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SuperTrooper 10-05-2008 04:41 PM

Why We Have No Wind or Solar Power
A funny Mother Goose & Grimm in the sunday funnies.

:D :D :D :thumbup:

conradpdx 10-05-2008 09:24 PM

Don't worry...I'm sure they're working somewhere to either claim some sort of ownership to the wind and sun...or inventing twisted schemes beyond our comprehension tocontroll them. I can picture a giant Exxon tarp in orbit.

Concrete 10-06-2008 12:26 AM

like the cartoon
but you have to admit - oil companies are addicted to even more than we are
they have very few alternatives and their bread and butter is sure to run out
some of them are learning to ecomod - but addicts are hard to change
the status quo rules in all of our lives - we need stress to get us out of the rut

oil companies & alternative energy venture capital
describes some baby steps in big oil ecomodding
not even enough money to convince everyone they are for real yet
and Exxon is still in complete denial - a true addict indeed :rolleyes:

no mention yet for venture capital to blot out the sky ;)

NeilBlanchard 10-06-2008 04:32 AM

Thank you for posting this -- my 11 year old son saw this in the paper, and showed it to me. He gets it.

Blister 10-06-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by conradpdx (Post 65426)
Don't worry...I'm sure they're working somewhere to either claim some sort of ownership to the wind and sun...or inventing twisted schemes beyond our comprehension tocontroll them. I can picture a giant Exxon tarp in orbit.

It's illegal to catch rainwater that falls on your own roof in certain parts of CO. The idea may not be as far out or as far away as we think. The level of greed these people possess is amazing.

jamesqf 10-06-2008 02:08 PM

We have no wind power? Then what on earth are all those wierd-looking propellor dohickies doing on Altamont Pass?

some_other_dave 10-06-2008 04:38 PM

1-- it's a cartoon, not (quite) a serious commentary.
2-- compared to the other forms of energy mentioned, we have such a small amount of wind and solar that they might as well be nonexistent.

Hyperbole == exaggerating to make a point, or to make a joke.


getnpsi 10-06-2008 05:01 PM

They will eat up all the patents on the bearings, or the lubrication of them. Then they will eat up anything having to do with floating magnets. Anytime someone has a bright idea they get bought or disappear.

The exxon tarp, i was thinking that and read your post.

metromizer 10-06-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by jamesqf (Post 65558)
those wierd-looking propellor dohickies doing on Altamont Pass?

I knew a couple guys who worked on those about 22yrs ago

In the 1980's, the tax breaks were huge for constructing those windmills on the Altmont Pass. Several who's who in American business formed partnerships to comission building may of them and reap the tax advantages. But here's the travesty, the produced electricty couldn't get onto the grid! PG&E paid theses partnerships for eletricity produced, even though that power did absolutely nothing but turn a meter, so the utility knew who big a check to write that month. The rational was it was more cost effective to just payt he windmill owners, than to build the required sub-station required to get the electricity onto the grid, where it could do some good.

jamesqf 10-06-2008 11:08 PM

That was then... I drove through there regularly for the last couple of years, and it seemed like there was always construction going on, with new & larger towers going up. Likewise there seem to be other wind farms going up all over the place.

I know it's a cartoon, and it's supposed to be funny, but if you actually know anything about the technology (instead of just buying into the modern myth that it's all a conspiracy by "Big Oil"), it's not.

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