I decided to post this outside of the "New Bug .38 CD why?" thread because I felt it would be bending the thread a tad too much and warrants a discussion of it's own.
Here's what I've got.
I had another epiphanic moment a few mornings back when I woke up and 2 & 2 came together a bit more for me.
Here are my thoughts:
1st- Attached flow: This was my first thought on what is needed in order to have a fuel efficient / Low Cd car. As long as flow remains attached.....Bada Bing...yer Drivin for dollars.
2nd- The Ideal aero template has been held up as the shape for which when we deviate from it, flow is not likely to remain attached, and you'll loose Cd.
3rd- These first 2 things have not added up for me for 5 months now, because I have seen in numerous real life examples that a shape can be drastically "Under" the ideal aero shape and still have attached flow.
My thought was that the air had a propensity to follow a surface which has a smooth transition beyond the Ideal Aero Template because the shape helped it to cling. In studying the Flow Illustrator movies I made of the Beetle, I noticed that as I added roof spoiler length, the air that spilled off the back of the spoiler really dropped sharply to "Fill the Void" behind the car, essentially matching the shape of the rear end of the Beetle. Huh. I thought the air wanted to follow the ideal aero template…all else being equal. This did not add up.
So here is what I’ve come to understand.
Air will follow this shape.
I know….This is tantamount to blasphemy saying flow will remain attached to this shape, but how else do we explain flow remaining attached to the back of a Beetle? This is what I call a Beetle Drop shape.
Here is a flow illustrator I made of it.
This is not saying this shape is efficient, because it certainly isn’t. The air dropping down so quickly behind this Beetle Drop shape is travelling relatively fast, and therefore creating a substantial low pressure area, which I have been calling dynamic drag.
Here is an old idea on an aerodynamic truck cap.
Here is the Beetle with a roof spoiler.
So why is the “Ideal” aero shape so efficient? I think it is because the air still wants to “fill the void” and drop down sharply, but because the shape is still there, it forms a higher pressure on the back side of the shape, thereby reducing the low pressure on the back of the vehicle, in a sense pushing the vehicle instead of pulling it. So it stands to reason that the longer the shape the better the effect.
Here’s a basic illustration of what I’m trying to say.
There are a bunch of shapes I wanted to look at in flow illustrator but the site is all jammed up right now.
I know this is a bit simplistic, but it helps me makes sense of things. It explains all the reasons why the aerodynamic principles we discuss on this site fit in with what we see in the real world.
Basically what my whole point to this is:
The ideal shape takes advantage of airs propensity to want to drop in quickly behind the shape passing through it, by forming a higher pressure area on the back side of the shape.
If the template were shorter, the air would form a lower pressure behind it, if longer, skin drag starts to grow quicker than the shape advantage.