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NeilBlanchard 05-24-2011 05:03 AM

The Story of Stuff
Completely on point -- if you watch only one film (<22 minutes) please watch this one.


Annie Leonard is my hero.

cleanspeed1 05-24-2011 08:17 AM

Thanks for sharing that. I know in my field ( trucking ) that nothing has changed since 1955 or so. Pull the body off a new truck and one from back then, and aside of the electronics, they are exactly the same. Used to be that you just kept rebuilding the truck and kept it for 20+ years, now at 500-650k you go get a new one, even though the engines and drivelines can go well over a million.

It's funny that the car that went 376 mpg that Shell built was based on a 1959 Opel wagon with no electronics.

Guess it proves we haven't progressed as far as we thought we have.

Arragonis 05-24-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard (Post 240481)
Completely on point...

I'm staying well away from this one. :turtle:

Phantom 05-24-2011 10:23 AM

Thanks for sharing this video I watched it some time ago and forgot all about it.

NeilBlanchard 05-24-2011 12:36 PM

Also downloadable here:

The Story of Stuff

Story of Electronics:


NeilBlanchard 05-24-2011 07:53 PM

Some more films from Story of Stuff; The Story of Bottled Water:


The Story of Cosmetics:


In a slightly different vein; The Story of Citizens United v FEC:


gone-ot 05-24-2011 08:52 PM

... my story of COMPUTERS:

First, man counted on his fingers.

Then, he counted by making marks on sticks.

Then, he counted by making marks on paper.

Then, he counted by making gears that counted.

Then, he counted by making lights stand for numbers.

Then, he counted by making symbols stand for numbers.

Then, he counted by making ONEs and NAUGHTS (ZEROS) stand for numbers.

Then, he counted by making electrons stand for numbers.

Finally, he became too lazy and let the COMPUTERS do his counting for him.

Thymeclock 05-24-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Arragonis (Post 240520)
I'm staying well away from this one. :turtle:

Me, too.

In America, in addition to our Left-leaning commercial media we also have government funded versions such as PBS (the Propaganda Broadcast Service) and NPR (National Propaganda Radio).

This is a new start-up: it's the Neil Propaganda Network. Now all it needs is an amen chorus of vocal devotees and some heavy funding through a government grant or subsidy. :rolleyes:

Buy these books... watch these videos... become an activist...

gone-ot 05-24-2011 10:01 PM

...sorta like Oprah's "Book Club"? only for everything else in our lives?

jamesqf 05-24-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Thymeclock (Post 240644)
In America, in addition to our Left-leaning commercial media...

Oh? Like Fox and the WSJ?


Buy these books... watch these videos... become an activist...
I wouldn't mind that so much. What really burns me is the implication that I'm an illiterate who needs stuff spoon-fed to me in a video (which would take me about 3-4X longer to watch than to read the same information content) 'cause I'm too effing dumb to read.

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