Right but my point is still that the modification the engine in the case of an MC would be an emissions improvement over what the MC used to be.
As I originally stated its a toss up. IF we were talking swapping car engines you'd probably not get by with it(if emissions were worse), but since your trading classifications it doesn't really resemble either, because no Honda I've ever seen has 3 wheels(playing Devil's advocate for for the inspector) and no motorcycle has a car chassis(Aptera and a few others excluded). I think your originaly note denotes a spcns vehicle? If it does not resemble the original its spcns? If thats the case it can't be done in CA. If thats describing something else it needs more clarification before discussion can advance. I think the next quote puts us in inbetween turf though. The one stating SPCNs does not entail vehicles that have been modified. . .Its really hard to say. I'm still banking you could pull it off with out-of-state paperwork, to get your instate, take it to your BAR station and have them check it out and get some kind of stamp or notice in case you get pulled over.
But to answer the emissions questions yes the mc engines passed inspection by having an active emissions system(water injection and temporary lean burn). The MC engines were NC and a little trickery was used to get through inspection^^^, but they got stamped with the car model year and the engines were re-stamped as car engines(after which they were custom kit cars and got a selected model year).