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RandomFact314 08-07-2009 05:57 PM

Thats how much I spend on gas!
So I see that cigarettes cost about as much as a gallon of gas.I have never smoked, if I did smoke every time I got a pack I would be thinking about how I could be getting 31 miles worth of gas.

My question here is:
Do you smoke? Do you feel it in your pocket being a hypermiler?

Have you ever thought about buying something you just want but then realize how much gas you could be getting with it and then put it down, or how it cost as much as those full moon hub caps or those lrr tires you wanted so bad and change your mind about the purchase?

I don't have any money (since I don't have a job) so I don't really spend my money on anything besides food *sigh* Taco Bell all the time kills me :p

NiHaoMike 08-07-2009 06:48 PM

I'm an environmentalist. And environmentalists don't smoke.

RandomFact314 08-07-2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by NiHaoMike (Post 120108)
I'm an environmentalist. And environmentalists don't smoke.

Yeah I just think smoking is retarded that's why I don't do it. The only "plus" to smoking is the "buzz" and making you "calm" but other than that there are like 500 reasons why its stupid..

wagonman76 08-10-2009 01:12 PM

I don't smoke, never have or never will. My folks smoked when I was growing up and the experience of living in that nastyness made me never even want to try it myself, regardless of cost. Guess in a way I can thank my folks for that.

But I could have sworn that a pack of cigarettes is a heck of a lot more than a gallon of gas, at least around here. So I asked one of the smokers here, and he said with tax they are over $5 a pack.

One way I look at the savings of hypermiling is this. Even getting 35 mpg to work and back, is the equivalent of being able to drive back and forth to work for 2 1/2 MONTHS without buying gas. I'll take that savings, even if my car looks a little corny and it takes me around 5 minutes more each way.

RandomFact314 08-10-2009 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by wagonman76 (Post 120627)
I don't smoke, never have or never will. My folks smoked when I was growing up and the experience of living in that nastyness made me never even want to try it myself, regardless of cost. Guess in a way I can thank my folks for that.

SAME EXACT situation with me... I could literally wipe a wet cloth over the ceiling and it would turn like 5 shades more white from all the smoke. There was smoke holes burnt in all the blankets and couches, stuff like this... I will never smoke. My g/f was a smoker but stopped when she started dating me b/c I hated it so we are good :D

ALS 08-10-2009 03:45 PM

Don't smoke and don't drink because I'm not paying these idiots any more taxes than I have to. Now that I have a 2010 Prius I will cut my fuel taxes to just 40% of what I paid before. :thumbup:

Eddles 08-10-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by RandomFact314 (Post 120093)
So I see that cigarettes cost about as much as a gallon of gas.I have never smoked, if I did smoke every time I got a pack I would be thinking about how I could be getting 31 miles worth of gas.

I can better that. I do a 140 mile daily commute, and petrol/diesel costs 99.9p a litre (cheapest possible petrol in the whole of the UK, national average is 102.9p a litre), which converts to £3.79 per US gallon, which is USD$6.25 a gallon. How many miles can I go in your car with $6.25 worth of fuel?

greasemonkee 08-10-2009 06:38 PM

A step further:

self sabotage via sugary soft drink vs. water. Late 1800's - 5 lbs sugar consumption/year. 2003 - 143 lbs sugar consumption/year.

self sabotage via cell phone usage vs land line. Cell phone owners increase approx 24 percent each year over the past five years. Average usage per day - 30 min

We'll always pay money to kill ourselves

alohaspirit 08-11-2009 12:46 AM

I dont smoke either

I drink alcohol sparingly because it interferes with my workouts

I cut soda to 1-2 cans a week

After that, its all water and skim milk

Oh and my cell phone is 6 yrs old (monophonic, no internet/camera/bluetooth)

vtec-e 08-11-2009 03:45 AM

Never smoked. It's disgusting.
I do drink a little but only a few at home with a movie after the kids have gone to bed.
I'll be getting a bike soon so i'll more than likely cut back on what little beer i drink.
After that i buy very few luxuries.


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