3 observations
1) Owning an electric car powered by "guilt free" renewable energy makes you lazy. It sometimes removes a disincentive to, say, riding your bike instead.
OK, OK, it makes ME lazy.
The last time I realized a motor vehicle (250cc motorcycle) was competing with my bicycle, I sold it. Are the ForkenSwift's days numbered???
2) It's hot here today - 29 C. Normally I don't charge the car in peak hours, but I am today, because the pack is really low and I didn't want it to sit, depleted, in hot weather.
I saw the charger enter "thermal shutdown". So I plugged in a fan to blow on it, and that made it happier. It's so smart that when it cools down, it starts working again, automatically. When I stop working, I'm much harder than that to get working again.
3) While looking at the charger, I realized it's capable of accepting 220v input. I wonder if its output or efficiency increases on 220v...