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suspectnumber961 09-26-2012 07:20 AM

Realworld highway mpgs for 2012 Focus/Elantra....
Mileage Moment of Truth - We Put 40 Mpg Claims to the Test - Popular Mechanics

At 55 mph...both cars got over 47 mpg.

MetroMPG 09-26-2012 10:04 AM

See also:

Post#60 in that thread shows a comparison including those 2 cars as well.

niky 09-26-2012 11:27 AM

But if the EPA says 40, they MUST do 40 at 80 mph! This is unacceptable! We'll see you in court!

Fat Charlie 09-26-2012 01:54 PM

What's cute is I just saw a banner ad here:

We May Be Able To Help

I had to laugh- is anyone here capable of only getting EPA?

bestclimb 09-26-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Charlie (Post 330305)
I had to laugh- is anyone here capable of only getting EPA?

I was for a couple days. throwing a code (bad engine temp signal). So a CEL no Closed loop. Was commuting to town for a class, and due to child care schedule had to do the fast lane at rush hour for 45 min. Then 15 min of stop and go in town. I only got highway EPA.

Fat Charlie 09-26-2012 02:37 PM

Lawyer up, man. It's payday!

redpoint5 09-26-2012 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by bestclimb (Post 330309)
I was for a couple days. throwing a code (bad engine temp signal). So a CEL no Closed loop. Was commuting to town for a class, and due to child care schedule had to do the fast lane at rush hour for 45 min. Then 15 min of stop and go in town. I only got highway EPA.

So, it took you in rush hour, in the fast lane, in open loop mode to do as heinously poor as the EPA?

Just shows how awful the average driver is when they complain of not achieving EPA figures. The EPA even simulates using the brakes and accelerating for their highway figures.

Sadly, many people use their brakes on the highway.

niky 09-26-2012 10:01 PM

Judging by all the intermittent and constant brake lights, most people apparently think the brake pedal is a secondary accelerator.

Or possibly the "hold this down to stay in cruise control" switch.

bestclimb 09-26-2012 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by redpoint5 (Post 330368)
So, it took you in rush hour, in the fast lane, in open loop mode to do as heinously poor as the EPA?

Just shows how awful the average driver is when they complain of not achieving EPA figures. The EPA even simulates using the brakes and accelerating for their highway figures.

Sadly, many people use their brakes on the highway.

sorta...I was still over EPA by 1MPG

redpoint5 09-26-2012 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by niky (Post 330389)
Judging by all the intermittent and constant brake lights, most people apparently think the brake pedal is a secondary accelerator.

I understand what you are saying, but for the sake of having a nerd moment, I'll point out that all changes in velocity are considered acceleration. The application of the brake pedal can accelerate you away from an approaching vehicle, for example. Weird to think of it that way when we are used to thinking in terms of the fictional word "deceleration", as if it goes against acceleration. Both pedals are technically "accelerator" pedals, but I don't recommend using the term when you want to warn a driver about an impending collision. Having this discussion with people will also have them thinking "this guy is clearly an idiot".

Don't even get me started on how there is no such thing as dark, or cold...

and back to the OP, the MPG figures for both cars is impressive. :thumbup: I'm considering a used Elantra to replace my Mom's Camry. Does anyone else have suggestions for a Camry replacement?

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