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Old 04-24-2009, 12:03 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SixSpeed View Post
. . . If I'm missing something somewhere, try and keep it to a college level conversation.

This data is from the earlier 2001-03 Prius, the vehicle I drive. So I typically cruise at 65 mph and get 52 MPG all day long. I can push it up to 70 mph and get 49 MPG.

The more recent Prius, 2004-2009, gets even better high speed performance:

These are stock, off-the-shelf, prius, a good place to start.

So let's see how the EPA, Fuel Economy, rates the best diesel against the best hybrid:
Jetta TDI - 6.2 tons of CO[2] per year, 11.6 barrels of petroleum, pollution score: 6 (lower ranking)
Prius - 4.0 tons of CO[2] per year, 7.4 barrels, pollution score: 9.5 (best)
Apparently the EPA engineers and scientists continue to find the Prius uses less petroleum and has far better emissions than a diesel. That doesn't mean each can't be improved, one of the reasons folks come here.

Nickel is used to make stainless steel, used for our pots and pans as well as our knives, forks and spoons. Yet apparently some hybrid skeptics claim nickel is terribly, horribly toxic:

I've been in a Prius traction battery and find it a fascinating part.

Understand that I enjoy people who make false claims about the Prius and follow it up by exposing their angst and blind, mindless disapproval of the hybrid owners, ". . . one group of people I can't stand, it's the want-to-be-hippies driving their Prius . . ."

As my college professor once said, "Ignorance can be cured but stupid is forever."

So maybe, just maybe, can we keep our personal opinions to ourselves and NOT trot them out to be answered in kind?

Bob Wilson
2019 Tesla Model 3 Std. Range Plus - 215 mi EV
2017 BMW i3-REx - 106 mi EV, 88 mi mid-grade
Retired engineer, Huntsville, AL

Last edited by bwilson4web; 04-24-2009 at 12:34 AM..
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