Hoarded Gasoline Causes Apartment Building Fire

by Benjamin Jones on June 8, 2008


Time to put on your oopsies hat, folks. Recently a couple from Dartmouth, Mass. Accidentally set their apartment building on fire by storing gasoline in plastic jugs in the same closet as an air conditioning system.

Oops. Seriously. They were holding about 45 gallons of gasoline in there, hoping that they could wait out high summer gas prices. Of course, that wasn’t a good idea. Much like selling cigarettes by a gas station.

Many people may have similar experiences with trying to buy propane at a low price, or really any other commodity that changes price daily. However, please don’t let the desire to be a savvy buyer kill you or burn your neighbor’s place down!

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Image: wickedchimp

Source: CBC

Popularity: 4% [?]


1 James June 8, 2008 at 3:35 pm

ooops indeed. 45 gallons of gasoline in a closet!? Obviously this is going to cost them much more than they would have saved by hording. Use your heads people.

2 BBsGarage June 10, 2008 at 4:49 am

Never underestimate how dumb people will be.

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