Electric Frenzy -
Here is the latest I can find, but I don't think it has the details you want,

U.S. House members reach deal on cash for clunkers - May 5, 2009
People who drive passenger cars that get less than 18 miles per gallon (based on EPA’s combined city/highway window sticker number) would have to buy a new car getting at least 22 m.p.g. to be eligible for a voucher toward the cost of the new car.
If the new car’s mileage rating is at least 4 m.p.g. higher than the old vehicle, the buyer would get a voucher for $3,500 toward the price of the new car worth $3,500. If the new car’s mileage is at least 10 m.p.g. higher than the old vehicle, the voucher would be worth $4,500.