Alright, well it's time to dive in. I just ordered the Freeduino serial (on sale for $14.50
- I think there's only 5 left at that price now). I've got a 20x4 non-backlit LCD w/ the same base chipset so that should be enough for testing for now. I should have most of the additional parts needed for the buttons, etc. in my parts bin, though I'm not sure if I've got zeners. Rat shack is right around the corner though.
So now while its on its way, what information do I need to find out about my car? I've got an '05 Subaru Impreza, and I should be able to get the dirty details out on (huge Subaru/Impreza internet forum). Just need to know what questions to ask. What details do I need to find out about my injectors, and pinouts on the ECU? I've got the factory service manual for my car, so pinouts should be fairly easy to look up.
Oh, and if anyone else has an Impreza, lemme know and I'll be glad to share my findings.