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NeilBlanchard 11-08-2012 06:29 AM

"Repaired" ECU drops 8-9 MPG
I had a coolant leak from the water pump and during the repair, the dealer noticed that the ECU was slightly out of spec. I was not clear at the time, but I think they made a "repair" by adding a resistor in parallel in the ECU (rather than replace it - which would have cost me ~$1,000!) - and now my FE has dropped from ~45mpg down to ~38mpg. :confused:

I have not seen mileage that low in 4+ years. I'm going to confirm that they did this, and ask if it can be reversed.

It is basically negating all my ecomods... :(

Quezacotl 11-08-2012 08:18 AM

What you mean out of spec? Now it's using more gas so it will pass the mot test?
Or they made some other mistake, not related to ECU. Same as when i disassembe/assembe some device, sometimes i have an extra scre lying around :D

I first read you got increase in FE :D I'm going to try that increase by replacing current ECU with Megasquirt in my car in next year :)

NeilBlanchard 11-08-2012 10:05 AM

The spec they wanted to fix had to do with a temperature threshold being a degree or so off. It was fine (other than a leaking water pump).

Daox 11-08-2012 10:10 AM

It doesn't appear that you've run through a tank yet. It might just be that your SG calibration is off.

ksa8907 11-08-2012 11:09 AM

if they did anything to the ecu, it will need to relearn your driving habits before you see optimum FE.

Tygen1 11-08-2012 12:34 PM

Sometimes they will "flash" the ECU to the newest calibrations without telling you. Typically the newest calibrations decrease mpg in an effort to fix all of the "problems".

Cobb 11-08-2012 01:19 PM

Is this a Scion? Its my experience if you change anything to disconnect the battery for 15 minutes, then connect, start it and leave it idling for a half hour so it relearns everything.

Sounds kind of odd a national car dealer would go through the trouble to add a resistor vs just replace the whole ecu. :eek:

NeilBlanchard 11-08-2012 07:17 PM

The new ECU would have cost me ~$1,000, so no thanks. I'll keep you posted.

Frank Lee 11-08-2012 07:23 PM

My first thought was, perhaps a sensor didn't get hooked up again and it's never going into closed loop... don't know what they did though.

user removed 11-08-2012 07:25 PM

What symptoms were present with the "slightly out of spec computer". If there was no check engine light or codes present, I think it is crap, frankly.
What was the justification for the "repair".
Federal emissions law requires them to replace a defective ECU for 8 years and 80k miles.

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