM, 1.5/4GB dedicated GPU RAM, and 0.2/16GB shared GPU RAM.

Apparently I could have done that all along! :)

So, 4GB on-board and it has access to half of my system RAM.

I updated and logged into WoW. I logged into a character in a capital city and started getting a bunch of stuff out of the mail.

in a 1,920x1,080 window I am getting 12-15hz and I am up to 3.2GB used, but it says 100% utilized.

This does not bring me joy.

Task Manager was mostly blank while I logged in, but that may have been Nvidia reallocating resources.

The only other game I really have on here is Microsoft's Solitaire suite. That brings up my utilization to about 60% and 2.1GB total.

I also have Ascendancy by Logic Factory from 1995 and Tradewars 2002 by Epic Interactive Software from 1990.


You can play that without downloading on, but it is the original version, called Classic by purists who prefer ancient versions of ancient games.

The server is 3.43MB and the entire game is text.

Ascendancy is 37MB and is VGA, so I am not going to see what resources it uses.

freebeard 05-05-2022 12:59 AM


I don't understand the apple cult:
It was built on their Human Interface Guidelines in 1984. Which was brilliant. It defined things like round-cornered rectangles and selecting discontiguous regions that we take for granted today.

But then they fell away from the true faith, adding prompts to coddle Windows refugees [and slow things down]. Losing Steve Jobs was the final nail in the ...coffin.

Anything running IOS is a walled garden.

CR -- I'm looking forward to Asahi Linux on the M1 Mini. It's in Alpha right now, I'm waiting for Beta or better (sound and Bluetooth is not working yet).

Xist 05-05-2022 01:04 AM

Well, women seemingly willing to date me don't seem like the best sample group, but I have had many women tell me "You should buy an iPhone!"
"It's better!"
"Because it is Apple!"
"I regret everything."

I just want this silly thing to let me install Chase and let Mom use it--or let her use hers.

Mom is upset she cannot use any child's playthings! :)

I guess that I will ensure that I don't have anything sensitive on my work one and let her use that one.

Xist 05-05-2022 04:48 AM

After 5 hours I restarted the iPad and was able to set up everything in a couple of minutes
Mom keeps complaining about the newer child's plaything with the larger screen that runs the Chase app just fine.

I am going to have my brother order her a larger version of the custom case I bought her for her birthday and I will use my work case with her old smaller iPad that cannot run the Chase app and finally have a proper communication app for work.

So, I am out at least $280, and Mom is complaining about yet another absurdity, but at least I can do my job better.

wdb 05-05-2022 10:09 AM

10 year old macbook, 6 year old desktop, 10-ish year old NAS. Most of my recent tech expenditures have been network gear.

EDIT: Oh I see you are including tablets. I have an iPad that is a year newer than the mac. It could use a battery but I keep it tethered most of the time so I haven't bothered.

Piotrsko 05-05-2022 10:37 AM

15 yr old laptop on ubuntu, 20 year old case running XP, 7 year old laptop win10

redpoint5 05-05-2022 10:52 AM

I never liked Apple products because they were too restrictive, overpriced, and under-featured.

That's the appeal to businesses and people that like Apple products though; simplicity and security. Businesses can easily manage Apple devices.

My dislike for Apple began with the iPOD. It's a dumb name. Unlike all other MP3 players, the iPOD couldn't just be plugged in to a PC and present itself as attached storage. In fact, it couldn't play MP3s. You had to convert them using iTunes (another stupid name). The iPOD didn't come with an FM tuner, something which most other devices had. It had an awesome scroll wheel though.

ksa8907 05-05-2022 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by redpoint5 (Post 667485)
I never liked Apple products because they were too restrictive, overpriced, and under-featured.

That's the appeal to businesses and people that like Apple products though; simplicity and security. Businesses can easily manage Apple devices.

My dislike for Apple began with the iPOD. It's a dumb name. Unlike all other MP3 players, the iPOD couldn't just be plugged in to a PC and present itself as attached storage. In fact, it couldn't play MP3s. You had to convert them using iTunes (another stupid name). The iPOD didn't come with an FM tuner, something which most other devices had. It had an awesome scroll wheel though.

