Hi, new here

I brought up the idea of measuring the longitudal force between tires and road in the
Introduction Forum, but I think the topic belongs here.
Basically I think it is possible to measure the propulsion force by measuring a suitable force vector in one of the engine mounts, as long as the two forces are proportional.
My Corolla has two engine mounts in a "left-right" axis and there is no way they can counteract any portion of the driveshaft torque, they seem really soft in the twisting direction.
The other two engine mounts are sitting on the "fore-aft" beam under the engine/gearbox (is there a name for the "package"?) and they are separated by, what, 0.6m?
So the engine/gearbox "sees" the torque from the drive shafts, twists around the left-right mounts and gets the counter torque from the other two mounts. It seems feasible to stick a load cell in there to get a signal that is linear with driveshaft torque.
Anyone done this or something similar?
The reason to do this is to get quantifiable and more time-efficient evaluation of mods regarding rolling resistance and aero drag.