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Arminius 03-31-2008 02:16 AM

Smart Car MPG in the City
One of the guys I work with bought a Smart Car (the Passion model) a few weeks ago. He has filled up 3 times and gotten 46, 42 and 38 mpg. The last tank was used during a time when we had a lot of snow. He does about 80% city driving, I would guess. He also doesn't utilize any techniques to increase FE, beyond simply driving the speed limit. I'll post his future mpg if anyone is interested.

cfg83 03-31-2008 04:11 AM

Arminius -


Originally Posted by Arminius (Post 17069)
One of the guys I work with bought a Smart Car (the Passion model) a few weeks ago. He has filled up 3 times and gotten 46, 42 and 38 mpg. The last tank was used during a time when we had a lot of snow. He does about 80% city driving, I would guess. He also doesn't utilize any techniques to increase FE, beyond simply driving the speed limit. I'll post his future mpg if anyone is interested.

I'm interested, especially because he isn't *trying* to get good MPG. I would love to see his "typical" MPG in high-summer. Would he be willing to participate in this? :

Welcome to Your MPG!

Oooooooooh, look at what I just found :

2008 smart fortwo coupe


Arminius 03-31-2008 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by cfg83 (Post 17075)
Arminius -

I'm interested, especially because he isn't *trying* to get good MPG. I would love to see his "typical" MPG in high-summer. Would he be willing to participate in this? :

I'll ask.


Oooooooooh, look at what I just found :

2008 smart fortwo coupe
Yeah, he's aware of that.

Arminius 04-02-2008 04:37 AM

Ok, my friend's most recent mpg was 38. I believe this mostly city driving, and he does things like taking his lunch break in his car while running the engine to say warm. :(

He said that he previously had much more highway mileage that I indicated, which would account for the higher mileage I mentioned earlier.

I almost got him to post here yesterday, but we got interrupted and I lost his attention. Perhaps I can get him to post here if I say that he wears a dress and hates the Cowboys and loves the Packers. :o If not, we'll have to assume I'm telling the truth, won't we?:thumbup:

mpgvalues 04-07-2008 07:37 PM

That's much better then I had originally read. Actually, that's pretty good for the money. I'd love to have a car like the Smart to drive back and forth to work but it's small size frightens me. But hey, safer then a motorcyle.

cfg83 04-07-2008 07:54 PM

mpgvalues -


Originally Posted by mpgvalues (Post 18357)
That's much better then I had originally read. Actually, that's pretty good for the money. I'd love to have a car like the Smart to drive back and forth to work but it's small size frightens me. But hey, safer then a motorcyle.

I think that is the most important way to look at it. The Smart is "something between" a car and a motorcycle. Comparing it directly to a car doesn't make sense. When I drove my motorcycle, I was trading safety for convenience (parking, zipping between logjams of cars).


Arminius 04-07-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by mpgvalues (Post 18357)
That's much better then I had originally read. Actually, that's pretty good for the money. I'd love to have a car like the Smart to drive back and forth to work but it's small size frightens me. But hey, safer then a motorcyle.

Side impact got 5 stars. It's definitely safer than a motorcycle. Plus, you'll be able to convert it to EV when the engine dies.

H4MM3R 04-07-2008 10:26 PM

Please ask how it handles in the snow.


Arminius 04-07-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by H4MM3R (Post 18374)
Please ask how it handles in the snow.


Sorry, I forgot to mention that. He said that it was quite a bit better than a Ford Focus, which he used to own, which is front wheel drive. I also once spoke to a Canadian who said the same thing.

The Smart, as you probably know, is rear wheel drive.

Btw, he said he plans to post here. He (SmartCar123) has posted here in another thread once already.

Peakster 04-08-2008 12:35 AM

Yikes... I'm not sure if I like the looks of the USA smart car compared to the Canadian models :confused:. Why do things made for the USA have to look so aggressive?

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