I think my disdain for Apple is actually not really Apple's fault. ****ing EVERYTHING after the iPhone launched was called i(insert name here).


redpoint5 05-05-2022 11:38 AM

Agreed, especially when other companies marketed things with a meaningless single character prefix.

Apple had groundbreaking products though. It's just that better products quickly followed that were half the cost and capable of twice as much.

I still have to email photos to myself from my iPhone 10. I think I can connect my phone to my PC via USB and access some of the content... on my Android phone I could simply send via bluetooth.

freebeard 05-05-2022 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by redpoint5
Unlike all other MP3 players, the iPOD couldn't just be plugged in to a PC and present itself as attached storage.

Which reminds me -- I bought a $25 second-hand iPod Touch and then when I realized I needed to jailbreak it, I just threw it in a drawer. It might be worth doing:

There are seven or more ways.

Isaac Zachary 05-05-2022 03:38 PM

Laptop from 2006. Works ok with Windows 10 and not so ok with Windows 11. I am trying Linux Mint currently with limited success. I may go back to Windows 10 on it.

Desktop from 2011. It's running Windows 10 without a problem.

Surface Tablet from Microsoft Store bought in December of 2019 (little over two years ago). I'm not happy as I have had to buy another type cover, which is also giving me problems and this thing is the slowest computer I have right now. Plus it is not available for the free Windows 11 upgrade (none of my computers are). But this one was sold to me directly from Microsoft less than two years before the Windows 11 release which makes it kind of frustrating. The ancient laptop seems to be better than this thing in terms of usability.

freebeard 05-05-2022 04:56 PM


Works ok with Windows 10 and not so ok with Windows 11.
I can't find the cite, but somebody, Hacker News or Slashdot, posted a story that Windows 11 does not offer any advantage over 10.

redpoint5 05-05-2022 05:29 PM

Win11 falls right in line with the mostly historic trend of a good Windows OS followed by a stinker, going all the way back to Win98.

Win98 - Good
WinME - Bad
WinXP - Good
Vista - Bad
Win7 - Good
Win8 - Bad
Win10 - Good
Win11 - ?

Of course, I left out the few examples that break this trend.

Isaac Zachary 05-05-2022 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by freebeard (Post 667531)
I can't find the cite, but somebody, Hacker News or Slashdot, posted a story that Windows 11 does not offer any advantage over 10.

On a computer from 2006 in 2022, no advantage.

IMO, the advantages are:
  1. In october of 2025 Windows 10 will no longer be supported. So if you want security updates on Windows or your apps need an updated version of Windows in order to run properly then at some point by then you'll need Windows 11.
  2. For gamers Windows 11 allows (or will allow) for direct storage access, or something like that. From what I understand, since storage drives are getting to the point that they're nearly as fast as RAM some apps could be faster if they could access date directy from your storage drive(s) instead of first loading it first into RAM.
  3. Ascetics, if you're into that kind of thing

What bugs me is when I buy my very first brand new product directly from Microsoft and a year and a half later, while I'm still making payments on it, I get this red circle with an X in the updater stating this computer can't be upgraded to the latest version of Windows. It's not that I need the latest version of Windows. But it's like they're trying to tell me that even with a product I haven't even finished paying for that I now need a new one because they want me to have Windows 11, but their own one and a half year-old computer they sold me isn't supported. What a sales pitch! "We just sold you a product, but you need to buy a new one now because we said so."

I've been dabbling in getting Linux to work for me and abandon Microsoft as much as possible, but so far it's not working out. So alas! Some day I'll have to buy another computer, or hack Windows 11 into the ones I have and hope it keeps working.

redpoint5 05-05-2022 05:44 PM

I'll skip to Win12 after support ends.

OEM Windows versions are different licenses and are heavily discounted. As such, they may carry different upgrade eligibility.

The laptop I purchased 2 years ago with Win10 is eligible to be upgraded to Win11. Of course, I wasn't born yesterday.

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