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ecoboy 10-13-2015 09:05 PM

RE: Interest in FWD Enclosed Reverse Trike Build?
Is anyone else interested in building an enclosed FWD Reverse Trike?

Goal: To be able to ride year round even in winter and get 80+ MPG

Build would be powdered by a small Suzuki 3 cylinder or possible 2 cylinder diesel or electric with side by side seating not the tandem design like the Elio.

Design considerations weight less than 1,200 lbs, would like aluminum chasis, and extremely aerodynamic.

It would be in 3 parts.

1. Drive / power train gas, electric, diesel (fully modular and switchable)
2. Cabin where passengers sit
3. Tail section (streamliner, flat bed, extra passengers, cargo van etc...)

Lastly it would be classified as a motorcycle.

I think that is enough to get the ball rolling.

Frank Lee 10-13-2015 09:09 PM

Can't speak for all but I'd think nearly everyone here would want such a thing.

ecoboy 10-13-2015 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Frank Lee (Post 496462)
Can't speak for all but I'd think nearly everyone here would want such a thing.

Let's see what others got to say. No reason why we could not do it. I know from the post I have read that enough skills sets exist on this site to make this happen. If we wait for big auto to do it, we will be waiting a long time.

Frank Lee 10-13-2015 09:51 PM

Old Mech's trike should be nice when he finishes it, even though it isn't fwd.

Somebody was making a CRX tadpole but since we never got any progress reports I suspect it didn't progress. :/

Grant-53 10-13-2015 11:27 PM

I have other projects on tap but I can spare some honeycomb aluminum panels if you are interested.

ecoboy 10-14-2015 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Grant-53 (Post 496472)
I have other projects on tap but I can spare some honeycomb aluminum panels if you are interested.

Thanks I appreciate that when I get to the fab stage I will be contacting you for the panels. Right now I got to put a team together as there is no way anyone person can do a project like this on their own.

Starting off I need a good Solidworks / CAD designer.

This is to be a open source project that can be modified by others. My goal is to actually have others use the information, copy it, and build lightweight efficient vehicles.

ecoboy 10-14-2015 09:33 AM

Also, if this already has been built or is in kit form I'd be very interested in it.

user removed 10-14-2015 09:46 AM

I took a vacation from this one, needed to solve a rear wheel-tire issue, which has been resolved. We'll see how my determination holds up.


ecoboy 10-14-2015 11:57 AM

RE: Keep up the good work

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic (Post 496499)

I took a vacation from this one, needed to solve a rear wheel-tire issue, which has been resolved. We'll see how my determination holds up.


Wow! Just got reading through your build thread and it is epic! I really got to hand it to you as all those compound curves can be very challenging.

I found this thread with some interesting designs.

One thing I learned from Old Mechanic's thread is that I want to make a few models out of clay or wood before I get into the fabrication stuff. Seems easier than spending several hours on CAD design anyhow.

Like Old Mechanic comfort is a priority, I got to have leg room for my long legs. I might even go to the junk yard and get a Jeep Cherokee fully electric adjustable seat. I really want to avoid having to crawl into the thing.

Does anyone have a formula or rule of thumb for height and areodynamics? I know lower is better, but like I said I don't want to crawl into it.

aerohead 10-14-2015 06:08 PM

big auto

Originally Posted by ecoboy (Post 496463)
Let's see what others got to say. No reason why we could not do it. I know from the post I have read that enough skills sets exist on this site to make this happen. If we wait for big auto to do it, we will be waiting a long time.

GM,Ford,and VW tried already.Nobody was interested.There's no market large enough to justify the shareholder capital necessary to bring such a thing to mass production, economies of scale,unit profits.

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