Wondering whether or not raising the rear of your bonnet/ hood could decrease or perhaps increase drag ?
A few people that i know of have raised the rear of the hood to stop the airflow hitting their wipers and pushing them up the windscreen ( on crx's at higher speeds ) perhaps reducing the drag wipers create too ?
( While im on the topic - when it rains, i get LOADS of water sat below the wipers / base of windscreen just sat there spinning around in turbulance )
Also quite a few people do it to lower under hood temps... It definately lowers the temps on the crx.
Then some people do it for the cool look ( Right, now I understand people doing this mod for cooling reasons, but I've never heard of anybody actually doing it because they're 'loving the look' of body panels that don't align properly... what's next? Misaligning the doors?

Any opinions ?
aerodynamically speaking, from what i can see :
+ Its making a better transition of airflow from the hood to windshield
+ Its making the airflow flow over the wipers rather than into them.
- making larger gaps at the side of the hood ( could be easily rectified )
Also perhaps promoting a little more flow through the back of the engine bay , making less air pressure inside the engine bay. Whether that is good or bad may vary on application.
Also lower engine bay temps, which could be good or bad depending on application. ( Perhaps slower warm up time, but maybe also could get away with a bigger grill/rad block ? )
Ok his wipers ( looks like he has only got one blade in ? )are already part of the way up his windscreen to start with lol, but you get the idea.