Went ahead and built my mirror boattail sill thingies
two days ago (was too busy to post until tonight).
Made a template out of cardboard:
Traced and cut it out of the clear plastic and mounted with...any guesses?...painters tape and duct tape.
And as you can see, visibility out the mirrors isn't compromised at all:
Not the best looking mod, I'll agree. It would've looked better if I had used duct tape covered cardboard to more closely match the car, but I wanted to use clear plastic so visibility out the mirrors wasn't diminished.
Yesterday and today on my drives I set new best indicated day MPGs, 62.9 yesterday and 62.5 today, with trip records of 64.9 yesterday and 66.0 today. With the O2 sensor issue 66.0 MPG translates to 55.4 actual MPG.
Mirror boattailing is working for me! No
actual tests yet but between that and the tail extension my coasting ability is
significantly increased, and there is noticeable noise reduction around the mirrors. I would love to see some of you test it out and see what results you come up with!
Hoping to get my new O2 sensor installed tomorrow afternoon so I can test the tail extension and mirror sill boattail thingies. Guessing the tail extension and mirror sill boattail thingies (we need an official name for them

) are worth around 1 mpg each or so.
Next step: finish my second attempt at wheel skirts and wheel spats.