Oh, it rained pretty good yesterday afternoon. And overnight.
But today's weather was PERFECT for the fuel economy run. The organizer missed seeing your car - he specifically mentioned it. Sounds like he was a sports car racer back in the day.
Pics... Ben & Will had fancy cameras (I forgot my amazing 2 MP unit at home) so they'll probably be posting some.
For me the most interesting vehicle was a solar car built by a high school - 48v pack, Alltrax controller. They even participated in the fuel economy run, but had to drop out (burned out a wheel bearing). They could have done the whole 77 mile loop at 45 mph (on the flats - slower up, faster downhill) on sunshine and a 4.8 kW battery pack. (Compare to the ForkenSwift with a 10 kW pack, similar performance, no solar panels, and a 20 mile range).
For other people, the most interesting car was probably the home made, wood bodied, streamlined diesel powered trike which is an automotive X-Prize entry. They managed 89.5 mpg on the circuit today.